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Rate the Unit; Day 54 - Ulki

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Something tells me you'd be better off banning him from these topics entirely.

If it persists, then yeah. But as for right now, I think its overreacting.

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Lower bases than Janaff, but higher base speed and HP and an amazing exclusive passive means that Ulki has skyhigh durability. Overall he and Janaff are almost interchangeable, except Janaff is more solid on KOs and Ulki is less likely to get hit by anything. They both come virtually set for the rest of the game. Both are extremely useful going into part 4 to overcome the terrain.


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@Starwave: I threw out his Lyre vote.

nope.chuck testa

Other people have explained why his attack isn't terrible, so I'm requesting you to try again.

He cuts no turns at all from an LTC playthrough. I'm rating him in terms of efficiency; he has no 2-range and sub-par offense.

Just because I don't agree with the norm, doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid. You're nothing but a little child who takes the internet too seriously for his own good. laugh.gif

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Not good enough to one-round Generals and Halberdiers.

Generally: Ulki 2HKOs Sages, Bishops, and Swordmasters; 3HKOs Snipers, Halberdiers, Paladins, and Warriors; 3-4HKOs Dracomasters; and 4-5HKOs Generals. Ulki always doubles. Ulki is the best Adept candidate. With Adept, he has a 59% chance to ORKO enemies he 3HKOs and a 13% chance to ORKO enemies he 4HKOs. Already, this is Mia-calibre offense. But with an Energy Drop, Ulki can 2HKO Snipers, Paladins, Warriors, and some Halberdiers; and 3HKO Dracomasters and Generals. ORKOing 80% of enemies with certainty and ORKOing the remainder at >59% likelihood is among the best offense in the game. Add to that the best movement in the game (better than Haar in indoor maps like 3-8), fantastic durability against all but Crossbows, and a great mastery not far off (with Adept and Tear, a level 30 Ulki has a ~77% chance to ORKO units he 3HKOs) and we end with a great unit.

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Every character in the game is overrated, amirite Aeine?

With the exceptions of Haar, Jill, Titania, Edward, Volug and the Black Knight.

Generally: Ulki 2HKOs Sages, Bishops, and Swordmasters; 3HKOs Snipers, Halberdiers, Paladins, and Warriors; 3-4HKOs Dracomasters; and 4-5HKOs Generals.

Jeez, thanks for proving my point Shotguner159!

Edited by Aeine
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Just because I don't agree with the norm, doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid.

no but being stupid does

ulki does save turns on a playthrough without transfers

note how this topic specifies no transfers

Edited by dondon151
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no but being stupid does

ulki does save turns on a playthrough without transfers

note how this topic specifies no transfers

I've already done a playthrough without transfers, and I can safely say he saves none at all.

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I've already done a playthrough without transfers, and I can safely say he saves none at all.


This is dondon.

I'd think that he'd be the one who knows his shit better than 99% of SF.

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This is dondon.

I'd think that he'd be the one who knows his shit better than 99% of SF.

Y'know, no one else has ever gotten lower turncounts than me on Tellius HMs that I've seen.

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Not good enough to one-round Generals and Halberdiers.

2HKOing Generals is really tough in this game. For instance, one needs 47-49 Atk to 2HKO Generals in 3-11. Titania and Haar need 31-33 Str to pull that off with a Steel Axe forge. Neither unit (especially Titania) is likely to have 31 Str, let alone 33 Str here. Now Titania and Haar can both wield the Hammer to get an easy 2HKO (and occasional OHKO), but Hammer uses are not infinite and have the drawback of non-perfect hit. Even units like Nailah (in 4-4 and 4-E) and Naesala regularly miss 2HKOs on Generals. Janaff and Ulki, with their high Adept and Tear activation, are actually some of the most capable units for taking out Generals (aside from the Lions and Tibarn, of course).

Ulki's inability to 2HKO Halberdiers without an Energy Drop is, on the other hand, a valid grievance. But the same criticism cannot be applied to Janaff, whom you also are not fond of. There are very few units that can ORKO as reliably as Janaff. Let us not forget that the beloved Haar and Titania cannot ORKO Swordmasters without the Brave weapons.

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Jeez, thanks for proving my point Shotguner159!

What part of he has a really good chance to ORKO those enemies with Adept and ORKOs them naturally with just an energy drop proved your point? I thought your "point" was the exact opposite?

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Y'know, no one else has ever gotten lower turncounts than me on Tellius HMs that I've seen.

That you know of.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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Y'know, no one else has ever gotten lower turncounts than me on Tellius HMs that I've seen.

So that gives you the right to act all high and mighty? What a tool.

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Arrogance gets you nowhere.

Fapping to dondon in public gets you somewhere? I suggest you find a private space next time. The cozy ambience of your bedroom might do; I personally never found out what was appealing about an online forum, though you might be an exhibitionist of sorts.

Now Titania and Haar can both wield the Hammer to get an easy 2HKO (and  occasional OHKO), but Hammer uses are not infinite and have the drawback  of non-perfect hit.  

Generals often tend to be in packs and/or not move, so the non-perfect hit isn't an issue (assuming other enemies attack you on enemy phase).

Secondly, Titania and Haar often double these Generals, so again, hit isn't really much of an issue. Even if it is, you can simply kill them on the enemy phase.

Furthermore, you get 40 uses of Hammer during the entire game iirc, which is plenty. Ike only needs a couple uses anyway, and that's _at least_ 19 General kills.

Finally, Resolve can help solve these hit issues in plenty of chapters for Titania and Haar (when Celerity is not necessary).

Let us not forget that the beloved Haar and Titania cannot ORKO Swordmasters without the Brave weapons.

This isn't much of a problem as they aren't very common throughout the game. Even if they were, as said above, Resolve is always an option.

So that gives you the right to act all high and mighty? What a tool.

How was I acting high and mighty? He was the one who actually started wanking first. It's really funny how people love to resort to insults because of RMUs on an internet forum.

Edited by Aeine
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And this is why RTUs are piles of dog shit now. Aeine, get off your high horse. Everyone else, just ignore him, since he's only egging you on.

Edited by ZM456
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Look, a rating!

Never gets hit ever, and can dodge when untransformed, which is helpful because this boosts his gauge majorly, unlike most other laguz who just die. He also has good damage output, flies, and Tear is amazing. Comes midway through Part 3. I also like Ulki because he's awesome. And Slayer is one of my good friends

9/10 + 1 full point of bias


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