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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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They should release a ''Add Save Slots'' DLC lol... all 3 are already occupied, a normal run, a hard one and my brother's one.

Does anyone have both cartridge and digital version ? If you unlock conversations on the cartridge will i be able to see it on the digital version and vice-versa ? I know DLC is saved on D card but what about the Support Library, Renown, Theater, etc...

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They are different saves. The system save is stored just like other save files.

Technically, if you back up the entire SD card, that backs up your saves on your computer for the digital copy.

I have infinite saves on my cartridges because of that R4i Save Dongle

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>.> if only the dongle worked with the digital...

But i'm ok with that, FE13 cartridges will arrive here at 25/02 and the guys who seems to have received their release copy 2 days ago paid a fortune...

Somehow it feels bad deleting these saves, that never happened with other games, even with past FEs... maybe because until all the DLCs and SpotPass are released the game feels a bit incomplete and i wanted to have everything bested with the teams i first played the game...

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Two quick and unimportant questions.

1: I don't suppose anyone has a screenshot of the completed StreetPass Mii Plaza FE13 puzzle (either version, since I assume they're no different)?


I have a question about Grima's appearance in the Endgame and FoD 3, specifically the Avatar-possessing version of him you physically fight. Does he always have the appearance of a Tactician/Grandmaster, in terms of map icon and battle model (since portraits are static), or do these change if Avatar has reclassed into a different class entirely at the time of fighting him? I'm guessing he doesn't and just always looks like a Tactician, but there's no harm in asking.

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Two quick and unimportant questions.

1: I don't suppose anyone has a screenshot of the completed StreetPass Mii Plaza FE13 puzzle (either version, since I assume they're no different)?


I have a question about Grima's appearance in the Endgame and FoD 3, specifically the Avatar-possessing version of him you physically fight. Does he always have the appearance of a Tactician/Grandmaster, in terms of map icon and battle model (since portraits are static), or do these change if Avatar has reclassed into a different class entirely at the time of fighting him? I'm guessing he doesn't and just always looks like a Tactician, but there's no harm in asking.

1.no sorry


He is always grandmaster/tactician appearnce

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Are MU's C-A support convos different depending on MU's gender?


The ones I can remember are the ones with Lon'qu (considering his condition with women) and Chrom.

You can add the spotpass characters, the kids, Anna, Say'ri, Tiki, Basilio and Flavia to that list.

Those are the only ones where the conversation is completely different, I think, but several others will have similar content with some variations on the text. Donnel/AvatarF B support has a couple more lines at the end where he says compliments first Avatar on her looks and then all the female on your team, for instance. And while I haven't actually seen the Virion/AvatarM text yet, I'm 99% sure Virion won't hit on him the way he does on AvatarF in his B and A supports since AvatarM isn't as pretty as Libra.

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I'm wondering, what items and skills and stuff will the CPU use? I'm asking because I want to equip weapons and skills and other stuff that the CPU will actually use.

For example, will the CPU use the Godess Staff? Will they use the Haticlare to restore all HP? Will they Rally with their allies? Stuff like that.

On a different note, you know the Outrealm Skill? Like I guess the placeholder? Will it work like the skill that it was or whatever, like the Iote's Shield Skill or All Stats +2 Skill?

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Okay, so I'm PRETTY sure I read somewhere on this forum that marrying the child characters still resorts in a Morgan, but I'm looking on serenes' growths and caps page; not seeing any of this. Yet it shows Aversa and Emmeryn, wut? You can still marry a child character and get Morgan...right?

Edited by MagicLeafy
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are support convos saved in the support convo automatically or do i have to safe my file to keep the convo(s)?

also how do you do spoiler tag?

You have to save. You can keep the support library updated with a regular save or by suspending your game.


I'm wondering, what items and skills and stuff will the CPU use? I'm asking because I want to equip weapons and skills and other stuff that the CPU will actually use.

For example, will the CPU use the Godess Staff? Will they use the Haticlare to restore all HP? Will they Rally with their allies? Stuff like that.

On a different note, you know the Outrealm Skill? Like I guess the placeholder? Will it work like the skill that it was or whatever, like the Iote's Shield Skill or All Stats +2 Skill?

The AI will use healing items, as well as weapons that can be used for healing (like Gradivus). They will heal whenever they have such item at hand and have less than half of their total HP.

The AI will also use staves, as long as they are healing staves. And they will use the Rally skills whenever possible. Enemies that can's fight in their turn but possess rally skills will move last to ensure their allies will get the Rally effect while being closer to the player.

Outrealm skills retain their effects in other 3DS units. It's only their names that are masked. Outrealm items, on the other hand, are unusable until you have the respective DLC installed again.

Okay, so I'm PRETTY sure I read somewhere on this forum that marrying the child characters still resorts in a Morgan, but I'm looking on serenes' growths and caps page; not seeing any of this. Yet it shows Aversa and Emmeryn, wut? You can still marry a child character and get Morgan...right?

Yes. And it is in the site.

[spoiler=Large image]SF_growths.png

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On the growth chart, you need to set a kid's parent first before you can set the kid as Morgan's parent. The kid's parent also has to be somebody that's not the Avatar.

Some browsers may show all selectable parents regardless, but they won't work properly (I think).

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On the growth chart, you need to set a kid's parent first before you can set the kid as Morgan's parent. The kid's parent also has to be somebody that's not the Avatar.

Some browsers may show all selectable parents regardless, but they won't work properly (I think).

Oh, pfft. It says that right above the growth rates chart. -_- Guess the meaning of that statement eluded me, for whatever reason...

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