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FEE3 - 2012


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Oh god, I HAVE to play Maiden Quest once it's released.

Oh man, it's just... so good!

Edited by Esme
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I remember watching somebody play through Maiden Quest some time ago. I found it quite hilarious. I wanna play that hack once it's released.

Edited by Richter Abend
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Xiao Emblem looks wicked cool.

Better than DoF

Hey DoF is awesome. To be fair I help out a bit on Xiao Emblem and it's pretty fucking awesome though, my second most looked forward to game, aside from Death or Glory.

yeah, dof is shit

Xiao Emblem is what FE1/2 should've been.

Disagree with first lol ALS agree with second.

I think I just died a little inside. Klok should have stuck to his other hack idea.

But that pic of Arch menacingly floating over earth was funny.

Thank you for your opinion Nayr. A 30 second video showing a couple bios and art because I couldn't produce anything else really doesn't show off anything in the game :X

Dammit, how can I get myself inserted into Xiao Emblem...

Make a mug and ask Char for help. I'm sure she'd like more mugs if they're well done and fit the art style.

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I should totally post here, huh :V

Everyone, thanks so much for the compliments on XE! :D

But lol there's no way FE2 could've been like it from a technical/marketing standpoint.

@L1049: Yeah, what Klok said; I don't have very many mugs right now. The playable character slots are overflowing right now, but I'll gladly make anyone with a sprite a side character!

As for the rest of FEE3, my favorite project shown so far is probably Drums of War. BROWN HAIR YAY but I have very high hopes for Maiden Quest based on last year. Just haven't had the chance to watch today's videos.

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Hah, thanks! X3

Not that I'm done by any means, but I consider this "mission accomplished" already:


That right there was one of the primary reasons for making XE. I want to show people what FEXP is capable of, the level of flexibility it offers. Hopefully people with creative new ideas that can't/won't work with ASM or such things will come and help Yeti's amazing engine realize its full potential. That's what I want from this (and, obviously, a solid standalone game, but why not spur more from it?). I mean, I still love what the hacking community's up to as a whole (Just look through these videos!), but an expansion of quantity and quality wouldn't hurt, now would it?

I hope.


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Yeahhhh I'm a bit jelly. I first conceived of XE and convinced PK to work on it because I was busy with FEPS. Then after I paused work on FEPS due to many many limitations I was running into, I started working on MoH, but personally I love XE and I'd prefer to be working on it with her instead. It's not that I don't appreciate MoH, but XE is ten times better IMO. It really does show what FEXP can do.

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