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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Hi there. For reference, I've been holding onto most of these. I used my Purple Pikmin on BBM last night, just in case (you never know what might be in the game). I'm still holding onto all the others. Before you yell at me for not using my White Pikmin, I felt over the past few days that the tracker and watcher claims were enough, but since the tracker was faked and the watcher was actually a trackerwatcher, I will be using it tonight unless I need to use something else.

You called, clipsey

I'm way ahead of you

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So you've got two really dodgy Pikmin (red/blue), one that gives info regarding the game (purple), one that would be LOVELY to guarantee a kill (yellow), and the investigative one which you didn't bother using, even though you shared a stage with Bizz on N1? My apologies if I don't believe you. My vote stays where it is.

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And suddenly Straw and his hook ability gets a free pass? Right, good one

I hate my Blue Pikmin too, and that's why I haven't used it

no one else has claimed any sort of safeguard, so what? (And maf!SG is still stupid, imo)

Investigative one I didn't decide to use N1 because I didn't think it would be required

And Purple could have been a red herring, for all I knew at the start of the game; just because something is mentioned, doesn't mean it has to be in the game (and it's only now that we know that both of those are apparently in the game)

But if you don't want to believe it, fine, do what you want.

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Remember what Strawman said about Tables before the latter was lynched. That's why I'm musing about his role, and not voting outright.

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First, can we PLEASE not vote Core off? Our wonderful Piplup posted his role before he went down. I think the town benefits most from the doctor, and mafia doctors are bastardy as all hell.

Not quite sure what to think of Strawman's full claim. The double action looks useful, but I'm more interested in the "mired on the same stage and unable to act for the next night". I can see how that could be used as a "beneficial" hook - hit the doctor, and you're guaranteed an unprotected target the next night. First, I want answers from another source.

I dunno Eclipse, as much I want to believe Core(otherwise why do we not have a doctor) I know it wasn't me who killed the poketrio and SB shows him visiting one of them. So either SB is both telling the truth and lying somehow and is scum, or Core is.

I thought it was just to balance out letting someone have two actions in one night which makes sense. But yeah that second thing is why I decided not to use it on Prims/Core the two nights I've been on the same stage as him. Didn't want to risk no doc protection on a night.

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I still think it would be extremely bastardy to have a mafia doctor. . .and, like, no investigation roles besides penguins and the dude who claims to have one.

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Dear BigBangMeteor,

You are Solid Snake.


A former member of FOXHOUND with an IQ of 180 and mastery of six languages. He's an infiltration specialist whose ability to carry out missions under any conditions has made him a legend. He's saved the world three times from the threat of bipedal, nuclear-armed mechs called Metal Gear. Currently he's working with the anti-Metal Gear group known as Philanthropy.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Plant mine". You will place a C4 on the Stage you are currently on. You can only place one C4 at the same time. The C4 will automatically detonate on the third night after it has been planted, killing a random USER on that Stage in the process. Be careful though, other effects may set it off earlier.

Alternatively if you planted a C4 on a Stage, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Now! Detonate USER". USER must be on the same Stage as your C4. You will set off the C4 and kill USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

So I can basically only kill every other night at most. Actions:

Night 1: planted mine on Castle Siege

Night 2: blew up Scorri

Night 3: planted mine on Battleship Halberd

Night 4: blew up Elieson

The reason I pushed for the scummier people to be on Halberd N4 was so that I'd have a better chance at shooting scum. I didn't want to push too hard and make it too obvious to the mafia that I was the Vig, even though they probably already knew because I softclaimed it pretty hard, at least until I got my second mine off. BTW, the bit about asking Iris not to use her role on me was because on the night that my role would have been swapped with Elieson, I had to lay down a mine and therefore target the stage, while Elieson had to target a character. So it wouldn't really have worked out.

The line in my role PM which says that other things might set it off earlier make me not want to go to Brinstar.

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BBM and Excellen for having the two cheapest characters in Brawl. . .and Kaoz for not making me Falco.

I'd like to talk to Shinori, but that's not been helpful. On D4, we kept missing each other. Now, he's got his own things to sort out. If I can have a good, long convo with him, I'll have more than a screaming neutral read. I think BBM is town, because the mafia having two stage-hopping killing abilities seems stupid.

I'd like Bananas, Core, and Strawman to all talk, preferably at the same time. Prims seemed pretty townish when he was around (and had his role broadcasted by Piplup), Bananas' reports seem to be good (which says nothing 'bout his alignment), and Strawman caught Tables via his own ability. However, all the dead people were on the Halberd, so at least one of them is scum.

Iris' role confuses me, but I'm inclined to think she's town, despite the two of us not being on the same stage. :cry:

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I say currently lynch SB depending on flip we have more info to play off of. I still want BBM's full role claim since we have everyone elses now.

Also I feel stage distrubution to be like this:

Brinstar: Shinori, eclipse, BBM, Strawman

Castle seige: Prims, Manix, Iris

Something along these lines, I might make a few adjustments.

