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Why does Eliwood get no respect?

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Okay, I know some of the reasons.

- He's a growth unit

- He's the most likely FE7 character to get RNG screwed

- People don't like his personality and think he's a pansy

So fine, the American fanbase doesn't like him too much. However, it gets worse when we consider that IS decided to share his Lord title with two other characters even though they're just glorified versions of Nyna/Seth/Soren/Titania/Sothe/other characters that talk a lot. Unlike most other multi-lord games, Eliwood is clearly the main character if you look at things objectively, but many fans took this as an opportunity to further discredit Eliwood. Since fans like Lyn and Hector more than Eliwood, they insisted that all 3 lords were equally important even though they really aren't. This led to people thinking that Lyn and Hector actually deserve to be playable in a Smash Bros game MORE than Eliwood simply because Eliwood was too similar to Roy.

But all that was fine because I thought IS was above this, but no. Tonight there were only 2 slots left for the DLC, and it's obvious that Ike was going to get one of them. This was likely Eliwood's last chance, and he should've gotten it since he and Ike are the only main characters remaining (except arguably Sigurd, but he's slightly less important than Celice who stars in the same game so its not the end of the world if he doesn't make it). But no, instead of Eliwood we get a mini-lord, one that wouldn't have even been considered if she was just labeled as a Myrmidon in FE7. And now Eliwood's going to be the only main character to not make the cut, just because he gets no respect from almost anyone.

Oh, and before you all accuse me of whining too much, it's a fact that if it were Ike that didn't make the cut, most of the fandom would be outraged. While its true that Ike starred in more games and even appeared in Brawl, most of that rage would simply come from the fact that he is popular.

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sure, be annoyed or whatever that Eliwood isn't in, but this thread is basically "BLARGH FUCK THE FE FANDOM THEY USED JEDI MIND TRICKS TO GET LYN IN AS DLC OVER ELIWOOD"

Stay classy.

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Well, um... I understand that you're very upset about this. If you really must have Eliwood, I'm sure he's going to be a SpotPass character at some point, so you'll still get him, even if he doesn't have cool new artwork and a special model.

Although, I know that's not really remotely as good.

Edited by Starlight36
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The reality of the matter is, Eliwood is the least popular lord because of the faults of his design, whether it be boring personality, stat screwage or others, and he is shafted because he is unpopular. He does not deserve a spot just because he is the main lord according to plot, or because you like him. You just have to face the fact that Eliwood has problems and people don't like him.

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So basically all the responses have been "I don't like Eliwood so fuck you".

Stay classy.


i am sorry what are you expect a srs anwser

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Hector is the main lord in FE7.

Why would they purposely make his story the best one to play as, and the only one where you can play every chapter and use every unit?

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Eliwood has the best Potential, but the worst rut to climb out of.

Of course, KNight Lord Eliwood has Caps close to Wyvern riders, except for def.

And His Res is kinda good too.

He's a sorta an "Est" type unit, except he comes early.

Average-ish growths.

Being around forever

Supports alot of good units

And then we get to the fact that he's a swordlord.......with bad bases.....

But in HECTOR mode, he climbs out of this rut faster, since he can promote when Pent joins.

And if he gets Silver Lances though INTENSE spam, even better.

Oh yeah.

Lyn sucks, so overrated, we can use ELIWOOOD for de pony, instead of the 18 base HP Swordlocked unit that joins us at the almost-end-of-earlygame.

LHM is a pain too.

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You really shouldn't have posted this. You're going to get a lot of criticism for this...

Anyway, I know Eliwood is more important than Lyn and Hector, (In Eliwood's mode) but that doesn't mean we like him more. His personality is a bit cliche, but it's all good and fine when you get down to it in my opinion. Eliwood's problem is his lack of reliability. None of the more important stats in FE7 will be all that greatfor him on average, so they can get screwed beyond belief or buffed insanely. Now that the obvious has been pointed out, erybody loves Hector and he is main in Hector's Mode. Not everybody likes Lyn that much more than Eliwood. (As far as I know)

Edited by I don't play for turns
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You really shouldn't have posted this. You're going to get a lot of criticism for this...

Anyway, I know Eliwood is more important than Lyn and Hector, (In Eliwood's mode) but that doesn't mean we like him more. His personality is a bit cliche, but it's all good and fine when you get down to it in my opinion. Eliwood's problem is his lack of reliability. None of the more important stats in FE7 will be all that greatfor him on average, so they can get screwed beyond belief or buffed insanely. Now that the obvious has been pointed out, erybody loves Hector and he is main in Hector's Mode. Not everybody likes Lyn that much more than Eliwood. (As far as I know)

It's FFTF, I can do w/e the fuck I want to do, and get away with it.

And Besides, playing for turns is the only way to play FE. :B):

Besides, Eliwood gets to bang a Dragon, that puts him at a higher level than most of Elibe in manliness.

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It's FFTF, I can do w/e the fuck I want to do, and get away with it.

And Besides, playing for turns is the only way to play FE. :B):

Besides, Eliwood gets to bang a Dragon, that puts him at a higher level than most of Elibe in manliness.

I was gonna one-up you by mentioning the entire FE13 cast, but you specified Eilbe.



You can pair Roy and Tiki together right? That's still half a dragon more than his dad.

Edited by nano
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I like Eliwood both as a character and a Unit, very reliable and normally always gets blessed [for me anyhow] I honestly think he'd have shined more if Lyn and Hector weren't in the same game. But I like all 3 of them so this is a bit hard on my case, he is my favorite lord in the series hands down though and honestly he does deserve more respect. He is much like a White Prince, if you can excuse my Tv Tropes lingo, he is kind, compassionate, cares deeply for those that are close to him, a natural leader ect ect, I could go on but I will not for the time being

BUT we shouldn't be completely discouraged if he is left out, because I don't think anyone wants to see ragefits [From you or me if and when that time comes] sure we can be disappointed like heck I was disappointed with rosters in other games when more "popular" characters got picked over my favorites, example Dissidia Duodecim didn't add any new Final Fantasy 6 or 9 characters, 2 of my favorites in the series? Was I extremely disappointed? Yes, did I rage about it? No, I calmly expressed my opinions and the fact that FF7 got special treatment again, but that's another can of worms

I totally understand where your coming from. Also the people telling you to shut up shouldn't they should also be discussing why they think Eliwood is "boring" [which I see some of but not totally]

Also someone could you grab me some marshmallows? There is a nice fire right here..

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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Also the people telling you to shut up shouldn't they should also be discussing why they think Eliwood is "boring" [which I see some of but not totally]

This topic is in FFtF. Are you really surprised?

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