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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Hmmm. . .after rereading the flavor, might be the stage. I'm going to be eight hundred ways of pissed if someone did that to me. As an experiment, I'll move stages tonight. Subi, do me a HUGE favor and don't move me back to Mushroom Kingdom.

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waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I need to find SB's claim because that implies he was tracker

you will not only see who they visited, but who visited them

The way it is worded makes it seem as if he is tracking but also gets the watcher as well because of his stage.

So what's Timp/Tables? I need to go find there claims and read them.

Guessing you got ninja'd but that's exactly what happened. SB's role got a boost from the stage.

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He's claimed as watcher though which is why I'm confused by the flavor.

Wait that's right. The flavour implies that he's a tracker who gained the abilities of a watcher for the night. That's... odd.

Also, isn't it kinda odd that SB got his role upgraded from being on Mushroom Kingdom but Eclipse got her's downgraded?

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http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33724&st=860&p=2054839entry2054839 <----SB's claim

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33724&st=740&p=2054403entry2054403 <----Timp's claim

What's the point of having watcher and tracker if watcher can be both watcher and tracker by being on a certain stage.

Stages influence roles? What's the point of your role if Brinstar exists?

Anyway, where the hell is Blitz? He has a ton of explaining to do.

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Wait that's right. The flavour implies that he's a tracker who gained the abilities of a watcher for the night. That's... odd.

Also, isn't it kinda odd that SB got his role upgraded from being on Mushroom Kingdom but Eclipse got her's downgraded?

Stage flavor for Mushroom Kingdom:

An old classic with a unique side scrolling concept. You can feel the sun burning on your skin here, make sure not to overexert.

Remember that I was on 'shrooms for both N1 and N2. Guess Bowser doesn't care for being in the sun for too long.

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something to consider now that scorri's role is dead:

once we have a large pool of confirmed slash obvious townies, we should make a list and have them all pile up on the same stage while everybody else goes somewhere else, so that scum can't kill the confirmed players. this would help us win on PoE lategame, and if one of those obvious townies died, we'd know something was up

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How nice that marth who jumped onto the same pokemon claiming wagon that was followed by proto and blitz however he managed to get his upgrade on night 1 compared to the other two saying they got nothing.

Also remember Blitz did remind me to specifically not target him at all last night with my ability which we learned later he supposedly had, that's probably not much help though.

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If we're assuming that my lack of action was because of the stage, then I don't think using Mushroom Kingdom as a meeting place would be a good idea. If Shinori's words are to be believed, Brinstar wouldn't be great, either.

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in fact unless it turns out his action was something super townie and confirmable, i'd motion to have him shot if the vig isn't out of bullets yet

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by the way, i want to lean town on proto after scorri's flip just because she totally made that kill to frame him while we still had no idea how kills worked. it's likely they wanted to make him seem like obvscum after he ended up being on the same stage as the kill twice

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I'd be happy if Proto existed. I'd still like to hear his thoughts and whatnot. Blitz should be here in an hour, if his last post is true.

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Regarding the deaths, we have two. First, there's Excellen. He was shot on Battleship Halberd, where only one other player was present. I think it's pretty obvious what happened.

##Vote: Proto

I bet he'll try to defend himself by claiming that the Mafia can bypass stages with their kills. Yeah, right, and he was the one who kept bringing up the issue that Naggy's inability to kill through stages makes it unlikely for the Mafia to be able to do the same.

The second death is of scorri, a Mafia member. This is interesting. If a Mafia member dies at night, usually the first possible explanation is a Vig shot, but Strawman and Impy both claimed non-Vig roles. They wouldn't have had any reason to lie as Town, and they wouldn't have shot their buddy as Mafia. Next, you have stage effects. Well, scorri was in Castle Siege twice in a row, but Castle Siege doesn't seem like the kind of stage that would cause death. Next, you have ability backfire. This doesn't fit either since neither Strawman nor Impy have any kind of redirecting role. Excellen didn't redirect anything since he doesn't have that ability. Proto is obvscum and if he could redirect anything, he obviously wouldn't knowingly bring his scumbuddy scorri to her death. Next, you have other stage-bypassing. Vig jumping through stages is a possibility, but I find that to be quite unlikely, especially when you consider that the Vig used the ability to kill scorri, and I don't think the Vig could have been so sure about scorri being scum. It may have still been stage-bypassing, but it could have been due to stage effects, what with Shinori talking about how the chaos in Brinstar may have redirected himself. The idea of an ability causing players to target themselves still remains in my head, since all the anti-Town players that died so far had the ability to kill. The final possibility I can think of, is that scorri's death has been predetermined since before this phase. Like, a poisoner kind of ability. Again, this seems more like a scum role than a Town one.

That aside, SB quoting Kaoz about seeing who visited the target in addition to see who the target visits, while it's certainly odd, it's likely to be a host error. Which SB should inquire Kaoz about.

I want to hear I eat tables' report now.

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Vig either has the ability kill cross stage, or folgore/StSS lied about their roles and is a vig.

Prims you a vig? Because that's what I'm assuming you are.

it is impossible for him to be the vig, he was seen by the watcher, na dthe target wasn't dead, I think i know what i\his role is though, unless he claimed already

also, should get on with catching up.

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I am actually fine with this at the moment, but if he flips scum we have to look at the rest of the pokemon claims as well, if that's what he is.

I wonder if proto/blitz worked out their claims back to back so that it sounded more town like.

EXPLAIN THIS, especially the part in bold

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no, I asked my question right, now please answer it or say something like no comments

How the heck could I have killed scorri? She was on a different stage!

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