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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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note: currently, it is likely to be 7/4, with 6/4 at the start of D3. I hate to say this, but we're likely at MyLO (Mislynch and lose, for those who don't know) tomorrow. I would absolutely hate to see another Schoolgirl Mafia. Although, we have an easy target D3, so yeah. (That's Straw, in case you didn't pick up on that.)

Also, I'm seeing some other slip-ups going all over the place, which I will address on D3 (assuming I live until then). Although, discussing it now might be useful. Because should I die tonight, the people that I find suspicious are likely to look quite bad on my flip. hmmm, decisions

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hiddens never work =/

by the way i'm not blacklisting Snike for this since hiddens are bullshit

Edited by apocalypseArisen
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note: currently, it is likely to be 7/4, with 6/4 at the start of D3. I hate to say this, but we're likely at MyLO (Mislynch and lose, for those who don't know) tomorrow. I would absolutely hate to see another Schoolgirl Mafia. Although, we have an easy target D3, so yeah. (That's Straw, in case you didn't pick up on that.)

Also, I'm seeing some other slip-ups going all over the place, which I will address on D3 (assuming I live until then). Although, discussing it now might be useful. Because should I die tonight, the people that I find suspicious are likely to look quite bad on my flip. hmmm, decisions

To further on this statement, in case I'm NK'd,

I said earlier my hunches on scum. Straw and nano are my top 2 scumspects, because well, obvious reasons that everyone should be aware of.

Marth turned up clean, which baffles the crap out of me. I haven't stopped suspecting BBM, and still believe he's just playing the scum game better than the others. I have my hunch on Helios too, but I can't be certain about it.

Most Likely Clean

Elieson (hi)



Leaning Town



Neutral Opinion

Subieko (As I thought she was 3rd party)


Leaning Scum



Dirty Scum



Also, I fully plan on outing my target at the beginning of the next Day Phase, in order to prove my innocence as far as this silencer crap is going.

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Okay Elie, I've sent you a message. Confirm when you receive it.

In addition, Elie should reveal this message when I die, lest he is trying to hide something.

But not to say anything about the message at all.

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Don't be hurt. I've just seen you play with claims before. I actually meant to place you above Psych though. That was an accident.

And ill post in here when received.

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Do we really have to wait until tomorrow for the next phase T.T It's SOOO BORING IN HERE!

And yes Psych. I placed you in that area because of your how your character has performed so far. It really doesn't have much to do with you though.

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Eh, I feel like there's still things we could talk about, considering we haven't caught a single scum yet, or rather, haven't lynched one yet -- eyes on you, Straw. :/

Come on, give Psych a break, there's a lot of posts. So are you done yet?

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Everybody leaves their house bright and early in the moring. Except for Prims, who decides he wants to spend all day indoors, and unable to post.

Oh, and these two, who turn up dead.

Dear Elieson, you are Tohsaka Rin


You are Tohsaka Rin, successor to the Tohsaka family magic crest, and proficient user of magecraft.

You are particularly adept at Jewel magic, and using Jewels that you have infused with your magical energy you can bring people back to life from the brink of death if you reach them in time. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Healing <USER>". If user was to have killed during Night X, you will instead save their life.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Dear Strawman, you are Tohno Akiha


You are the younger sister of Tohno Shiki, as well as the head of the Tohno family.

Your Tohno blood gives you the form of the Crimson Red Vermillion, with the ability to plunder life force from your victims. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Plunder <USER>". You will use the Crimson Red Vermillion, sapping USER's life force until, in a final desperate plea for life, they give you their full Role PM.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

Day three ends at for the love of god a more reasonable hour. Say, noon 3 days from now, the 16th.

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Okay, I was roleblocked last night, and I know why Strawman is dead. Also, I tried to target Strawman as well.

Prims is clear, FMPOV. Deal w/ it. Prims, if you still have OC and want to send me a message to give to town or something, go ahead.

Have some roleblock flavour while I'm here:

You leave your house aiming to make sure nobody goes and meddles with Strawman. Unless they were out for blood. However, on your way to his abode, you're pulled aside by a dark... well, you're not entirely sure what it is, but the experience wasn't pleasant. At the end of the night it finally lets you go feeling... violated.

Also more surprises, Elie was doc. That's what he claimed to me. It was very reasonable for him to have been the doc, given the number of vigs about.

ooo, Straw was a scum!fullcop. That's interesting.

So scum hooker and silencer are still about. Great.

##Vote: Subieko

Not wasting any time.

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Okay, so I have the all clear from Prims to do the following. Also, I targeted Straw for that Prims' nightvig shot could go through unopposed. Read below.

Night 2:

This is Prims. I'm sending you this message b/c you're my strongest town read & b/c I dislike posting thoughts on nights after 0. If I die tonight this should be quoted in-thread D3 to serve as a ~Last Message~.

I'm a nightvig and I'm shooting STSS tonight. I fakeclaimed because I didn't want Haze to waste my shot & I wanted to keep RBs off me. pls SG STSS tonight in case of driver

Make Haze use lightning rod N3 to clear self

OtherPpl: SubiIsScummiest4dancingaroundherMarthsuspicions 4aslongaspossibleafterblastinghimD1-N1.Ithinkshewas hesitanttolooklikeshewaswagoning. There'salsosomeweirdshit wheresheoverjustifieshowsheisn'tattackingElieashardasshe couldbewhichisveryconfusing





I don't have a fourth scumspect bc scumhunting without a scumflip is hard and no one understands ;_________;


Post my first SMS in this thread, as well as this one.

I'm basically confirmed town. Everybody should have a SMS now that it's a new day, so I'm calling for claims to be sent to me by Helios and nano.

This will be my last chance to communicate through speech for the rest of the day, but I'll be voting.

If somebody is taking forever to send me a claim or something I'll switch my vote to them.

Anyway, lynch Subieko. Reasons in last SMS + She voted nano for being useless when scum!Strawman had been just as useless for most of the game until people started paying attention to him, with no explanation for why nano was worse.

This doesn't actually mean nano is town, but even if he isn't, there's obvious incentive to bus the clueless newbie over the guy who's been around for several games.

So yeah, fire away. This is also a reason that I want Subieko lynched, because she's just flip-flopping around things.

Also, here's some messages involving Elie:

From him, D2

I am doc

n0 idled, n1 paperblade (idled because didn't want to be dumb, paper because honestly, picked out of a hat between him and scoori)

make public or not, dont care

if you are sg and im doc, we should confirm who to target somehow, as not to overlap.

Send Elieson a message

ohai there Elie, it's Manix. I have a plan for tonight. Could you target me with your ability tonight? I'm likely to be the mafia's kill tonight, and if you really are doc, this should clear you. I'm safeguarding someone else, so your ability will affect me. If all goes to plan, we can confirm about half the game tonight. Also, do not mention any of this plan in thread, unless I die. I will say in thread that you should reveal this if I die, else you won't be seen too greatly by the town. There are major implications if you're fakeclaiming, so I really hope you are doc. It seems very possible given how many vig shots have flipped.

I think they went after him because of what happened with Clipsey, personally. It seemed the most likely thing to do.

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Wow there are a lot of vig shots in this game. Nice shot though Prims, though I think it was a pretty obvious thing to do since Straw was the biggest scumspect in the game at the time. Now we need to think about what to do next. Paper's game towards the end was a little iffy I think and he became less towny to me, so I'm gonna try and work off that for now.

#Vote Psych

You finish reading through the game yet?

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