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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Because mafia had no reason to target him? I figure I was roleblocked AND attacked, to test my claim/doctor.

the problem is that you jumped to that conclusion before anyone else did and you are being too jumpy

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the problem is that you jumped to that conclusion before anyone else did and you are being too jumpy

To be fair I discussed that conclusion.

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If the vig is the one who killed me, I'll be really mad because I was JUST about to claim on D2. >:(

if you wanna turn into the second RD, you have to look less scummy, and no I am not the vig and I would like vig to claim if s/he did shoot Marth

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Oh, because I find it annoying to get reads on you, and I was a bit wary after you being the SK in our last game.

lol, that sounds like a terrible excuse not to mention I did the same thing as scum!rolecop in SFM and I probably would have used that same excuse (or was it cause she wanted us to target her with out bullet?)

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if you wanna turn into the second RD, you have to look less scummy, and no I am not the vig and I would like vig to claim if s/he did shoot Marth

Why do we want the vig claiming? We don't need the mafia knowing precisely what everyone else's roles are at this point without any real gain from it.

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Actually I thought maybe mafia had a way of finding out his role somehow and that's why he died

wow, his death fucks up all of my reads

Fucked up reads...okay.

actually ##Vote: Shinori

let's start here for today

Lol. You are so scummy but for the sake of not OMGUS'ing I won't be voting you, I will be pointing out reasons why you are most likely scum though.

Yeah, it's possible Aere is scum rolecop and Marth drew the N0 inspect. But Aere seems to know Bizz's role... so either both sides have a rolecop or Aere and Bizz are scumbuddies.

Extremely plausible.

You all would like to know I got a null read on Manix for N1. Flavor implies I was blocked. Mafia role locker is a probability.

Just happens to be role blocked. Okay.

so, Marth was killed

that is really strange cause he was at the top of my suspicions list


Aere, who did you target today?

and Iris, my flavor says you want to suck the soul out of someone, sounds to me like if you are on the voting list of the person, you automatically suck his soul out even if he is lynched

also, hoping you do change for the better for our sake (or this could be lylo/mylo, not sure which one)

moving on

my top suspicions would be Manix and Shinori and then Bizz, BBM and Aere

and thus I think the two of you should start claiming (@Shinori and Manix)

This is silly. More on this in a minute.

Marth was probably vigged, and I inspected Manix. Like I said.

Where is all this vig stuff coming from? Although i guess it's plausible, means you are assuming a doc though.

Because mafia had no reason to target him? I figure I was roleblocked AND attacked, to test my claim/doctor.

This would be some seriously stupid move by mafia.

This your first scum game Aere?

Okay more detailed post after this need to straighten out all of my thoughts and i need to clarify to everyone where that stinkie smell is coming from.

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The "vig" could be the mafia just trying to make it look like there's a vig in the game or something? I dunno, the whole situation feels wrong to me.

Also, can someone tell me what OMGUS is?

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So let's see Levy thought last night that scum would most likely be in:

Why didn't you claim in the first place? Why am i dupposd to fish to get you to claim? i don't understand what you're saying tbh

Process of elimination is that there is scum amongst manix, shinori, and marth

Blitz says he thinks I'm the most scummy along with Manix.

Let's go over the info we have from roles:

Aere: Role cop

Levy: ??? Aere has her role or something.

Blitz: ??? Claimed he isn't vig knew about lyncher though.

Iris: Third party - Lyncher

BBM: Neighbor or something with joey who is now dead.

Myself: That's a secret go fuck yourself.

Manix: ???

SB: One shot deathproof - Most likely target for Iris's lynch thing or something according to blitz.

Helios: Neighbor

Marth: Tracker

Assuming this is true with all this SOMEONES A VIG AND SOMEONE DOCCED AERE with Blitz not claiming vig and that means doc/vig would have to be amongst myself blitz or manix STILL DONT THINK VIG IS IN THE FUCKING GAME.

So assuming this aere has access to the majority of the roles in the game, especially if he is scum cop, and people think I'm scum because I haven't claimed and some other bull shit, and manix hasn't claimed either, same with blitz/levy but whatever.

Okay, this again:

Why didn't you claim in the first place? Why am i dupposd to fish to get you to claim? i don't understand what you're saying tbh

Process of elimination is that there is scum amongst manix, shinori, and marth

Blitz says he thinks I'm the most scummy along with Manix.

Just go with me real quick here. Assuming a two man scum team, cause 3 man scum team + third party means we already lost this damn game cause 4-3-1 means 4-4 joint is silly and the game would be over day 2.

Levy states me manix and marth in night 2, blitz thinks we are scummy.

IF I WAS SCUM WHY THE HECK WOULD I KILL SOMEONE IN A LIST OF THREE THAT WOULD PEG ME AS SCUM. AND IF ME AND MANIX WERE SCUM BUDDIES WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD WE DO THAT? HELLO? Could we use a little brain power here? I know it's hard but jesus christ. Someone killed Marth most likely because they knew his role, in a game with a supposed 'rolecop' that doesn't tell alignment, a tracker would be much more dangerous, also I'm doubting vig because run this scenario: still assuming two scum team.

