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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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or this setup sucks

mason infiltrator

for the record if anyone even wanted to argue flavor-wise, I didn't think Mai would be likely town either

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I never interpreted Mai as the most honest character ever

and yes she was my favorite character too, once upon a time

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Good Evening everyone.

Of this Night Phase,

13.5 hours remain.

No stacking your decks now. Joey, this mea....oh yea, nevermind.

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Night comes, and the duelists are aware of their matches. All contemplating their opponent's possible plans, everyone fell asleep.

Meanwhile, a certain duelist remained awake, sitting across from her door. As the door slid open, the light revealed a familiar face. With eyes closed and a smile of pleasure on both of their faces, the duelist knew. It was the end. It had been foretold.

Bluedoom has been killed. He was Ishizu Ishtar.

You are a blood child of the Egyptian guardians of the Millenium items of ancient past. You and your family have withstood the test of time, and have learned to harness the power of the items in order to protect them from falling into the wrong hands. You are now involved with the Battle City Tournament in order to preserve the safety of the Millenium items, and restore your brother's sanity.

You are best known for your abilities of clairvoyance, as you can use your Millenium item to predict events with seemingly flawless accuracy.

Because of your ability to see what others cannot, you can see what others cannot, and by that, you can see who another has visited, but not what happened to that individual.

You are the Tracker. You may reply to your role PM with "##Night XX: "Millenium Necklace, show me where [uSER] is right now." You will be alerted of who [uSER] has visited during the night that you use this, but not what they did. If you learn nothing, you will recieve "##Night XX: No Result".

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Day duels begin officially in 30 minutes, bringing Phase End to 48 hours from now, or 0000 GMT -6, 7/30 (1 am Eastern US, Midnight Central US, on 7/30, or 10 pm West Coast US on 7/29).

Begin Day Duels 2 everyone.

Edited by Elieson
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My only error was the player's name. That is Bluedoom's Role, I just stuck Aere in the name placeholder by mistake.

Bluedoom has been Killed, not Aere.

Edited by Elieson
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Ok, so Aere DIDN'T fakeclaim. Huh, Marth is an odd kill for the mafia to make considering all the suspicion on him... More likely that the mafia took a shot at Aere to test if there was a Doctor and got blocked, while a Vig shot Marth.

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Actually I thought maybe mafia had a way of finding out his role somehow and that's why he died

wow, his death fucks up all of my reads

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Actually I thought maybe mafia had a way of finding out his role somehow and that's why he died

wow, his death fucks up all of my reads

Yeah, it's possible Aere is scum rolecop and Marth drew the N0 inspect. But Aere seems to know Bizz's role... so either both sides have a rolecop or Aere and Bizz are scumbuddies.

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Aere and Bizz are scumbuddies.


refrains from making another bitter comment about draft

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so, Marth was killed

that is really strange cause he was at the top of my suspicions list


Aere, who did you target today?

and Iris, my flavor says you want to suck the soul out of someone, sounds to me like if you are on the voting list of the person, you automatically suck his soul out even if he is lynched

also, hoping you do change for the better for our sake (or this could be lylo/mylo, not sure which one)

moving on

my top suspicions would be Manix and Shinori and then Bizz, BBM and Aere

and thus I think the two of you should start claiming (@Shinori and Manix)

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