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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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And also, what the rest of the Number of Blocks from the other DLC chapters that haven't released yet like The Lost Bloodline 2, Infinite Regalia, Smash Brethren series, etc.?

And if the player already paids and downloaded a single chapter like The Lost Bloodline 1 already and then decides to paid and download the DLC Pack and does it allows to reduce the price like down to like $5, $4, or lower if one of the chapter was already paid and downloaded or does the pack can take a total of $6.00 if one of the DLC chapter that was already downloaded?

Edited by King Marth 64
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And also, what the rest of the Number of Blocks from the other DLC chapters that haven't released yet like The Lost Bloodline 2, Infinite Regalia, Smash Brethren series, etc.?

And if the player already paids and downloaded a single chapter like The Lost Bloodline 1 already and then decides to paid and download the DLC Pack and does it allows to reduce the price like down to like $5, $4, or lower if one of the chapter was already paid and downloaded or does it cost a total of $6.00 if one of the DLC chapter that was already downloaded?

I swear I've answered the size question elsewhere. And a few others did too. I can't quite dig up that info in the forum, but the total size is 967 blocks, or roughly 121 MB.

No one can answer that future price change question, I suppose. Just grab the pack right now if you don't want to overpay.

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I think you only thing that modifies the pack price is a sale for one or more of the maps, so you really want to get the packs from the start.

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Did you have it set to automatically update? I once encountered a similar problem of not receiving some Spotpass content, and it fixed by turning it off and back on again. It updated properly that way.

I think I do, and I have tried turning it off and choosing update now again and again, nothing, no Walhart :< So why can't I download his spotpass?

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When does Emmeryn's paralogue chapter come out?

Unless I happen to be wrong, I think Emmeryn's paralogue is next in line to be released. It'll be 2 weeks from yesterday.

Also, besides Morgan, is there any of the children characters whose birthday doesn't fit in with the pattern I've noticed they seem to have?

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I think I do, and I have tried turning it off and choosing update now again and again, nothing, no Walhart :< So why can't I download his spotpass?

How far are you in the story? I can't get it either, but I'm only on chapter 17. I'm thinking they might have that as a sort of limiter to ensure crazy shenanigans don't happen.

Also, besides Morgan, is there any of the children characters whose birthday doesn't fit in with the pattern I've noticed they seem to have?

Kind of hard to say for sure without posting what you think the pattern is...

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Kind of hard to say for sure without posting what you think the pattern is...

The children characters' birtdays, bar Morgan, are the release dates of the other FE games in Japan.

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Unless I happen to be wrong, I think Emmeryn's paralogue is next in line to be released. It'll be 2 weeks from yesterday.

Also, besides Morgan, is there any of the children characters whose birthday doesn't fit in with the pattern I've noticed they seem to have?

I was going through the dates... because I just noticed that pattern...


Morgan, and I think Kjelle, don't have release date B-days.

Lucina has two. (FE9 and FE1)

The rest follow the "one release date per child" trend.

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I'd find it funny if is this means Kjelle's B-day is a hint for a future release (perhaps the crossover game lol), or she was just given a random day since two FE's shared the same release date.

I wouldn't count Morgan on this since the B-day is in Japan's Children's Day, most likely on purpose.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Morgan, and I think Kjelle, don't have release date B-days.

Kjelle's birthday was on the initial broadcast day of BSFE.

The children and their birthdays:

Severa - FE3, FE5(ROM)

Brady - FE10

Yarne - FE2

Nah - FE6

Lucina - FE1, FE9

Laurent - FE7

Cynthia - FE4

Owain - FE12

Inigo - FE11

Gerome - FE5(NP)

Kjelle - BSFE

Noire - FE8

Also, these don't quite count, but...

Owain - VC FE5

Vaike - VC FE3

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This thread's a bit too long for me to sift through pages, so I hope this hasn't been asked too many times, but I was wondering if the retro music from the DLC chapters only plays for the initial playthrough?

