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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Actually I intended to go to Brinstar in the first place, so that's probably why Kaoz didn't put up "check in PM if mistake was made about stage" or something like that.

For Day 1 / Night 1, I mean. I obviously would've noticed something out of the ordinary if so.

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Actually I intended to go to Brinstar in the first place, so that's probably why Kaoz didn't put up "check in PM if mistake was made about stage" or something like that.

Really? Then why did you say early N1 that you weren't happy about the stage you were on? At the time I assumed it was because you hadn't meant to go to Brinstar.

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And Iris is (Ninja?)Role swapper, but it does not stop mafia's kill target. That's such a strange role, unless I'm just misunderstanding the part and thinking ninja when really it's not ninja.

Assuming iris doesn't idle, I've got BBM's role tomorrow night, and he has mine. Good luck with my fun and exciting role :/

As for Subi, this explains some things now. Any reason why you targetted BBM/Iris2x?

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Really? Then why did you say early N1 that you weren't happy about the stage you were on? At the time I assumed it was because you hadn't meant to go to Brinstar.

Yup. Oh, I see how you came to that conclusion. I wasn't happy because I was afraid Shinori would screw me up, at first.

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And Iris is (Ninja?)Role swapper, but it does not stop mafia's kill target. That's such a strange role, unless I'm just misunderstanding the part and thinking ninja when really it's not ninja.

Assuming iris doesn't idle, I've got BBM's role tomorrow night, and he has mine. Good luck with my fun and exciting role :/

As for Subi, this explains some things now. Any reason why you targetted BBM/Iris2x?

Pretty sure you know ninja is entirely different from a roleswapper, but whatever. Not sure what to do about my role, since the N1 plan was pretty botched up.

I'm assuming it's because she thinks we're scum, or something along those lines.

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No I mean are you roleswapper or ninja roleswapper? I'm referring to the part that they don't know even if it's too late, thing.

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And Iris is (Ninja?)Role swapper, but it does not stop mafia's kill target. That's such a strange role, unless I'm just misunderstanding the part and thinking ninja when really it's not ninja.

Assuming iris doesn't idle, I've got BBM's role tomorrow night, and he has mine. Good luck with my fun and exciting role :/

As for Subi, this explains some things now. Any reason why you targetted BBM/Iris2x?

Yeah, I targeted them because, as I have said multiple times, I think Iris is scum and I'm currently uncertain with a slight scum lean on BBM. BBM was mostly because I have to do my role during the day and I thought my other scumspects at the time, SB and Scorri, had a reasonable chance of getting lynched and thus wasting the role use. I figured targeting someone I thought was Town might mess up whatever plans they had.

May have to reevaluate Iris in light of the role claim, though. Role Swap is easily confirmed tonight by Shinori and Blitz, so I assume it's not a fakeclaim. I'm trying to think whether it would be at all good as a scum role. It's...sort of like a second redirector? Since the targets don't know they were role swapped, it effectively swaps their targets (so, if A and B both have active roles and get hit, A uses B's power on his target and B uses A's power on her target, which is functionally equivalent to just swapping A and B's targets)...which makes me wonder if that and Redirector really make sense in the same game. It's perhaps a bit stronger than Redirector, since swapping a passive and active role's powers without their knowledge would probably end up leading to the active role not being used at all. It can't effect the kill though, while Redirector can I think.

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Iris is claiming the same role that I claimed in Touhou Mafia. Which didn't exist back then.

I agree with Subieko that the mods probably wouldn't put two redirecting roles in the game. But I already found Shinori scummy anyways.

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Iris is claiming the same role that I claimed in Touhou Mafia. Which didn't exist back then.

I agree with Subieko that the mods probably wouldn't put two redirecting roles in the game. But I already found Shinori scummy anyways.

That was one of the reasons why I was uncertain of Shinori after he posted his Role PM, and I thought about it.

I am seriously considering the possibility that Subieko is scum trying to kill Iris via Brinstar poisoning

Well, I have no idea, but Subieko, why Brinstar out of all stages, hm? (for three separate occasions)

No I mean are you roleswapper or ninja roleswapper? I'm referring to the part that they don't know even if it's too late, thing.


Yeah, I asked Paperblade a few questions about my role, they wouldn't know. (Well, now they do, but that's not the point). I'm assuming they would know, if I had hypothetically switched investigative targets, then I assume the person who used the investigative role that night would get that result, etc, and then know.

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Hold up, let me interject for a sec

Iris' role isn't a redirector at all, and I don't even know how you came to that conclusion


It's not a Redirector but it's a redirecting role. As in, it's in the same category as Redirector, Bus Driver, Lightningrod, Nexus, Martyr, etc. I don't expect to see too many of those in a single game.

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Stage redirector, role redirector, (target) redirector, and 3 pokemon evolutionary roles. Not to say I believe all 6 are town by any means, but I do believe all of those roles are true.

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Well, I have no idea, but Subieko, why Brinstar out of all stages, hm? (for three separate occasions)

Proto is sort of right--I couldn't think of anything terribly useful to do with my role, so I decided to send players I thought were scum to a stage that seemed likely to have negative side-effects. However I doubt any of the stages actually kills people, that would be kind of bastard mod-y. But I thought Brinstar might nerf abilities or something.

