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The worst moment in your life

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The worst moment for me was in the 7th grade. I was playing Volley Ball and stuff in the gym and then I.....saw some things...... while playing......... OK I GOT A BONER WHILE PLAYING VOLLEY BALL Facepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif . Stupid cheerleaders and there super short skirts. The embarrassment was to much from the pointing and the laughing.

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Don't know if it's the worst moment but finding out I missed my chance to be with the girl of my dreams because I didn't have the balls to tell her how I felt. Now she's moving to Corvallis and I'm going to Portland(I live in Oregon btw).

Edited by Guy Starwind
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Reading the story about your boner.

I was lucky enough to stop reading after the 6th word because his opening posts usually bore me and then I picked up on what the rest is about all cause of this. I rightfully blame you.

Edited by Sirius
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My parents split up. I'm unsure of where seventh grade erections during volleyball arrive on that scale... I mean if that qualifies I'm pretty sure I could contribute quite a few moments I've been through which I didn't realise would be this traumatic. The death of my grandmother, during the Canberra fires waiting for news on whether my grandfather was alive or dead, that time when I was like four and I stepped on glass... that time when I almost missed the last bus out of Cooleman Court which would've left me stranded there... look I'm just saying that the WORST MOMENT IN MY LIFE scale is being set rather low here.

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Man, where do I begin. . .fine, I'll split them.

- Physical: Intestinal paralysis; it took two bags of IV fluid before I had enough liquid in me to use the bathroom. This has happened to me more than once.

- Emotional: Finding out that my second boyfriend cheated on me with a then-friend of mine. I KNEW they were up to something that night, too. Major props to one of my other friends who did his best to keep me company, and my mom, for lending her shoulder so that I could cry on it!

Edited by eclipse
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Serious Ein time. :E

I know huh?

Hm... I guess the two times I had asthma attacks. Almost died when I had the first one too.

Being unable to breathe and desperately gasping for even the tiniest bit of air to no avail as you black out from oxygen deprivation isn't a pleasant experience.

Then there was the time I had to tell my parents that I failed miserably while at CSUN and having to explain what exactly made it so that that even happened in the first place only to have no answer because I had no idea I was clinically depressed for several years prior to this. :c

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I'm sorry to hear about all these rough times you've had to endure, now I will share some of my worst moments..

My great grandfathers death.. shook me to the core.. I had gotten to know him so well and then.. just one day.. and he was gone.. He taught me how to play chess.. and ever since then I haven't played a chess game.. I have his old set too..

When I was in 3rd grade [on the first day even], I got extremely dehydrated due to my own stupidity and I became very ill.. My family was there with me though so I pulled through.

Later I had met a cool dude who became my best friend in 3rd grade, he was jealous of my family being all together and how much fun we had.. and that turned us from best friends to bitter acquaintances, he tried to get me into the worst situations possible and thus.. I have trust issues and I became extremely shy later due to 5 years of homeschool after that year. My Mother was very good to me in those years with her homeschooling I learned quite a bit..

My Dad going to Iraq twice scared me a bit until he got back safe and sound.. I prayed for his safety every single night and sent letters.. I cried tears of joy whenever I got to talk to him on the phone and heard his voice.

When I was 15.. gosh has it really been 5 years already? My parents divorced.. and it hit me hard, the time before it was very bad too.. low funds, high tempers.. much shouting.. I thought they'd be together for good.. you know? and ever since then, nowhere feels like home, they get along now somewhat at least.. But my Mom had a boyfriend now and its awkward for me when I have to hang out with him. Getting better though. I am currently with my Dad, I visit my mother on occasion, She is still in Arizona, while we are up here in Oregon.

In highschool before then, I had met a girl I had a huge crush on.. I had actually gotten to know her quite well, then this jerkwad who was my friend at the time pulled smooth moves right under me and asked her out.. and I had asked him for advice and he just... UGH, I was so pissed off.. was just a bad year all around.. I was mad at myself.. since I take my frustraitions out on myself constantly [not physically much..] it hurt my already low self esteem.

Same year, jerkwad from before gets people to spy and berate me as much as possible until we finally made up and I had forgiven him, he introduces me to another girl, she was amazing.. everything I dreamed about as a perfect girl at the time, kind, she was tough, she had the smarts, she had blonde hair and wore glasses.. [sorry 2 silly likes of mine] she was just... amazing to me, we connected over archery and music more then anything else. I almost got a my first date with her.. But no.. her father meets me and asks me what my goals in life were, I say simply, to become a video game creator, he glared at me.. I have no idea why.. then as I became more and more nervous I tried to spend more time with you know.. the girl.. but no he sees me as a lecherous little boy because of said nervous tendancies and BANS ME FROM SEEING HER outside of school, and man.. that ban is still going today, I have to go through hoops just to stay in contact... and since then she has gotten herself a boyfriend.. she does say she is sorry but.. it still stings, but what could I do..?

I have since then tried and failed with 3 other girls.. haha, I'm just a loser, I try to be as nice as possible.. I become friends before asking any little thing.. I just.. its frustrating. So yea..

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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...A Boner is the worst moment of your life? Really? o.O

I've had lot of bad moments. Like the day my grandfather died, 8 years ago. Man I couldn't get over it for 2 weeks. Also that was like the only time I wasn't able to sleep AT ALL. :|

When I was 10 I had a curiosity to know what would happen if one died. Guess where that led me? :| (hint hint: Suicidal thoughts)

I've had other bad stuff but meh, I'd rather not share it over here.

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The second worst moment was my cousins baby dieing on my Birthday.

An erection in a game of volleyball was worse for you than the death of your cousin's child? I think you need to reconsider.

I had a four month old cousin die of cot death syndrome when I was 12. She would be 11 years old had she still been alive today. The thought of it is not pleasant.

I've had life problems - problems in school with some pretty bad bullying from 12 through to 16, where even the people I considered friends would attempt to avoid me or attempt to degrade and belittle me on occasion, as well as breakups with girls I had fallen in love with. But almost nothing should compare to the pain of losing family or friends to death. Especially something so stupid like boners in a volleyball game.

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Yeah man, belittling sucks a lot. It takes determination to not want to give in to anger.

I'm surprised I only got into... three fights within those four years. [advice] I went to the gym a lot between about 14 and 16 years old, maybe once or twice a week. I'd spend at least half an hour on the punchbags alone. It helped a lot with the frustration. [/advice]

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An erection in a game of volleyball was worse for you than the death of your cousin's child? I think you need to reconsider.

I had a four month old cousin die of cot death syndrome when I was 12. She would be 11 years old had she still been alive today. The thought of it is not pleasant.

I've had life problems - problems in school with some pretty bad bullying from 12 through to 16, where even the people I considered friends would attempt to avoid me or attempt to degrade and belittle me on occasion, as well as breakups with girls I had fallen in love with. But almost nothing should compare to the pain of losing family or friends to death. Especially something so stupid like boners in a volleyball game.

The main reason that came up first was because it stayed with with all through the 7th and 8th grade. It pissed me off so much that it well came to my mind first.

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