7-2-1 ML

6-2-1 Night 1

4-2-1 Day 2. with no doc save and supposed vig kill. SUDDENLY IT COULD BE 4-3 SCENARIO AND EVERYONE IS FUCKED CAUSE ML MEANS DEFINITE LOSS.

also just for completion sake: Look at town if we had properly lynched with a vig who shot right assuming two man scum team + lyncher

7-2-1 Lynch right

7-1-1 Night 1

Vig shot scum 7-0-1 or 6-0-1? or plausible 7-0-0. Game could end day 2. I somehow doubt a vig is in this game.

Looking at it without vig

7-2-1 ML

6-2-1 Night 1

5-2-1 Day 2 If we ML today and scum team buddied up with the lynch it puts us at 3/3 tomorrow. which is still GG and game over we lose MOST LIKELY.

Which brings me back to this whole bull shit about thinking I'm scummie and thinking i would seriously shoot a god damn person in a 3 man group that was named by LEVY who acted scummy as all hell day and night 1 if we want to bring that up again.

Speaking of which levy you thought manix was scummy all game day 1 and now day 2 roles along and you vote me, what happened to your manix suspicion exactly? Did that just die? I'm confused.

so let's look at the actual possibilities here working under the current information we have.

It's most likely 5-2-1 scenario which means we are at MYLO if scum team and lyncher chose to joint with no doc save/vig correct shot tonight. (Still doubt vig is in game)

Night 2 - Levy states 3 people she thinks is scum, myself, manix, marth.

Marth dies.

Thinks I'm scum supposedly votes me day 2 start, where did manix go?

Aere is claimed cop and supposedly has Levy's role BUT SUPPOSEDLY AERE GOT BLOCKED YO. Why didn't anyone claim blocked Day 1?

If aere/levy is scum team they could plausibly have the majority of roles worked out in this game and would have just thrown up a few people that they weren't sure about, shot one of them and left the other two to us, the town. <---matches up with aere/levy scum team and I really don't like either of their posts this day phase.

This is the most probably scenario here but there are a few others, mainly:

Levy/manix scum team.

Levy breadcrumbs a lot of bull shit on manix Night 0 and has a little tussle with him day 1. Drops the vote, doesn't push a manix lynch around phase end even though she thinks he's scummy. Says she thinks I'm town.

Scummy wagon hop onto Helios for whatever reason.

States she thinks me manix and marth are her most scum reads.

Marth dies.

Votes me, says nothing against Manix. SERIOUSLY WHERE DID HE GO FROM YOUR SCUM READS AGAIN?

So, seriously. Levy is most likely scum, and screw this bull shit call OMGUS all you want. Aere even stated at some point in time he didn't think your character was a town character.

##Vote: Levy

Here I'll do it for you: OH MY GOD I SUCK.

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Is levy the vig? If no that means you yourself if you are an actual cop should know vig/doc would be amongst myself, manix, or Blitz.

Blitz said he isn't vig.


Manix is ???????????????

So I guess you think manix is vig and shot marth even though that would mean manix would think I am most definitely scum because of supposed process of elimination or whatever and vote me as soon as day phase started....wait, he didn't.

Which would make blitz the doc I guess? Unless levy is, but you said something about her role holds our fates in her hands or whatever something or the other, so i guess that could be doc? If she is doc I should probably unvote.

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Just from PoE there isn't a vig in my eyes. And thinking there is one is just stupid and most likely scum trying to make us think there is one and supposed vig shot marth and scum supposedly shot a docced Aere, which would supposedly prove his innocence i guess? Which I don't think is true. because he was supposedly roleblocked as well. WHY WOULD THEY SHOOT YOU AND RB YOU?

If they had a RB they would just RB you and not waste a shot on you to test if a doc was in the game, that's a waste of a night for scum I would think.

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Do you want to know why I was so pissed off about D1?


GET AWAY FROM FLAVOR. And I find it scummy that you were afraid to vote me because you thought it would be OMGUS--if you're suspicious of me, vote me. It doesn't matter if I'm voting you or not.

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##Vote: Bizz

Singles me and Helios out for no apparent reason out of a whole bunch of not-very-active players at the end of D1. Does some stupid RVS reaction test like 3 hours before phase end on me. D1 is almost done, Helios has the most votes and is about to be lynched, and Bizz suddenly waffles on him despite being suspicious of him, (IMO to look good because she knows he will flip town). I think Bizz is scum.

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Just from PoE there isn't a vig in my eyes. And thinking there is one is just stupid and most likely scum trying to make us think there is one and supposed vig shot marth and scum supposedly shot a docced Aere, which would supposedly prove his innocence i guess? Which I don't think is true. because he was supposedly roleblocked as well. WHY WOULD THEY SHOOT YOU AND RB YOU?

If they had a RB they would just RB you and not waste a shot on you to test if a doc was in the game, that's a waste of a night for scum I would think.

Then they didn't RB me, and Manix has some sort of protection? All I KNOW for a fact is Bizz's role, and that I could not get a role from Manix.

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