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Nono's supports with Ronku show her playing house with him, basing her idea of a family on families she had watched; from what I recall, Ronku observes specifically that she's imitating a dysfunctional family. The supports as they are indicate that she really has no understanding of what she's agreeing to.

I hope no lost-in-translation/interpretation nonsense gave you that idea of their support, because that's an interesting thing for the writers to include.

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I hope no lost-in-translation/interpretation nonsense gave you that idea of their support, because that's an interesting thing for the writers to include.


Specifically, the A support. I don't know where to find the original text, but it doesn't look like there's much room for misinterpretation there.

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I just have nothing to say, except I do believe Nono's dialogue should be changed, just to get rid of the overtones of pedophilia, to make some people happy, and that I just think some people are getting a little too passionate about this subject.

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Tales of Symphonia, Presea.


HER NAME IS PRESEA NOT PRISCILLA!!! (And for more case of SPELL IT RIGHT, Colette, not Collete)

/Nerd Rage

As far as things go: Censorship is the greatest archenemy of freedom. There is never anything "good" about censorship. It's like pride, the deadliest of sins-- you can easily mistake a form of true evil for something "good"-- it's NOT.

So in all hopes, they'll leave Nono and n_n alone. (Also, I for one, hope they jump on that mistranslation of n_n-- and use "Soso".)

Also: in case "Mrs. Concerned Mother #2894" from whocaresville, FL tells FOX news and they start ranting, it still won't warrant a rating increase (FEA will likely in all cases be E10 or T at absolute worst), so therefore, "Any Publicity is Good Publicity".

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HER NAME IS PRESEA NOT PRISCILLA!!! (And for more case of SPELL IT RIGHT, Colette, not Collete)

/Nerd Rage

As far as things go: Censorship is the greatest archenemy of freedom. There is never anything "good" about censorship. It's like pride, the deadliest of sins-- you can easily mistake a form of true evil for something "good"-- it's NOT.

So in all hopes, they'll leave Nono and n_n alone. (Also, I for one, hope they jump on that mistranslation of n_n-- and use "Soso".)

Also: in case "Mrs. Concerned Mother #2894" from whocaresville, FL tells FOX news and they start ranting, it still won't warrant a rating increase (FEA will likely in all cases be E10 or T at absolute worst), so therefore, "Any Publicity is Good Publicity".

First of all, censorship is mandated restrictions on what you're allowed to say. Choosing to say one thing instead of another because that other thing is a bad idea is not censorship. What people are saying is "normalizing pedophilia by portraying it in a normal, positive light is a bad idea," not "let's ban nintendo from saying anything we find unpleasant."

Second of all, Nn is not a mistranslation. It's her actual name. Her name is ンン, the character for "n" repeated twice. Soso is a mistranslation based on the fact that the characters ソ and ン look similar. Kind of ironic that a person who considers any changes at all to be "censorship" would want to completely change her name.

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Second of all, Nn is not a mistranslation. It's her actual name. Her name is ンン, the character for "n" repeated twice. Soso is a mistranslation based on the fact that the characters ソ and ン look similar. Kind of ironic that a person who considers any changes at all to be "censorship" would want to completely change her name.

Ummm, he said that he knew Nn was her name. He also said that he hoped that they used Soso in the localization instead, probably because he likes the sound of it more. And changing a name in hardly any kind of censorship. You're making mountains out of molehills here on both accounts.

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A lot of kids say they understand things they don't.

Nono's supports with Ronku show her playing house with him, basing her idea of a family on families she had watched; from what I recall, Ronku observes specifically that she's imitating a dysfunctional family. The supports as they are indicate that she really has no understanding of what she's agreeing to.

I'm not saying that she actually behaves or talks like an adult in the original text of her S supports, just that she sometimes shows a bit more maturity there than in the previous ones, and they can just increase the focus on that aspect for the localization. Keep her childish personality to avoid changing her standard dialogue and most supports, but then give her significantly more mature dialogue for the S supports - I'm talking about more than .in the original text here. If they do that, it seems like they could even keep the flow of most supports without problem and even the S wouldn't suffer too much.

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I dunno if anyone's played Harvest Moon, but the game has you pairing characters who, are quite frankly, teenagers (or so they look and act like). Yet, all of the game's installments (at least 10 IIRC) have made it to global releases without any changes.

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Some sort of change is happening with Nono, we already know that. For fucks sake if Lyn was too young at 15, then Nono is definitely a no-no.

As for the release date, I doubt NoA has actually even started on anything. My thoughts are that the reason why it wasn't announced at E3 was because they weren't even planning on releasing it, but because so many people were unhappy that it wasn't announced (I believe someone said that "No Fire Emblem.." was in the top 10 tweets or something like that after the conference?) they decided "Well shit, maybe we should do this."

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I dunno if anyone's played Harvest Moon, but the game has you pairing characters who, are quite frankly, teenagers (or so they look and act like). Yet, all of the game's installments (at least 10 IIRC) have made it to global releases without any changes.

Well, they get mild changes, like Lumina did in A Wonderful life. That is to say, everyone says they're 18, even when they blatantly aren't. Like Lyn. The sum total of her censorship was: 'Uh, yeah. She's 18. That's pretty much it.'

Rune Factory is even more extreme in that respect. You can have more than ten or so marriage candidates, and each and every single one of them looks incredibly young.

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Not really, considering how Reggie even thought that it was in the release list, it must be underway, and was likely removed from the game list at some point close to the conference.

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I'm fairly sure Reggie wouldn't of said yes because "No FE" was trending, it takes longer to finalize that kind of thing.

I remember that one E3 list that had FE then removed it. I wonder if it wasn't taken out at the last minute?

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I'm fairly sure Reggie wouldn't of said yes because "No FE" was trending, it takes longer to finalize that kind of thing.

I remember that one E3 list that had FE then removed it. I wonder if it wasn't taken out at the last minute?

Fair enough, but I still stand on the thought that they haven't even started anything yet.

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OK, so I haven't seen this Nono character, why does everyone think she'll be censored blink.gif

And from what I've seen, her outfit makes Sariya look like an avatar of modesty.

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And from what I've seen, her outfit makes Sariya look like an avatar of modesty.

But Sariya IS modest. Note that she's always holding her tome overs her breasts.

Nope, nevermind. That's just fanservice for bibliophiles.

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