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How did you come up with your Username?


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Just post what gave you the inspiration(s) for your username(s)

Me? I'm a huge star wars fan, my favorite video game series/character happens to be Sonic the Hedgehog, plus my name is Jedidiah which I constantly shorten to Jed or Jedi anyways, thus Jedisupersonic was born, although the super part was both from Super Mario and Super Sonic so it could be from either

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I wanted an ironic weaboo handle.

I didn't think about the fact that irony doesn't come across very well on the internet, and I don't think I use this handle anywhere outside Serenes and the FE12 blog because of that :|

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My original username is Florina. No prizes to guess why. :B

My current one (which im keeping for a while...NO EIN, YOU STILL CANT HAVE FLORINA!) is a main POV character from A Song Of Ice And Fire/Game of Thrones.

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I've had an inspiration for all of my usernames.

Boron -- a common name I've gone by on a lot of websites

Jihyun -- I'm actually not telling on this one :P

Folgore Yellow -- my Folgore color

Xin Li -- one of my OCs, the character based on me in one of my story

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spiker275 was from me signing up from msn under spiker, when I was told it wasn't available spiker275 came up as a suggestion from then.

Then came Darros, from me using Darros obsessively in a playthrough and claiming Darros was the best evar. Integ called me Darros once because of that, it stuck.

Then Uhai, just a fanobsession. I do that a lot.

After that came Spykor, courtesy of ERL (IIRC) in a thread I made asking what my next namechange would be.

I shortened that to Spy soon after. Then went back to Darros.

Following a FE10 playthrough, I changed my name to Hawk King Tibarn, and got Soul & Slayer to change theirs to Janaff & Ulki, respectively. It was awesome, we shared a sig. Boo-yah. I reverted to Spykor almost 2 months after that.

After that was Spykitty during the kitty fad, when Tangerine "Kitty kicked" me from chat. Ironic because I'm still phobic of cats.

Then it was Darros again, followed by Komatsu, which is a character from a manga called Toriko that TheTinyImp got me into.

Komatsu soon turned into Skasaher because FE4 is awesome.

I reverted to Darros after that again, it's the name I most commonly go by.

And from Darros I went into Knuckles, because he's my favorite Sonic character. After that it was Darros, AGAIN.

Then after reading the amazing incomplete FE1 let's play, it became Machis the Renegade Knight. What a hero Machis is.

From there it became Folgore Blue, because I'm Folgore Blue (don't forget it) and that originated from an incident concerning a certain Black Chocobo.

After that I was all like FE13 OH MI GAWD and changed to Wood.

And then I reverted to Folgore Blue, followed by Knuckles. And I doubt that I'll ever be constant in keeping one name. I have 3 I go by regularly (Darros, Knuckles, Spykor).

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Silver Harpoon.

I had just finished Reading Moby Dick.

I wasn't going to come up with naming myself Cap'n Ahab or Ishmael.

Mr. Limerick-

Rhymes, and internet drugs.

The Creeper-

DC hero, fave of mine.

The Insane One-

Figures that being a draft addict turns you into one.


DC villian, insane, clown.


Kitteh's nickname.

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Luminescent Blade- I like sharp pointy/cutty objects and glowy things :B

Fat Bunny - 2lk2yva.jpg

It's a character of mine, so Fat Bunny is capitalised. It's basically a omnivorous rabbit that ate so much it ended up looking like a blob. The fat version of the Killer Rabbit p much.

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East is my least favorite direction, and my favorite nursery rhyme is the Three Little Pigs.

Nothing to do with Russell Westbrook? Hmmm...

Akagami = Because of the One Piece character Akagami no Shanks.

(In other forums) Wodao = Wo Dao joined.

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I've seen some cartoons of a guy smashing a Melon over some person's Head... Aside from that, I'm not really sure. Maybe because it was the most awesome plant in Plants Vs. Zombies, idk. As for 215, it's my favorite number :)

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CR-S01 - It's a character from Trauma Team.

Origin - I don't know. Sometimes I just think of random words and shit and use it.

Executioner - I've had it for like, not even a week, but it's based off of Mitsuru Kirijo and her "executions".

I've also gone by Trueblade/Truebladed/Trueblades/Archblade/something blade because I used to really like the class. Not anymore, though.

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The reason how I came up with my name is actually kinda weird. Well to begin with I love Paladins since there so well balance. I also love maps in Fire Emblem in where you have to defend a certain point. And since Paladins are such well rounded units, why not use them. Out of no where I then comebind the two and came up with my name. The light part comes from how most paladins have white armor.

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Blues: Started with this name because well... my online name is generally bluedoom. I was just too lazy to type it out. XD

Marth: like Marth, and I love Archaenea. Self-explanatory. Also a lot of you know me by this name.

Bluedoom: Well a long time ago I was trying to find a good online name. My favourite colour is Blue, and doom is well... to add some oomph to the name. Has stuck ever since.

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King of Fighters has a song called Esaka, or at least Esaka is in the name. Like "Goodbye Esaka" or "Esaka Continues" anyways, it's a BAMF song every time and yeah, the name is just cool, even if it is just based off a train station.

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Ein Silver Rose: Two names of Riviera The Promised Land characters and silver because I like it and junk.

My original username is Florina. No prizes to guess why. :B

My current one (which im keeping for a while...NO EIN, YOU STILL CANT HAVE FLORINA!) is a main POV character from A Song Of Ice And Fire/Game of Thrones.

Like hell I can't.

Fat Bunny - 2lk2yva.jpg

Fluffy Bunny. o3o

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My goodness I have almost no clue. I got the idea of a number-based username from Mike Nite of Youtube, but I don't remember why I chose these numbers. I think I first started using them on an RPG Maker forum and it stood for... Something.

Does anyone have any guesses? Google isn't helping me xP

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Well for Acey555 or whatever I was at first its my initials(ACY) with an added "e" to make it look kinda like Ace and then my favorite number, 55 but then I guess I added another 5..

For StrawmantheSawmanShaman....Well, I'm not really sure. I wanted something that had to do with the Shaman, my favorite FE class besides armor knight. No clue where the Strawman and Sawman parts come from. Probably just because they sounded similar and were also kinda creepy lol.

People had started calling me Strawman for short so when the kitty fad came around I kept the straw and added the kitty to the saw.

Then I started liking ducks a lot.

Then I decided sloths were cuter than ducks, so I changed to sloth themed straw-being.

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