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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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Sorry, I was off in Javaland.

I didn't like the fact that you didn't seem interested in the Shinori/BBM thing, Bizz. Since you've answered it, I feel better about you. Kay's logic was rather odd, as was her Rein vote. I'm not quite certain if that's a votepark, and she was in the topic when I voted for her.

Acting scummy intentionally: DON'T DO THIS. It's terrible play, and draws far too much attention to you, allowing real scum to fly under the radar. If Shinori flips town, there's a possibility that a theoretical vig would shoot you; if you are town, this is bad. Instead, contribute, and stop antagonizing people.

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Oh, and to add to intentionally scummy play: Real scum can then justify their early suspicions of you, making things a hell of a lot harder if you do end up dead.

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I have half a mind to say you, BBM, because acting scummy intentionally hinders scumhunting. However, Kay's typing up a reply, so I'll answer this when she's done.

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I didn't like the fact that you didn't seem interested in the Shinori/BBM thing, Bizz. Since you've answered it, I feel better about you.

I think a lot of that was that I forgot that I hadn't said something significant about either of them yet, and it's taken me a while to realize how great the case was since I've been too busy with Subieko and Camtech.

If you want me to give on opinion on whom I think is more town-ish between the two, I really honestly think it's Shinori and that I don't think we should be lynching him today. I really wish we could get more out of Kay/Rein/Bal before phase end, but we won't, which makes me sad. ): I think that at least one of them is scum.

Also, I'm getting a weird feeling from this game setup as a whole, but mostly from reading the rules.

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##Unvote (Rein) because he's not here anyway.

What? When did I defend Elieson? I moved off him after a bit because I decided that Shinori's reaction was scummier than Elieson's actions.

I guess I got confused somewhere. It was mainly this:

No, I agree with you. I think Shinori would make a better target.

but you still seemed generally insufficiently in favor of lynching Elieson considering the way you were accusing him early on.

Also, Cam, I don't think Balcerzak's post was a softclaim, I thought he was saying that was the effect of everyone revealing whether their role was active or passive.

I still don't get why I'm scummy, but of course i never do. So whatever. I'm just gonna throw this into the same old routine of me acting as i always do.

Look at my past games though, pretty sure every game i ever claimed on day 1 or N0, I was town, and that's only if you're going by meta. If you aren't going by meta and you are saying i'm scum for defending someone because of faulty logic then I'm confused to wonder what your logic is. It seems to be just as faulty it would appear.

Frankly I'm gonna take words from previous players in different mafia games.

From i can't believe its not sfmm whatever mafia by prims. Fuck you all. Lynch me and feel stupid.

If you're town, be productive, at least attempt to defend yourself, and don't just raeg. Raeging isn't pro-town. If you're lynched and flip town, who do you want lynched next?

Marth, Kay, I see you guys lurking.

Sorry for not typing up this post in 5 seconds.

Voting Rein is rather pointless right now; do you think one of Eli/BBM is scum?

I was hoping Eli would be here and post things. I still think it's probably both or neither - leaning toward neither, but only barely, and I don't feel like lynching anyone else would reveal much. Them being so controversial and all, one of them dying would tell us a lot more, instead of somebody who just got wagoned at the last minute by the few of us who are online. So, gonna have to go with ##Vote: BBM because both appear to be intentionally scummy and Eli's intentional scumminess makes more sense.

I try to act scummy enough that the mafia don't want to kill me, but townie enough that the town doesn't want to lynch me. It's a hard balance to get and I tend to err in the too scummy side.

Don't do that. If you act scummy so the mafia doesn't kill you, they'll kill someone more useful. If everyone acts scummy to avoid this, we can't scumhunt. If everyone acts as townish as they can, the mafia will kill just as many people but we'll be getting more done and they'll stand out more. Unintentionally sabotaging the town's ability to scumhunt isn't good.

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augh agha aghad dn I FORGOT MARTH WAS PLAYING THIS GAME and I really don't like that because he;s posted more than Bal and Rein and I want to vote him but that's going to be useless this late int he phase

I don't even know where I want my vote placed because I'm uneasy about both BBM and Shinori ;_;

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I need to bookmark that super-useful post. . .

The person who'd be lynched in an ideal world would be the player who admitted to being mafia. Next would be someone whose posts reek of active lurking.


##Vote: scorri

This is the only opinion she's got

As for the bastard modding. . .I have a VERY bad feeling in regards to certain investigative roles.

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See that link where I declare my love of Prims? Follow the instructions, then isolate Marth and scorri. You'll see a huge difference (namely, an argument with Rapier).

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My brain is kinda all over the place right now. Currently the people I'm finding scummy are BBM for overreacting and Subi for both defending BBM some and also seeming to put words in other people's mouths.

I'm going to trust my instinct here and ##Vote: Subieko

I'm going to try and come back and reread everything later, but I'm really not quite all here right now, so I dunno how that will end up going. Sorry I haven't been around much.



##Vote: Subieko

GG, put words in others' mouths.

Also I'd rather not have Elieson lynched. Not just yet anyway. Same with Shinori. especially after that claim. BBM's fair game though.

Look at that lovely bandwagoning

##Vote: scorri except I would rather go with Marth to be honest; his post gives me more scum!vibes than scorri's does

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See that link where I declare my love of Prims? Follow the instructions, then isolate Marth and scorri. You'll see a huge difference (namely, an argument with Rapier).


actually sorry, I'm going to sleep. I'll do it when I wake up, though, I promise

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Uh sorry about my 'active lurking' if its been the past couple of hours or so. Because around then my sister took over the comp. Then I didn't even get to see this thread.

So yeah, I'm reading these two pages as we speak.

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@BBM: I'm not going to throw out a useless vote on someone who is 95% unlikely to be lynched this phase

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If me, you, Kay, and Eclipse all voted for Marth, we could still lynch him. But Scorri's ok too, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Scorri. Again, when does this phase end? Time conversions are fuzzy and annoying because I always get messed up with Daylight Savings.

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I believe phase ends in another hour? ... yeah, another hour.

So from what I've read, you're intentionally being scummy, BBM? What am I supposed to infer from this? Do you realize that, you've just claimed that you were trying to fly under the radar?

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Ugh, I'm so sleepy. Can't hold up for another hour, sorry.

So from what I've read, you're intentionally being scummy, BBM? What am I supposed to infer from this? Do you realize that, you've just claimed that you were trying to fly under the radar?

You're supposed to infer that my top priority was not dying.

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Scorri - 4 (BBM, Bizz, Eclipse, Elieson)

BBM - 2 (Kay, Shinori)

Elieson - 2 (Balcerzak, Rein)

Shinori - 2 (Camtech, Subieko)

Subieko - 1 (Rapier)

~1~ HOUR

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