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Well, I decided to try Hard 5 (a blind run-through) for Shadow Dragon and here are my amusing results for the first two chapters:


Chapter 1: Perma Deaths: 0; Turns: 85; Restarts: 1

Chapter 2: Perma Deaths: 0; Turns: 120; Restarts: 3


I know, I know! This is epic fail. But, this mode is basically impossible. The Pirate bosses are so tough to take down since they can either OHKO or 2HKO all my units. Trying to take down Gazzak and Gomer is what racked the turn count up. I made it to each boss in 25~30 turns. When I faced Gomer, I had to literally wait for his Hand Axe to break, since I couldn't have Wrys heal units without him getting in Hand Axe range. Plus he was over 11 speed! Man what a pain in the arse.

I am on Chapter 3. Wrys has 1 use left of his heal staff since I played defensively for the last two chapters (I had my units inch their way towards the bosses in a tight squad). Chapter 3 looks less daunting than the other chapters since there are not as many choke points, but recruiting Navarre will be a challenge since Caeda can be OHKO'ed by most of the fighters.

I mainly play Fire Emblem for enjoyment, not for extremely difficult challenges, although I will be attempting a Hard Mode run through of FE13 when it comes to the US with the Sorcerer!MU and Krom doubling action with Resire tanking combo.

Edited by Leif
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You ARE using Jagen, right? Because his low growths don't matter a whit; lategame is easier, anyway. That extends to using his Silver Lance on early bosses; there really is no better time, weapon triangle be damned.

The Ballisticians get better the harder the mode you're on. Thus spake Eclipse, and the logic holds true from my own experiences as well.

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I don't think it's possible to beat chapter 1 without him, unless Gordin/Draug/Shiida all hit several times in a row with Steel Bow/Javelins at ~50 hit, or he misses Marth/Cain/Abel several times in a row at ~60 hit.

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All the bosses are ~kinda a crapshoot even with Jagen because he can always get crit and die. Jagen probably has an overall 10% chance of death on any given earlygame chapter just because of that. It's not so bad, because you can map save before you start working on the boss, but still annoying.

and also his ~60 hit rate with silver lance


jagen y couldn't you be SM

Edited by Anouleth
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You should use a save point right before attempting the boss and blitz him with 3 units at once. For chapter 3 you can use Killing Edge Ogma, Devil axe Barst and Silver Lance Jagen. Might take some resets at the save point but you should be able to 1-round the sucker.

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People have beaten FE games in less time than your Chapter 2 clear. laugh.gif

I know right? Haha, I was holding off on using Jagen since he could be 2HKO'ed by all the enemies I've faced so far. He was the reason why I had to reset so many times.

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whatever he said every enemy you know what i meant

and the boss is probably unbeatable without Jeigan anyway

until you break his weapon or something ridiculous

Edited by General Horace
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I hate fighting Gomer...

I got Lucky with him because Ogma got a Critical Hit!

(I made sure Gomer got 11 Speed so Jagen can't be doubled)

Recruiting Navarre isn't that Bad. For me, Sheeda usually recruits him on a mountain tile and i have Navarre Hold the Chokepoint for that turn!

Edited by Folgore Purple
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I took 26 turns on chapter 1 because Gordin just wouldn't stop critting everything in the face, but my chapter 2 turn count looked very similar.

The chapter 2 and 3 bosses are just incredibly cheap on H5, there's no really reliable way to deal with them. You need luck, as otherwise you'll be forced to take forever.

...unless you want to have half your army suicide on the boss, I guess.

Good luck when you reach chapter 13, my vote for "Hardest FE11 Chapter on H5"

Have you ever tried to beat the final chapter on H5 without using cheap tricks like warp? Especially while doing a no death run?

You know things have gone to hell when Sedgar, the god of Shadow Dragon, gets roflstomped by random enemies. With 60 HP and capped Def.

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