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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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so are the skills japaness translation names going to be replaced with actual game ones on the skills page or no?

They will, but we don't have many of them yet. Makes sense to hold off and do a lot at once rather than having to spend extra time working with it every time a new skill is discovered.

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They will, but we don't have many of them yet. Makes sense to hold off and do a lot at once rather than having to spend extra time working with it every time a new skill is discovered.

will they at least still be in name chart?

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will they at least still be in name chart?

There's a section for skills on the Name Chart page; it's just very incomplete so far.

Just wondering... Can a guest character (Imported Avatars, DLC, Spotpass) appear in the "Everyone's Room" events or is it only the main cast?

No. Unique characters only.

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One guy that got the demo of the american version apparently got +2 HP on his Avatar (Asset: HP, Flaw: Luck) which, according to that wonderful calculator you have, should be impossible unless NoA changed the growth rates. Can anyone check if they can get +2 HP on theirs (with Asset: HP)?

Well, in the Japanese version, I had this happen. And my Asset was Magic and Flaw was Luck.


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Well, in the Japanese version, I had this happen. And my Asset was Magic and Flaw was Luck.

You mean +HP -Luck. You wouldn't have those stats with +Mag.

Still, that's weird because he should've had base 24 HP, so he gained HP going to LV2. So dynamic stuff shouldn't have been in effect.

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It seems like there's no benefit in staying in special classes till 30 or doing the promoted class change unless it's the final class you want them to be in.

This is correct, although your level numbers are off by one. A level 10-->1 unit, for example, will have level 1 + invisible 4. (The 5 in my post was the total.)

And if you want to get the skills you want, max everything and end up in the original special class, don't change to it until you have everything else maxed. Special classes tend to have higher growth "potential" - the difference between the base stat and cap.

For example, if you have maxed everything in non-Dancer classes (Assassin, Swordmaster, Dark Pegasus, Falcoknight), when you change back to Dancer you will have everything maxed except HP. If you go for the "max everything for all classes" objective, you obviously have to revisit Dancer at some time.

Hey for those of your who have played it: How is the speed/evasion system working? I know in FEDS (which this game tends to take after a little bit) speed was absoutely worthless when it came to evasion because most attacks hit anyway. >_>

FE12 didn't seem as bad, at least characters could dodge sometimes. But it still wasn't as good as the GBA titles >>

Let me look into 2ch wiki once again...

Hit Rate = (WHit + Skl×1.5 + Luk×0.5 + WLv Bonus + Weapon Triangle Bonus) - (Enemy's Spd×1.5 + Enemy's Luk×0.5)

In other words, 1 Spd contributes to 1.5 Avo, and 1 Luk contributes to 0.5 Avo.

I can't tell for sure, but I get the feeling that FE13 has reverted to using 1RN for calculating hit. This means that a 78% hit will really hit 78% of the time.

But then, I feel this way because low% hit or hi% miss occur more often than I expected, and I haven't done any experiment or recording to prove anything.

I guess by translating the 2ch wiki alone we can get a lot of information about this game. Do keep in mind that their information can be wrong, though. Compared to Serenes Forest, their mistakes tend to stay up for a longer time and there is nothing we can do about it (they don't allow foreigners without accounts to modify it).

Yeah, looking at the FE8 page, for example, the growth rate changes are under the localization changes section.

Lute had a 70% mag growth? ;_;

Granted, she still has 65%...

IIRC, in this particular game IS did a lot of things before sending them for localization. I think in a particular interview it was stated that IS were the ones behind the name differences between versions (or at least, this is the case for L'Arachel).

Well, in the Japanese version, I had this happen. And my Asset was Magic and Flaw was Luck.

I guess it's possible that either Pair Up has other side effects, or the growth we got in the first place was wrong.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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I guess it's possible that either Pair Up has other side effects, or the growth we got in the first place was wrong.

Again, my mistake. It was +HP. I was rushing to look at something on Chapter 5 on Hard Mode and I just gave MU the default parameters.

I always usually set it to +Mag and -Luck because that's "me".

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Again, my mistake. It was +HP. I was rushing to look at something on Chapter 5 on Hard Mode and I just gave MU the default parameters.

I always usually set it to +Mag and -Luck because that's "me".

I did see your reply before mine, and thus fully aware that you're using a +HP unit.

According to the main site, Strategist MU +HP has an HP growth of 95%. And if it's like Othin said (not bothering to check) that dynamic growth isn't the cause of this, it's strange.

Which is why I said it's possible the growths we got (the ones taken from the guidebook) were wrong (or inaccurate) in the first place.

We'll either need to wait for 3DS ROMs to be truly hackable or some painful investigation and observation to see the true answer to this phenomenon.

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Quesstion: Is +Speed MU worthwhile since you need +5 speed to double now? Or, I guess a better way to phrase it, do the enemies' speed stats grow at around the same pace as you, or do you quickly hit that +5 hump and not lose it without the +Speed stat?

Also, does Royal Weapon add +10% activation to any skill that uses an RNG, or just skills that use the "Skill" stat for their RNG?

Edited by GinRei
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2ch wiki[/url] once again...

Hit Rate = (WHit + Skl×1.5 + Luk×0.5 + WLv Bonus + Weapon Triangle Bonus) - (Enemy's Spd×1.5 + Enemy's Luk×0.5)

In other words, 1 Spd contributes to 1.5 Avo, and 1 Luk contributes to 0.5 Avo.