I am actually okay with this. I've been wanting to talk to her all game (that's why I tried to go to Mushroom Kingdom that one night, but Subieko pulled me to Brinstar D: ).

Okay, BBM is probably the towniest of all of us alive, right now.

eclipse, between Bananas and Core, who is scum?

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My gut tells me it's Bananas, based off of the fact that he first claimed tracker, posted a watcher PM, then decided that he was both.

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Sorry, I'll be able to talk tomorrow but I'm pretty out of it right now because of stuff. We can talk then Eclipse. I apparently have to work tomorrow as well when i had it off originally, but i should have Saturday off so I can relax hopefully.

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^^I accidentally editted that post because of what happened in anonymafia. It read:

I'm honestly not sure how I can help. Up to now I've been pretty careless because I thought I was confirmed town. I don't have a deep understanding of this game, and my case against SB would just echo eclipse. right now, I unfortunately have to go to bed, then I have work in the morning so don't except a response from me in the next 14 or so hours.

Unless you have any questions before I leave, I can give my input.

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What the hell, why did you edit your post Core?

Also, I'm going to Castle Siege so that Brinstar doesn't set my mine off early and kill someone randomly.

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Uh, Iris: Clipsey isn't on your stage if we use that setup. About that.

It's fine if we don't talk. It's nothing imperative, if I'm perceived as scummier, then, fine.

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I'm going to let that slide. If Kaoz wants to modkill for it that's up to him.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure I saw the original post and that's what it said, so yeah.

Edited by Paperblade
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Okay guys, I've been thinking. (Dangerous pasttime, I know)

I think that NL is the appropriate choice for today. Let's consider:

If it's 5/3, we mislynch, we lose. Right now, I really don't know if we'll actually manage to lynch scum, because of the conflicting reports and everyone voting everywhere. A NL at least gives us another day to figure out who is a possible scum through the stage system. Yes, I am aware that it would be LYLO D6, but I think that we would have enough information to weed out those three scum. I'd prefer not to lose through mislynching a townie, and instead give us a decent chance of winning.

And if it's 6/2, see above, except without the MYLO/LYLO part. A NL is even more preferable if this was the case.

The thing is, is that the mafia will have to take a kill (at the least, they should because otherwise stalemate), and using the stage system while we still have it can confirm scum. I can draft up a stage setup for a NL, that should root out the scum (and I will definitely hold myself as possible scum when drafting it, even though I'm not)

##Vote: No Lynch

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It's stage analysis time!

Bold is confirmed, italics is implied

Blue is town, Red is scum, purple is 3rd party. Black is unconfirmed

Strikeout is NK target, Underlined as well is vig shot (presumably, from reports)

N1: Kay was lynched

Halberd: Core, SB, Tables

Brinstar: Iris, Blitz, Shinori, Bluedoom

CS: BBM, scorri, Excellen, Manix

FoD: Subi, Nags, Proto, Straw

MK1-1: eclipse, Psych, Elie

Quick notes: Straw could still have possibly taken the kill, but we can't confirm that. I'd stay wary.

N2: There was No Lynch

Halberd: Excellen, Proto

Brinstar: BBM, Elie, Iris

CS: Tables, scorri, Straw

FoD: Blitz, Manix, Shinori, Subi

MK1-1: Bluedoom, eclipse, Core, Psych, SB

Quick notes: scorri had to have used her stage ignoring kill this day (I doubt the mafia would have a second ability like that), so that isn't useful to determine anything.

N3: Bluedoom was lynched

Halberd: BBM, Iris


CS: Manix, Core, SB, Straw

FoD: eclipse, Shinori, Subi, Tables

MK1-1: Blitz, Elie, Proto, Psych

Quick notes: It's possible that Tables took the kill, but that doesn't clear the other two on that stage at all. It is possible for scum to double up on stages.

N4: Tables was lynched

Halberd: Proto, Core, SB, Psych, Blitz, Elie, Straw

Brinstar: BBM, Manix

CS: Iris

MK1-1: eclipse, Shinori

Quick notes: BBM shot Elie (which was confirmed by SB), so the NK would have been the poke-trio. This is still assuming that BBM and SB are both telling the truth (might be a little stretch, but). That in mind, the remaining three people on that stage need to be split up a bit.

Given Straw is still a possible candidate for the N1 kill, I'd say we probably separate him from the other two on the stage, to see what happens. I will be glad to follow him and use a Red Pikmin on him to stop him from trying to kill something (if he's scum).

N5 suggestion (For No Lynch)

Straw, Manix, Clipsey, Shinori

Core, SB, BBM, Iris

Stages are interchangable (unless someone wants a certain stage). Although, one thing: What happens with SB and his stage? If he can't move stages because of Straw's ability (assuming he's telling the truth), then what happens to him? SB, can you ask the hosts what's going on with that? And then get back to me on that.

But that aside, Straw can do whatever, I'll hook Straw, Iris can do whatever, Shinori can redirect me if he really wants (don't know why he should)

Core on BBM, SB on Core, BBM to setup his C4, and Iris can do something else

This good, or does anyone have any objections?

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