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This thread's a bit too long for me to sift through pages, so I hope this hasn't been asked too many times, but I was wondering if the retro music from the DLC chapters only plays for the initial playthrough?

It has at least a 50% chance of playing on replays, but it's rather disappointing that they cut it from 100%.

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You know how if you haven't built support with Chrom and someone else that he marries a random woman at the end of Chapter 13 or something like that? Well I was wondering, if he does that, what are the growth rates and maximum stats for Lucina?

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How far are you in the story? I can't get it either, but I'm only on chapter 17. I'm thinking they might have that as a sort of limiter to ensure crazy shenanigans don't happen.

Actually, I'm on Chapter 16 and I finally got Walhart's spotpass.I had to turn off the auto spotpass update, try Update Now, get the heads up, then switch auto update back on and that was how I was able to get it before I actually beat him in the main story.

Try that method out and see if that works.

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If you use the Rally command with a unit that has more than two rally skills equipped for whatever reason, what determines which rally takes priority (For example, if Sumia has Rally Movement and Rally Speed equipped at the same time, which one gets used)?

The game doesn't let you choose which Rally you want, it seems to choose for you.

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If you use the Rally command with a unit that has more than two rally skills equipped for whatever reason, what determines which rally takes priority (For example, if Sumia has Rally Movement and Rally Speed equipped at the same time, which one gets used)?

The game doesn't let you choose which Rally you want, it seems to choose for you.

actually, i believe it's all of them

which means you could have a rally bot with spectrum/love/speed/strength/defense or whatever and get crazy boosts on everyone

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Actually, I'm on Chapter 16 and I finally got Walhart's spotpass.I had to turn off the auto spotpass update, try Update Now, get the heads up, then switch auto update back on and that was how I was able to get it before I actually beat him in the main story.

Try that method out and see if that works.

Yeah, you can download them at any stage; you just can't play them until post-Ch25.

If you use the Rally command with a unit that has more than two rally skills equipped for whatever reason, what determines which rally takes priority (For example, if Sumia has Rally Movement and Rally Speed equipped at the same time, which one gets used)?

The game doesn't let you choose which Rally you want, it seems to choose for you.

It uses all of them, even if they refer to the same stats: if a character has Rally Speed, Rally Love, and Rally Spectrum, nearby units will get +10 Spd and +6 to their other stats. Worth noting that while you can stack multiple different Rallies that affect the same stats, you can't stack multiple of the same Rally: using Rally Speed a second time with another unit won't add an additional bonus.

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Isn't the Acrobat skill basically giving the unit flying utility minus the ability to stand in the air/water?

basically, but i don't think you can cross mountains either (Gangrel couldn't do that in his joining chapter)

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basically, but i don't think you can cross mountains either (Gangrel couldn't do that in his joining chapter)

Acrobat is actually based on the units traversing capabilities. So if a unit can't move on mountains at all (horses, generals IIRC), Acrobat won't give them that ability, no moving on mountains. Which is why some units still can't traverse on water and none traverse air with Acrobat.

But if they can move only one space on a mountain normally (a few... berserkers for sure...?), Acrobat will make it so they can traverse it normally, or the full 5/7/whatever spaces.

I actually have no idea which classes can traverse which terrain though - just guessing.

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Acrobat is actually based on the units traversing capabilities. So if a unit can't move on mountains at all (horses, generals IIRC), Acrobat won't give them that ability, no moving on mountains. Which is why some units still can't traverse on water and none traverse air with Acrobat.

But if they can move only one space on a mountain normally (a few... berserkers for sure...?), Acrobat will make it so they can traverse it normally, or the full 5/7/whatever spaces.

I actually have no idea which classes can traverse which terrain though - just guessing.

Acrobat on a flier Kappa.png

not bad though, Acrobat+a mount=unrestricted (for the most part) move without stupid flying weaknesses

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