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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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shinori it's ok to be wrong but you don't need to respond to everything i say with "PRIMS IS SCUM" when i'm not actually providing you with further reason to believe i'm scum

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reasons such as............. trying not to lynch the player i thought was the town watcher. ok. cool.

i'm frustrated that people think i have to play the same way as town every time and that there's no reason a townie could ever want to alter their playstyle for a game

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So your vigclaim and cop claim, along with faked evidence, shouldn't mean a thing as far as our opinions of your alignment?

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So your vigclaim and cop claim, along with faked evidence, shouldn't mean a thing as far as our opinions of your alignment?

no because they're not scummy

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"I had reason to believe Proto is SANDBAG, TOWN DOCTOR" (but was wrong) is still a real thing btw. I only meant to withdraw my claims from next to deadline.

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Also I shouldn't have had to make shit up to try and get votes off Bananas, people should have just been all "cool, a watcher claim, this is easily provable and the circumstances he made it in make him unlikely to be scum, guess we're not lynching him".

Seriously unless he flips scum then I'm pretty much mad at anybody who was around at deadline, town and voting him over Shinori (except Shinori for not me over me reasons, but not expectant town-Shinori).

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Proto's role doesn't indicate alignment, from what I can tell.

how is proto's ~Functional Vanilla~ claim better than impy's tracker claim

Replace all instances of Proto with SB, and replace Functional Vanilla with Watcher. Now, answer those questions.

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yeah i'm done arguing this shit until D3 because everybody is too caught up in their "woah prims is acting like a dick and didn't want the watcher lynched obvscum" crack theories to actually step back, read the game, consider my posts and realize that i might just possibly have town motivation for what i'm doing and that the people trying to get the watcher lynched as deadline were indeed scummy as fuck

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I think it's ironic how nobody gives a shit about psych being a non-contributor when serious bananas and tinyimp nearly got themselves lynched over it.

I've pointed out your obv scum-ness, I've helped Proto's role as well as help shed light on me, I've brought up points about the assist characters and how Marth doesn't match me and Proto, and again, how you seem to be the worst/most inane town player in this game next to some others.

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k, there are no words to describe what i'm feeling about the lynch, so i'll just move on:

Meaning this for Shinori

okay, first of all, my role is passive, so don't bother targeting me, unless you do not want to prove your role or want me to be at the other end and also if you actually turn out Maf, I will be very displeased.

That being said, let's discuss some other stuff {I have a topic, but I am not sure how the convo will be regarding it plus it might be more fun to talk about it during the day}

I have a claimed vanilla on this stage with me, I think, and I have two other people who I don't know if they have active roles or not or plan to use them, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Fun night.

um, like I said earlier, there's one more problem / nuance to this, and since I've been saying I would do this if Shinori wasn't lynched (i think):

Dear Iris,

You are Manaphy.


A Seafaring Pokémon. Eighty percent of its body is made of water. It has the ability Hydration, which allows it to heal status effects at the end of a turn if it's raining. It is the only Pokémon that can use the stat-effect-swapping move called Heart Swap. Place a Manaphy and a Ditto in a Pokémon day Care, and they will produce an Egg that contains a Phione.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Heart Swap, USER1 and USER2". During the next night, USER1 will use USER2's role and vice-versa. You leave no trace and neither will realize that they have been switched until it's too late, if at all. The members of the mafia are organized enough to prevent their kill target from being changed though.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

So last night I swapped you guys [blitz/Shinori], which means that Blitz is supposedly the redirector for this night, and um, Shinori, you're passive. So to make things right, I guess Blitz should go find Shinori's night action line and submit an action. BTW, remember that Subieko has a day role, so IDK if redirection works on that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aside from BBM, looks like I was the only one who was redirected to another stafe, as well.


(day 2)

##Visit: Mushroom Kingdom 1-1

hey, I asked to go to Mushroom Kingdom not Brinstar!!! o:

inb4 no mistake was made

no mistake was made

FMPOV, it seems really obvious what happened, so I'll enlighten you guys if you want, unless a certain someone wants to reveal before me.

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Wait, when did Subieko claim Stage Swapper?

Never, but I kind of assumed Iris would figure it out after I claimed a Day role.

Dear Subieko,

You are The President.


The president of Hocotate Freight. After venturing into space in his youth, he made a shipping company. When it almost collapses after Louie's incident, and Olimar comes back from the Pikmin planet, the president discovers the outstanding value of Olimar's souvenir. He then sends his employees back to collect valuable treasures. His treatment of employees is questionable.

During the day, you may reply to your Role PM with "Day X - USER, go and explore a new world!". Specify a Stage. USER will be forced to move to that Stage at the end of this day. You may target any USER regardless of which Stage they are on.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

I targeted Iris D1, BBM and Iris D2, all to Brinstar. I was originally planning to idle D2 but then when Strawman empowered me it seemed like a waste. But yeah you can see why I said this is a role that is probably good if you can think of the right way to use it but is kind of lame in the hands of me who can't think of anything clever to do with it.

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I targeted Iris D1, BBM and Iris D2, all to Brinstar. I was originally planning to idle D2 but then when Strawman empowered me it seemed like a waste. But yeah you can see why I said this is a role that is probably good if you can think of the right way to use it but is kind of lame in the hands of me who can't think of anything clever to do with it.

Actually I intended to go to Brinstar in the first place, so that's probably why Kaoz didn't put up "check in PM if mistake was made about stage" or something like that.

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