I can't tell for sure, but I get the feeling that FE13 has reverted to using 1RN for calculating hit. This means that a 78% hit will really hit 78% of the time.

But then, I feel this way because low% hit or hi% miss occur more often than I expected, and I haven't done any experiment or recording to prove anything.

Okay, thanks!

Quesstion: Is +Speed MU worthwhile since you need +5 speed to double now? Or, I guess a better way to phrase it, do the enemies' speed stats grow at around the same pace as you, or do you quickly hit that +5 hump and not lose it without the +Speed stat?

I also would like an answer to this. (Because I have nothing better to do than to plan my cast of characters, apparently.)

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Quesstion: Is +Speed MU worthwhile since you need +5 speed to double now? Or, I guess a better way to phrase it, do the enemies' speed stats grow at around the same pace as you, or do you quickly hit that +5 hump and not lose it without the +Speed stat?

Also, does Royal Weapon add +10% activation to any skill that uses an RNG, or just skills that use the "Skill" stat for their RNG?

Having played only 1 Lunatic run, I can't answer for sure. It does help in that you need to pick Speed if you want to double in earlier chapters (with Chrom or Frederick's help), and after a few chapters, your speed growth will stick out which would really help in doubling and evasion in Lunatic. I imagine it can backfire in Lunatic+, though, since evasion can be nullified by Absolute Hit and doubling means you get hurt twice if the enemy has Counter.

Royal Weapon adds 10% to everything thae takes random chances, and not just occult skills. This means it works for things like Weapon Saver.

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Question. The Serene's Forest site states that +1 is added to all the stats of the children characters. But do they have to already have a modifier in that stat, or is it added automatically? That is to say, if Chrom married Sumia, neither of them have a Magic stat change. Would Lucina still get a +1 to that stat?

And secondly, do skills like Magic Square, Secluded Lady and Charisma work on a characters Double Partner?

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Quesstion: Is +Speed MU worthwhile since you need +5 speed to double now? Or, I guess a better way to phrase it, do the enemies' speed stats grow at around the same pace as you, or do you quickly hit that +5 hump and not lose it without the +Speed stat?

Speed is more important than ever. Doubling isn't anywhere near as much of a given as it's been in past games; hell, not getting doubled isn't at all a given on the higher difficulties. Swordmasters in Lunatic's final story chapters go right up to their cap of 46, the highest natural Spd cap of any class.

Question. The Serene's Forest site states that +1 is added to all the stats of the children characters. But do they have to already have a modifier in that stat, or is it added automatically? That is to say, if Chrom married Sumia, neither of them have a Magic stat change. Would Lucina still get a +1 to that stat?

And secondly, do skills like Magic Square, Secluded Lady and Charisma work on a characters Double Partner?

1) Not certain, but I assume so. Basically, think of the kids each having base modifiers of +1 in every stat and then adding their parents' modifiers. Or the parent's inherited modifiers in the case of Gen 3 Mark, since he/she doesn't duplicate the child parent's +1, just the stats of that character's parents. I can't imagine the game would've made it any more complicated than this.

2) Yes.

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Skill is still pretty much useless, since you can't get anything concrete out of it. A bit of an extra chance of accuracy, a critical hit, or a skill activation is nothing in comparison to a measured difference in ability to kill an enemy or to survive their attacks.

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Good to know on the speed. Was torn between that and skill but Speed seems like the more useful stat in this case.


Question on hidden levels: Is it possible for MU to get the level 10 and 15 skills from Strategist, Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster and Assassin? Or would the level cap out somewhere along the way?

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Question on hidden levels: Is it possible for MU to get the level 10 and 15 skills from Strategist, Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster and Assassin? Or would the level cap out somewhere along the way?

The "cap" you are talking about is only for exp.

You can go back and fort as many times as you want.

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Question on hidden levels: Is it possible for MU to get the level 10 and 15 skills from Strategist, Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster and Assassin? Or would the level cap out somewhere along the way?

Actually, when the Difficulty-specific Level Cap is a low number, it benefits you because it means the EXP penalty you get from reclassing will stop getting bigger at an earlier point than in hard difficulties.

Of course, because you can still slow down said penalty's increase, the most EXP-efficient reclassing path for your inquire (provided you luck out in getting Roaming Merchants carrying Change Seals in the early game because by time the earliest shop with them unlocks neither your MU nor any of your first gen. characters should be unpromoted at Lv. 10 or lower to be able to pull it off) should be:

Strategist --Change at Lv. 10--> Thief -- Change at Lv. 10--> Myrmidon --Master at Lv. 10--> Swordmaster --Change at Lv. 15--> Assassin --(If not staying as Assassin) Change at Lv. 15--> Your Pick.

Edited by AstraSage
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Actually, when the Difficulty-specific Level Cap is a low number, it benefits you because it means the EXP penalty you get from reclassing will stop getting bigger at an earlier point than in hard difficulties.

Of course, the most EXP-efficient reclassing path for your inquire (provided you luck out in getting Roaming Merchants carrying Change Seals in the early game because by time the earliest shop with them unlocks neither your MU nor any of your first gen. characters should be unpromoted at Lv. 10 or lower to be able to pull it off) should be:

Strategist --Change at Lv. 10--> Thief -- Change at Lv. 10--> Myrmidon --Master at Lv. 10--> Swordmaster --Change at Lv. 15--> Assassin --(If not staying as Assassin) Change at Lv. 15--> Your Pick.

Okay, thanks~ I understand it better now.

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