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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Well, an XL and Fire Emblem Awakening comes to about $250, give or take $10.

I'm not sure how much the bundle will cost though.

Why would the bundle cost $250 if the game+system itself should cost $210 at most?

That's how much it was in Japan, but... all the gaming stuff is more expensive in Japan...

Edit: Whoops. I thought you were talking about the bundle. My bad.

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Why would the bundle cost $250 if the game+system itself should cost $210 at most?

That's how much it was in Japan, but... all the gaming stuff is more expensive in Japan...

Uh, no. An XL and Fire Emblem Awakening cost $240-260, depending on where you buy them.

The Fire Emblem 3DS in the bundle isn't an XL. I don't know how much the bundle will cost in the US.

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Uh, no. An XL and Fire Emblem Awakening cost $240-260, depending on where you buy them.

Whoops again... I was talking about the regular 3DS, not the XL. XD

But really? Up to $260? I thought the system was $200 and the game was $40. Why would someone pay an extra $20 when they could buy it for $240?

The Fire Emblem 3DS in the bundle isn't an XL. I don't know how much the bundle will cost in the US.

Yeah, I know... It's not an XL, but still... That shade of blue really is... breath-taking. :P

And about the price...

If it's anything like the Mario Kart 7 bundle that was out recently, I would assume it to be $170.

It's basically just buying the system, while getting the game for free...

Unless they have the pre-paid gift card, that is... In which case, it may be a bit more...

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But really? Up to $260? I thought the system was $200 and the game was $40. Why would someone pay an extra $20 when they could buy it for $240?


I'll be paying $199.99 + $39.99 + Ohio state tax for my bundle.

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And in Australia I'd pay $320 AUD ($1 AUD= $1.05 USD) for a 3ds (both original and XL) + Awakening, so $260 sounds like a steal to me XD

On the plus side, if the bundle does come out here, they'll probably pull what they did with the Zelda one, and remove the game from the bundle (Europe received the game in the bundle, Australia only got the 3DS (And a badly shopped picture from NoAus with a solid black square over the "Game Included" part) it'll be the same cost as a regular 3DS ($250AUD)

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Got a question:

I know that you can put off recruiting the kids until you have learned the skills you want to pass on to them, but I understand that Lucina is automatically recruited at the end of Chapter 13, I think. I'm going to marry my Avatar to Chrom, and I want to pass on Rainbow Cry to Lucina. My problem is, do I have to speed grind my Avatar into a level 15 Grandmaster before I enter the chapter and continue the story? Is that even possible in the time frame I'm given up till then? Or is her skill set already determined once she is born in the present?

And I just thought of another question: Seeing as Morgan is recruited separately from Lucina, could I theoretically pass down a different skill to him from my Avatar than I did with Lucina? Like, I could pass Rainbow Cry to her, and Lightning Speed to him?

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Got a question:

I know that you can put off recruiting the kids until you have learned the skills you want to pass on to them, but I understand that Lucina is automatically recruited at the end of Chapter 13, I think. I'm going to marry my Avatar to Chrom, and I want to pass on Rainbow Cry to Lucina. My problem is, do I have to speed grind my Avatar into a level 15 Grandmaster before I enter the chapter and continue the story? Is that even possible in the time frame I'm given up till then? Or is her skill set already determined once she is born in the present?

And I just thought of another question: Seeing as Morgan is recruited separately from Lucina, could I theoretically pass down a different skill to him from my Avatar than I did with Lucina? Like, I could pass Rainbow Cry to her, and Lightning Speed to him?

Yes. Just like how in my normal mode playthrough, she inherited Refresh. And when on my Lunatic Mode playthrough when Sumia had Speed Cry by then, she inherited that. So yes, you'll have to have Rainbow Cry by then if you want her to inherit it. Though I don't remember if she can reclass to Grandmaster. Anyways, if you want her to inherit it right off the bad, you'll have to grind with Skirmishes/DLC.

And yes, you can give it to Mark/Morgan by waiting until your MU/Avatar has learned Lightning Speed from being a Dark Pegasus.

