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So I'm being bribed here

Flying Shogi

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So I told my mom that I wanted a 3DS. With the US release confirmed, I plan on getting it. BUT, with college coming up, my dad says that video games are useless and I should just focus on school work. He just told that he would get me an iPad so that I can give up on the video games. The problem for him is that I have more say in this because not only can I pay for it myself, he knows that I'm stubborn. In addition, ha has never fulfilled his promises when he promises stuff so yeah.

I find this a bit funny how I'm being bribed. Sure, an iPad is better in terms of deals but can it play FE13? I don't think so.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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I'd say don't bother taking it if he doesn't tend to follow through on his promises.

I told him to stop talking because I don't want it. Basically I just told him to shut up and he couldn't do anything about it.

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So I told my mom that I wanted a 3DS. With the US release confirmed, I plan on getting it. BUT, with college coming up, my dad says that video games are useless and I should just focus on school work. He just told that he would get me an iPad so that I can give up on the video games. The problem for him is that I have more say in this because not only can I pay for it myself, he knows that I'm stubborn. In addition, ha has never fulfilled his promises when he promises stuff so yeah.

I find this a bit funny how I'm being bribed. Sure, an iPad is better in terms of deals but can it play FE13? I don't think so.

The people who tell you college is for working are wrong.

Very, very wrong.

You're going to have enough time to go and do things you think are fun. Lots of people on SF are in college, get good grades, and still find the time to play tons of video games. In college if you are going to bebusy with anything it will be with social life.

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Go for the 3DS.

I mean, there are people on SF who manage to do alot with College, Social Life AND still manage to do work on drafts, FE hacks, and such.


IPads are too big and clunky for me.. get an Iphone if you need something like that.

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You're going to have enough time to go and do things you think are fun. Lots of people on SF are in college, get good grades, and still find the time to play tons of video games. In college if you are going to bebusy with anything it will be with social life.

I wouldn't generalize. It depends on the students themselves as well as the university's standards. Being in a community college, being in a state college, or a university, are all drastically different in terms of work load and need to study.

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I wouldn't generalize. It depends on the students themselves as well as the university's standards. Being in a community college, being in a state college, or a university, are all drastically different in terms of work load and need to study.


I had barely any time going through University. Only if I was able to coast did I get to partake in any hobby worth calling a hobby :P.

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Funny how you should make this topic. I just had to withdraw from a course because my video game use was hurting my schoolwork. I'm all in favor of you getting a 3DS, but you might want to save it for summer or winter breaks.

By the way, I'm pretty sure there are games, and probably emulators too, that can be played on an iPad.

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Welcome to the forums. If you're a sincere Fire Emblem fan, this is the place for you.

I would recommend passing on the iPad if you don't already have the full accoutrement of Apple products and lots of investment in iTunes, etc. or you don't usually buy electronics for their value as fashion accessories. I'm not trying to be pejorative, you really can do a lot more with an Android tablet and they're cheaper and encompass a diverse variety of models too.

The people who tell you college is for working are wrong.

Very, very wrong.

You're going to have enough time to go and do things you think are fun. Lots of people on SF are in college, get good grades, and still find the time to play tons of video games. In college if you are going to bebusy with anything it will be with social life.

This is bad advice. The saying goes that in college you have to choose between your social life, academics and a full night of sleep. I won't tell you how to make that choice and obviously circumstances vary depending on your courseload and where you are, but never assume you'll have downtime in the thick of your term.

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I saw a guy in my Immunology class playing advance wars on his tablet lol

I thing you can make time for video game play sometime in college. I'm doing a 4-year university going for math/physics/engineering bundle degree along with maintaining active participation in a couple of clubs/orgs. Usually the first time you get in its the easier classes which means you'll have plenty of time. Besides, I think everyone will force themselves to make time to just sit and relax for at least a couple hours in the day or else they would go insane.It might take you a month to through one game, but you can get it to work.

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You're going to be using the 3DS to play games when you need to destress from all the studying you're going to be doing. Those were the times I played games going through college.

In terms of what's going to be most useful for college, neither a 3DS or iPad will probably fit that criteria. A laptop would be more useful than either of those.

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get the iPad noob

it's a better deal because not only does it make learning / taking notes in class super easymode, if you ever get bored in class you can fuck around on it as well (play emulators / gaymes?)

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The problem here B.O. is that he won't get the iPad until after his studies are complete (from what I understand in reading the first post), so that's no good. (I may be wrong about this, but if it's true then yeah)

Edit: And that his father has not kept promises about such things in the past. The iPad might not even happen at all.

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You're going to be using the 3DS to play games when you need to destress from all the studying you're going to be doing. Those were the times I played games going through college.

In terms of what's going to be most useful for college, neither a 3DS or iPad will probably fit that criteria. A laptop would be more useful than either of those.

Yeah, definitely a lappy if you want the best use out of the machine. You can get your emulation/game fix for that destressing mentioned, as well as utility for work and other things. Your other two choices are a bit superfluous in comparison to a laptop.
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@BO, I can't type fast so an iPad is not that useful to me.

@Raven, You're right on. I probbaly won't get the iPad(if it happens, which I doubt) until after high school. By that time, I rather have a new laptop for my future workload . And seeing that I never get anything until I mention that I can pay for it myself, I doubt the iPad would even come to mind in a week. They'll just give me the work excuse. Besides, I've seen what the iPad can do. It's not that amazing.

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I'd go with the 3DS. Like Raven Said, an iPad is quite overrated!

I think tablets in general are overrated.

Get the 3DS and have fun with it. I'm bringing my PS3, Wii, 3DS, and laptop to college too. The trick to still doing well despite all of the distractions is self-control. That, and when you think about it, your college education is coming out of your pocket one way or another (keeping grades up for grants, student loans), making it easier for you to be motivated to do well.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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