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Huh. There are giant pinecones that can actually kill people in Australia.


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Is saying that the latest SF fad or something?

Saying what.

It's a way to mock people with the anonymity that the internet provides so we feel greater than we actually are.

Anonymity? What are you talking about? I'd do it personally. It must be this thing called "love". :smug:

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Pics or it didn't happen.

Remember that time me, Iced and Rhythm convinced you drop bears existed?

No relevance to the current topic, I was just reminded of it. Glad to see you're more skeptical, regardless of whether or not there actually ARE giant pinecones that kill people (I'm... skeptical, to say the least.)

What can't kill you in Australia?

Certain spiders.

Is that why Furetchen stay in his house all day?

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your pathetic attempts at insulting me over the party I was just at that followed the Shakespeare play I just acted in.

Edited by Furetchen
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