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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Also the flavour of the update makes me think we're not hunting Marik, we're after people who shouldn't be here (like mako or something).Any thoughts on who they could be?

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So... you guys decided not to lynch Marth because he wouldn't be there for the lynch, and then went for someone else who wouldn't be here for the lynch? >_>

I'm Helios's town neighbour, and I didn't back him up because I wasn't there. I would have claimed before I left, but at that time, it looked like a Marth lynch was on, and I didn't want to claim until necessary. I asked Helios if he'd be here for phase end to defend us if necessary, and he said that although his laptop looked like it would lose power soon, he'd probably still be here for phase end.

I'm voting for Manix as soon as the day starts if he can't give me a good reason not to in the night btw. For all that he said that he doesn't like power wagons, he jumped on the Helios one for a really bad reason. Why did it occur to nobody that his suspicions on Aere could have been from before, and due to the lateness of the phase, he ISOd Aere only to dig up evidence for his suspicions?

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We need majority, otherwise it is no lynch

when I said majority, I meant majority of votes.

oh. didn't seem that way from your previous posts.

nvm me then

BBM, I was under the impression that we needed the majority to actually lynch, so sorry for getting that mixed up. It was a mistake on my part, and thinking straight during the last hour of the phase isn't easy. (And if you check the posts before this first one, it's still consistent behavior)

I just thought I'd try to reply to this, even though I'm feeling horrible right now.

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##Thwap on head: Shinori

no that was a joke


##Vote: Helios

wait though helios isn't even in here so this kind of sucks tbh

I don't like this post either. Helios already has the most votes, why vote for him and then say that you don't actually like the lynch that much? If it kinda sucks, why take part in it? Seems like an addendum you can use to get out of being part of the power wagon after his flip.

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Tbh I too didn't like the power wagon on helios but hey, I wasn't around for that. I didn't get why you jumped on him for that Aere suspicion, haha.

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ModProd: Cap'n Flint.

You have 12 hrs from this post, to post. Otherwise, a sub will be requested.

Also, 26.5 hrs until Night ends (or all night actions submitted)

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I think I have seen enough and I might as well claim but need a reply from Elie first also really sad that Helios died, I was hoping he would live longer.

and I really do have a reason for all the things I pulled earlier in the game and just hope that I am not playing my hand right into the trap

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Elie said I can give out info as I see fit therefore might as well out this

First off,I started off in this game with a little more info that everyone else (sorta like numbers) and is a vanilla in general otherwise

and secondly,

I am not ignoring you Iris and I was hoping you would play your hand first and I really hope you did (if not, then I am screwed for thinking SB is the one)

anyways, the info I started with is that I know there is a "lyncher" in this game, (and guess who made my job easier by claiming 3rd party)

now in this set up, there should be two mafia in this set up and should be very bad for the mafia if the 3rd party had to lynch a mafia, therefore I planned on finding out who this 3rd party is after and consider him as a cleared person and I am thinking SB is that person

I bothered Eclipse D1 because I wanted her to actually act like scum hunting and go after her target and that is how everything started.

The main reason I claimd was in case I ended up dead tonight, you guys won't see that part of my role cause it is in italics iirc.

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shit job for the lyncher, because they have to get through a claimed one-shot deathproof

doubt it's SB, personally.

But eh, that's enough from me on this topic. Still feeling bleh, so I'll be back later

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t Yugi is possible and omg that is the second time that I have had a post cut off in this thread.

A bbm lynch would have been better ):

Also i kind of want to character claim but i don't know what im aiming to accomplish with t hat

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