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Round 59 SF Splicing Contest VOTING

Vampire Elf


55 members have voted

  1. 1. Which splice is best?

    • Kramgnauh: [img]http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa461/Kramgnauh/spriteconference.png[/img]
    • Xiltas: [img]http://www.abload.de/img/spritecont59-38bmag.png[/img]
    • Amelia: [img]http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/2450/syncf.png[/img]

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I actually like the lack of names. It gives more importance to the sprite.

I gotta agree with Celice. I feel that a lot of votes are for the person who made the splice, not the splice, at times.

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The main reason is so I know who's name to say when I talk about why I voted. Maybe a numbering system so like 1,2,3 etc. next to the entries, just so I can say, "I voted "....." because..."

Just a thought

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Now you should put down numbers instead of names. And hide the previous topic so people can't go and check.

Because I agree, a lot of people seem to vote based on who made it...

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I...really don't think this is much of a contest. Regardless of name, Amelia's sprite quality, design, and overall execution are several times better than the other two entries. That's more than reason enough.

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I...really don't think this is much of a contest. Regardless of name, Amelia's sprite quality, design, and overall execution are several times better than the other two entries. That's more than reason enough.

It's because you guys no enter at all. :<<

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I voted for Xiltas because he actually used parts of the sprites instead of going "ok i will make an FC and use bits and pieces here and there and then drawing over them entirely".

i am a stupid bitch

Edited by Agro
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I voted for Xiltas because he actually used parts of the sprites instead of going "ok i will make an FC and use bits and pieces here and there and then drawing over them entirely".

...again, really? This has been discussed numerous times before. It's not custom. All the parts are there. Custom shading is allowed.

Voting Amelia.

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I actually like the lack of names. It gives more importance to the sprite.

Let's make this official.

I voted for Xiltas because he actually used parts of the sprites instead of going "ok i will make an FC and use bits and pieces here and there and then drawing over them entirely".



I vote Amelia? o.o

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Hey Vamp/Amely/whoever else wants to host this contest, mind posting proofs along with the mug next time in the OP provided a proof exists so people can stop bitching about "customing"?

Oh yeah Vamp, another thing, make the votes next time public view. It doesn't matter this time because I trust all three contestants enough to not vote for themselves (and Amely's winning by a landslide anyway), but it has happened in the past where some asshole with a shitty sprite shat on people's sprites then voted for himself.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Uhh, Lumi? Those 2 problems you listed aren't big enough. First one isn't common enough,

and the second one only adds one vote to a total; not to mention anyone who votes for

themself is most likely losing by a landslide.

Look, my point is, avoiding corrupted votes is the most important thing.

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I voted for Xiltas because he actually used parts of the sprites instead of going "ok i will make an FC and use bits and pieces here and there and then drawing over them entirely".

I wish these would stop being like this. It gets old fast--I'm super glad someone can draw a mug on their own, but as a splicing contest, I want to see old pieces used in new ways. Not old pieces drawn over and called a splice.

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^ so you are tired of seeing pieces used in an original way adding diversity to the mix because it is over done and rather would like to see pieces used in unoriginal and overused ways because it is not done enough?

Of course. Simple Hair + Face + Body splices are much better because they are easily recognized and make everything much more interesting.

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The main reason is so I know who's name to say when I talk about why I voted. Maybe a numbering system so like 1,2,3 etc. next to the entries, just so I can say, "I voted "....." because..."

Just a thought

What would stop someone from going back to the sprite submission thread and looking at who entered what? Unless sprites were PM'd to the person in charge of the week's voting?

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^ so you are tired of seeing pieces used in an original way adding diversity to the mix because it is over done and rather would like to see pieces used in unoriginal and overused ways because it is not done enough?

Using the pieces, without modifying them, can create diversity to the mix. They are expanding the realm of the old pieces, as you said, "adding diversity to the mix." This drawing-over crap is becoming unoriginal and overused. Your wording is ambiguous, and anchors to either side--vanilla splices or "fuck it, I'll draw what I want" splices. Some of the drawings are unoriginal and overused thematically--just check out the breast-submissions.

You should clarify your discoloring if you're wanting a target for your aim. Right now, it sputters on the floor, inking both splices and drawings.

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What would stop someone from going back to the sprite submission thread and looking at who entered what? Unless sprites were PM'd to the person in charge of the week's voting?

Nothing, but better to fight the problem then to go to extreme measures to EXTINGUISH the

problem. Like, better to punish people for trespassing than to shoots them down O_O

(drastic analogy, but you get it)

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Using the pieces, without modifying them, can create diversity to the mix. They are expanding the realm of the old pieces, as you said, "adding diversity to the mix." This drawing-over crap is becoming unoriginal and overused. Your wording is ambiguous, and anchors to either side--vanilla splices or "fuck it, I'll draw what I want" splices. Some of the drawings are unoriginal and overused thematically--just check out the breast-submissions.

You should clarify your discoloring if you're wanting a target for your aim. Right now, it sputters on the floor, inking both splices and drawings.

I'm just confused as to why you are complaining about something that has gotten old getting even older. Fire Emblem is old. Those GBA sprites are old. Every usable piece from every mug has been used up to death over the years. Please to be grabbing a shovel and digging around in FE spriting history. Chances are simple splices that keep resurfacing in these contests have been done better or worse in the past. What is so wrong about making new things outta old things? It's better than using old things to make old things. Sure, people like to make boobs. Fine. People like to make fur and feathers. Okay. People like to gender bend. Awesome. I think it is crazy to belittle the people with talent to twist a splice into a mug that makes the common folk think it's full custom. It's fucking hard work to splice like that. At times, one finds themselves thinking, "This would be much less work if I could just custom the whole damn thing." Just because it doesn't look like the original mugs doesn't make it any less a splice.

"This drawing-over crap is becoming unoriginal and overused."

You can't "overuse" a method. Otherwise, defend that statement and I'll say, "So is splicing. So are pop divas. So is this creative writing business. And language/oration. It's so unoriginal and overused. People need to stop that."

A better way to say it, "I'm tired of seeing big boobs on skinny girls." "I'm tired of seeing the emo bangs that cover up half of a face." "I'm tired of seeing a gary stu character that wields a bigass sword and always saves the day." Designs can be overused and old. Just look at vampires in today's media. And zombies (even though I am a major fan of them, I admit that they had their own surge of popularity and became rather overused). Okay. Complain away.

Still, I don't attack Stephanie Meyer's talent to writing. I don't say that Lady Gaga can't sing. It's unfair to belittle those who work hard and say that they are terrible and uninteresting just for a method they used. Truly unfair.

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Uhh, Lumi? Those 2 problems you listed aren't big enough. First one isn't common enough,

and the second one only adds one vote to a total; not to mention anyone who votes for

themself is most likely losing by a landslide.

Look, my point is, avoiding corrupted votes is the most important thing.

The second one is how it is always been since forever, and the first one actually happens more often than you're here for

Also, there really isn't that big of a difference between those simple splices and the more complex ones that look like customs. Even just to make a good, clean, simple splice, you need to custom shade some parts so when they connect, they don't look messy and out of place. The fancier splices just have more shading due to more parts they've need to connect, and lot more creative use of the parts than a goes on b and slap c on using a lot of rotation. but to make all the parts connect, more extra shading and recolouring is needed.

It's hard not seeing parts that could be used more creatively when you get to a certain level and then if you don't use them the way you see them, it just feels so wasteful.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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