I actually think this role would be a lot better as a scum role, since you could force Town players to the same stage as scumbuddies who wanted to target them. I didn't really know what to do with it as Town. If anyone has a more useful idea I'm all ears.

Iris' role isn't a redirector at all, and I don't even know how you came to that conclusion

Oh derp, it's more like a weird driver. I forgot redirector only changes one person's target, not two. However, it is a role that alters who gets targeted by what, so I do think it's a redirection-type role, if that makes sense.

Maybe I'm wrong about how similar the two roles are, but there does seem to be overlap with Redirector, so I think that either one of Shinori and Iris is lying, or one is scum and the other's Town. Having both roles the same alignment seems redundant.

Also: did another iso on Iris, and...I still think she's scum. I have already discussed her D1 play, and her D2 play wasn't that great either. Her main contribution was suspicions based on Folgore Pink and Shinori's role PMs. While analyzing claims is useful, the failure to analyze their posts and to comment on discussion that happened during the day is bad. And also the things she pointed out about Pink's role PM were so tiny, like it having an em-dash instead of a hyphen. And she had no opinion on whether FP was fakeclaiming or scum!tracker; if you're going to be suspicious of a claimed, provable, usually Town role that is sort of an important aspect to have an opinion on. And I know Iris to be a good player so this poor scumhunting is not characteristic of her.

Maybe Iris's play will suddenly improve and I'll be totally wowed D3, but at this point, I am convinced she's scum.

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I agree with Subieko, I think Iris is scum. I mean pages ago she was all "Oh no I think I screwed up Shinori's chances of proving his role!" and then a few pages later she points out his role PM flaws and votes for him. Actually, she had been doing that since N1 so...

I wonder what was that waffling for?

Now we have 3 redirecting claims, and its time to discuss who is most likely to be scum. In my eyes Shinori looks townish, especially with how he lost his cool and started flipping out and begging the mods to state it as a host error. Its a toss up between Subi and Iris, and I think Iris is likelier to be scum.

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Figured I would post this just in case, what if mafia actually went for a tie lynch just to cause issues all over the place and get town chaotic and confused and force us to in-fight?

Just figured I would state this just in case people wanted to chat about the possibility.

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Figured I would post this just in case, what if mafia actually went for a tie lynch just to cause issues all over the place and get town chaotic and confused and force us to in-fight?

Just figured I would state this just in case people wanted to chat about the possibility.

I think that if SB is Town then scum would have tried to lynch the Watcher claim. Watcher is very dangerous for scum. And after reading the end of D2, it seems like the lynch kept getting tied and then untied and it was pretty chaotic; it doesn't seem that feasible for scum to have planned the tie on purpose because the lynch could easily have gone either way from anyone unvoting (and almost did--Prims' unvote was just barely too late).

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It could have gone either way but most of the players seemed pretty firm in their thoughts and standings once it got started, I think scum originally would have chosen to lynch a target, but then once things started happening as they did they just went with a tie. I think it's plausible, and if we want to get on with the possibility that scum wanted to get the watcher lynched what do you think of Prims last minute unvote just as phase ended, literally as paper posted at the same time? That would have ended up causing SB to be lynched and it would have been extremely last minute.

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It could have gone either way but most of the players seemed pretty firm in their thoughts and standings once it got started, I think scum originally would have chosen to lynch a target, but then once things started happening as they did they just went with a tie. I think it's plausible, and if we want to get on with the possibility that scum wanted to get the watcher lynched what do you think of Prims last minute unvote just as phase ended, literally as paper posted at the same time? That would have ended up causing SB to be lynched and it would have been extremely last minute.

Well only Prims can answer that I suppose, but I think it's because he thought a no lynch would be worse than a lynched Watcher. And it is true that having no flip makes scumhunting more difficult.

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you have implied that i am both scummy for not just letting bananas be wagonned and scummy for letting bananas be wagoned


you can't have it both ways

the last minute unvote was townie because it would've prevented a nl. there was no fucking reason for blitz to not have done that same thing if he was town because town watcher was more important to keep alive than town redirector and he shouldn't have been that sure bananas was fakeclaiming. he didn't even metnion thinking bananas was scum.

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my actual thought process was "what the fuck why hasn't blitz unvoted, well i GUESS if i let bananas flip people will realize how full of shit he was, plus i guess i might be wrong on bananas anyway" though honestly i think that was a mistake and i'm glad we got nl over watcher mislynch

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I never said you were scummy for not wanting SB lynched. I said you were scummy for a variety of other reasons, swapping over to me when you preferred a scorri wagon yourself an hour and a half from deadline lieing about your role like 2-3 times. Some of your posts specifically screamed bad. You really need to stop saying I think you are scummy for not wanting SB lynched, CAUSE I DIDNT SAY THAT.

Ninja lynchs and ninja wagons are scummy. Period.

BBM brought up the fact that one person should switch and that we should talk about who should do that but you seemed to brush it off as if it didn't matter which still makes it an attempted ninja switch.

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I still think nolynching in some situations is just fine considering the circumstances, let's lynch between two power roles or ninja power lynch someone else in the last hour, It seems stupid and illogical to do that.

That being said I would have preffered a Prims lynch last night but no one wanted to even question him at all.

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you're probably buddies with blitz i guess since there's no other reason he would start being stubborn about a watcher wagon he never even supported up until deadline

it's gonna be fun claiming at the start of d3 and sending scum into damage control 8)

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