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I know that you can put off recruiting the kids until you have learned the skills you want to pass on to them, but I understand that Lucina is automatically recruited at the end of Chapter 13, I think. I'm going to marry my Avatar to Chrom, and I want to pass on Rainbow Cry to Lucina. My problem is, do I have to speed grind my Avatar into a level 15 Grandmaster before I enter the chapter and continue the story? Is that even possible in the time frame I'm given up till then? Or is her skill set already determined once she is born in the present?

And I just thought of another question: Seeing as Morgan is recruited separately from Lucina, could I theoretically pass down a different skill to him from my Avatar than I did with Lucina? Like, I could pass Rainbow Cry to her, and Lightning Speed to him?

- It's determined in Chapter 13, because that's when you get her. If you are heavily reliant on your Avatar, level 15 Grandmaster is perhaps not a very faraway goal... Of course, you can also grind. The only thing you need to actively get is a Master Seal, and you should get one in Chapter 8 without relying on random teams or DLC.

- Children's skills are determined individually. So yes, you can do that.

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Got a question:

I know that you can put off recruiting the kids until you have learned the skills you want to pass on to them, but I understand that Lucina is automatically recruited at the end of Chapter 13, I think. I'm going to marry my Avatar to Chrom, and I want to pass on Rainbow Cry to Lucina. My problem is, do I have to speed grind my Avatar into a level 15 Grandmaster before I enter the chapter and continue the story? Is that even possible in the time frame I'm given up till then? Or is her skill set already determined once she is born in the present?

And I just thought of another question: Seeing as Morgan is recruited separately from Lucina, could I theoretically pass down a different skill to him from my Avatar than I did with Lucina? Like, I could pass Rainbow Cry to her, and Lightning Speed to him?

I'm going to marry my Avatar to Chrom, and I want to pass on Rainbow Cry to Lucina. My problem is, do I have to speed grind my Avatar into a level 15 Grandmaster before I enter the chapter and continue the story? Is that even possible in the time frame I'm given up till then?

From what I know (which isn't much because I've never even played the game, but just read about it... a lot), you'd probably have to do that. I'm not sure, though... If you're pairing MU with Chrom, you can just reclass Lucina into a Grandmaster to learn Rainbow Cry... although that would take quite a bit longer... I think.

As for whether it's possible or not, I'm not sure. But even if it is possible, it probably wouldn't be a good choice. Well, for the harder difficulties, at least. If you give all the experience to one unit, that would prevent other units from leveling up... and soloing chapters with MU would be difficult (on the said higher difficulties).

Of course, you could grind using the DLC maps...

And I just thought of another question: Seeing as Morgan is recruited separately from Lucina, could I theoretically pass down a different skill to him from my Avatar than I did with Lucina? Like, I could pass Rainbow Cry to her, and Lightning Speed to him?

I'd assume the answer to this would be yes as well. I don't see why MU wouldn't be able to. After all, aren't the skills passed down the skills on MU at the time of recruiting the child character?

Edit: Heck, I'll put my answer in a "spoiler" bracket, too. :P

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Oh, ok thanks for the answers! It makes sense that I'd have to grind to that point. I was, however, under the impression that Lucina would in fact not inherit Strategist and Grandmaster and only Morgan would inherit it, by virtue of the fact that he starts in it being a Lord's son and that he is Avatar's specific child who automatically inherits everything gender related. I wanted Lucina to learn it because I think its an outstanding skill and I didn't think she could reclass to learn it....hmmm, I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one....thanks again for the info!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Oh, ok thanks for the answers! It makes sense that I'd have to grind to that point. I was, however, under the impression that Lucina would in fact not inherit Strategist and Grandmaster and only Morgan would inherit it, by virtue of the fact that he starts in it being a Lord's son and that he is Avatar's specific child who automatically inherits everything gender related. I wanted Lucina to learn it because I think its an outstanding skill and I didn't think she could reclass to learn it....hmmm, I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one....thanks again for the info!

What fireemblemfan4ever said pretty much nailed it.

Strategist isn't a special class. It can be used by anyone who has access to all normal classes. It's just that this class isn't assigned to any of the other units.

