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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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I have another question. How outclassed will the mommies and daddies get ingame/postgame.

So far I like most of the parent characters more then the child characters. Parents are probably good ingame, but are they still worth it in the endgame chapters?

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Why yes. Fin did that to me on the Seliph DLC map. But then Nono/Nowi killed him with a Dual-attack.

Thanks. I actually had the idea of asking about if Miracle thwarts Lethality.

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I have another question. How outclassed will the mommies and daddies get ingame/postgame.

So far I like most of the parent characters more then the child characters. Parents are probably good ingame, but are they still worth it in the endgame chapters?

I think this has been answered before very recently, or that might've been another topic, but I'll give my two cents anyways.

No, most won't. Some, have advantages that many children can't take, such as Lon'qu's speed that makes him really good and gives him a different niche than the children. On this note, why give children units sets that parent units can use to the same effect anyways? Such as Libra being able to effectively pull off a Lifetaker+Renewal set. Why give Laurent that when he has the chance of a lifetime to be a godly healer?

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I have another question. How outclassed will the mommies and daddies get ingame/postgame.

So far I like most of the parent characters more then the child characters. Parents are probably good ingame, but are they still worth it in the endgame chapters?

Ingame, no way, including endgame.

Postgame, though, kids can eventually surpass their parents in essentially everything.

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I have several questions:

-Is there a way to make enemy skirmishes disappear without actually fighting them? I have a save outside Chapter 5 right now on Lunatic and would really like to buy some Wind tomes, but there is a rather strong group of enemies occupying the one shop that sells Wind tomes.

-Do characters only reach S support upon reading the corresponding support conversation, or will they reach S support immediately upon fighting the required number of battles together?

-Roughly how long does it take for a typical couple to reach S support? My gut tells me it is infeasible to unlock all children characters on Lunatic without doing DLC grinding or skirmishes.

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I have several questions:

-Is there a way to make enemy skirmishes disappear without actually fighting them? I have a save outside Chapter 5 right now on Lunatic and would really like to buy some Wind tomes, but there is a rather strong group of enemies occupying the one shop that sells Wind tomes.

-Do characters only reach S support upon reading the corresponding support conversation, or will they reach S support immediately upon fighting the required number of battles together?

-Roughly how long does it take for a typical couple to reach S support? My gut tells me it is infeasible to unlock all children characters on Lunatic without doing DLC grinding or skirmishes.

1) They go away over time, but it takes a while. You're probably going to have to consider that shop off-limits indefinitely.

2) Only after having the conversation. Chrom's marriage is the only one with an automatically forced S support rather than specifically selecting it.

3) A while. You can make a few pairings ingame without much trouble and without the kids joining too late, but I doubt you'll make all of them without grinding. Of course, on Lunatic, it's always too late and you're likely to be able to make very few pairings.

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but per say one of my friends who lives in an entirely different country gets a game. Will me and her be able to connect online battle and trade My Units or is that only available to those who you pass in real life? Like, how available is the game in terms of playing together when you live in different countries?

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but per say one of my friends who lives in an entirely different country gets a game. Will me and her be able to connect online battle and trade My Units or is that only available to those who you pass in real life? Like, how available is the game in terms of playing together when you live in different countries?

Simple answer. "You can't."

Long Answer: There is no online connectivity for this game. Only via Streetpass can you do so. It's just like I had to make a file as close to my friend Annie's MU on my file for my LP for her to join because she lives across the country from me.

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This may be more of an opinion question than straight yes or no... but is it worth having both Aether and Luna on Chrom, or is that overkill?

Luna honestly isn't all that great, except against tough postgame enemies when Chrom's Skl and the enemy's Def are both likely very high.

But it's certainly not overkill. While Chrom can't pull it off, Lucina can manage an amazing Aether + Astra + Rightful King combo for ridiculous odds of some skill activation at high levels. I'd recommend that.

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Let's say I get MU and (insert random marriage candidate here) up to support level A and the S support is available for initiation. Can I hold off on that in order to choose another or am I stuck with them. Basically I guess I'm asking if support levels are automatic or not.

Sorry if this is an obvious or already been asked question.

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Probably been asked before, but how easy is it to get second/master seals?

Pretty easy. Some enemies drop second seals around Chapter 5 (not exactly sure) and you can buy them both in shops later.

Edited by Zelos
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How many characters from the previous games that were mentioned in the game, I did saw Jagen was mentioned from Marth when he was recruited from the first DLC chapter and talking to the Avatar also and Cain and Able were mentioned in Stahl's and Sully's Support Conversation also. And we did know about Duma, Mila, and some of the others from the Edit Card section for SpotPas section, but what are the rest of the characters that were mentioned?

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@Second & Master seals: You can get them from skirmishes and merchants as early as chapter 3, though they only begin to really appear en masse after Chapter 7. Master seals can be obtained from shops after chapter 12, and the earliest Second Seal shop that comes to mind is post-Chapter 16, if that helps.

Is their anyway to turn off the cut-ins if someone uses a skill/crits? Contrary to what most people think, I find them to ruin the epic-ness of a battle.

Not to my knowledge, no, though Levin Sword and Bolt Axe criticals don't cut in, to my immediate knowledge. You may also want to try using legacy characters, as they don't have any cut-ins whatsoever.

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