Lord is, however, special. Therefore there is no way to make male Morgan learn Dual Attack+, Charisma or Aether.

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What fireemblemfan4ever said pretty much nailed it.

Strategist isn't a special class. It can be used by anyone who has access to all normal classes. It's just that this class isn't assigned to any of the other units.

Lord is, however, special. Therefore there is no way to make male Morgan learn Dual Attack+, Charisma or Aether.

You know, I've just realised this, but

wouldn't Doubling Chrom and Lucina, giving Lucina Dual Attack+, turn Gimle into an absolute joke? Given that they both have effective weaponry against him? With Speed Cry and Rainbow Cry, you could easily land 4 effective attacks on him.

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What fireemblemfan4ever said pretty much nailed it.

Strategist isn't a special class. It can be used by anyone who has access to all normal classes. It's just that this class isn't assigned to any of the other units.

Lord is, however, special. Therefore there is no way to make male Morgan learn Dual Attack+, Charisma or Aether.

Yeah, male Morgan can't, but female Morgan can. ^^ I think I'll do that. Morgan with Aether; that makes her more broken than she already is. Although I don't like the idea of Chrom being MU's father-in-law...

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Somewhat related to what was being asked; but are there an unlimited number of change seals and enemies/maps to 'grind' away on?


Also, this is somewhat related to what I asked earlier. Does the DLC take money from your e-shop account (though I know it doesn't link directly to the e-shop), or do you have to buy them all seperately?

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If it's anything like Theatrhythm's DLC, you buy the DLC from the in-game menu, which when you go to buy it, uses your e-shop account funds. If you're going to be buying multiple DLCs at once, it helps to do one 'charge' if your account is empty (You get a choice to only pay for the DLC, or charge $10, $20, $30, or $50 onto your account and then deduct the DLC cost from that when you buy the DLC) so you don't have to be doing credit card details for every single one

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I have a question about skills.

Holy Shield

Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones *1


Would this work against the super effectiveness (for lack of nonpokemon terms) of bows and wind magic, reducing at least some of the damage?

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I have a question about skills.

Holy Shield

Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones *1


Would this work against the super effectiveness (for lack of nonpokemon terms) of bows and wind magic, reducing at least some of the damage?

I don't see why not.

It doesn't say, "Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones, except when the damage is 'super effective.'" :)

I'm not entirely sure, though... I might be wrong.

Oh, and I think you just say "effective against."

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If it's anything like Theatrhythm's DLC, you buy the DLC from the in-game menu, which when you go to buy it, uses your e-shop account funds. If you're going to be buying multiple DLCs at once, it helps to do one 'charge' if your account is empty (You get a choice to only pay for the DLC, or charge $10, $20, $30, or $50 onto your account and then deduct the DLC cost from that when you buy the DLC) so you don't have to be doing credit card details for every single one

So I can use pre-paid cards to add funds to my e-shop account, then use that to pay for the DLC? I ask because I'd rather not have to use a credit card, if it can be avoided at all.

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So I can use pre-paid cards to add funds to my e-shop account, then use that to pay for the DLC? I ask because I'd rather not have to use a credit card, if it can be avoided at all.

Isn't that what the pre-paid cards are for? Adding funds to your account?

And since, when you buy DLC, it deducts money from you account, then yeah, of course you can buy DLC by adding funds with a pre-paid card.

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So I can use pre-paid cards to add funds to my e-shop account, then use that to pay for the DLC? I ask because I'd rather not have to use a credit card, if it can be avoided at all.

Yep! If you have funds on your account, it'll use them, and only prompt you with paying with a card if you don't have enough on the account to buy the DLC you want.

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Here's a question.

Say I have Krom and Sumia able to get to a C Support. I don't actually rank them up, but they could. If I do not marry off Sumia, I can't marry Krom to Olivia, right?

Same goes if you change Sumia to Soiree, Mariabell, or any other bride for him.

Yeah. Because he and her can have the C Support, no other girl can get above that amount besides from getting that C Support. And because Chrom and Olivia can't actually get their C Support conversation, and only get the amount required, he won't marry Olivia, due to the priority system.

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