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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Me being town leaves Iris, BBM, SB, Shinori as potential scum. Blitz is an Informed townie, and Iris lyncher on SB.

Shinori/BBM scumteam. Discuss.

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Ughhh. So. I don't know what to think. Ihave to go to work here in an hour or two though so i won't be around most of the day. =|

If we are at lylo with this set up and there is still two scum left then aere/manix/blitz is a decent scum team? or aere/manix/bbm?Ugh. Need to think.

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Shinori/BBM scumteam. Discuss.

Aere and Blitz scumteam. Discuss.

##Vote: Aere

I considered an Iris and Blitz scumteam (would be the perfect ruse for Iris) but I think that's unlikely.

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I still think that it's more likely that the last scum is a mayor then that there are two remaining scum. 3/2/1 (and 4/3/1 from the last day) means joint mafia win with the lyncher, unless that is not possible.

IMO, Aere is almost confirmed town at this point. Manix was probably trying to use double WIFOM or something to make us lynch Aere, but the fact remains that other than Aere, only Marth has/had an active role. A scum hooker (and one who can only hook every other night, no less) in a game where the town has only one active night role (and not a particularly amazing one either) is barely better than a goon. Iris is probably not mafia, because even if she was mafia, we would only be LYLO if there was another scum in addition to her AND one of them was a mayor. In any case, lynching her today is not a good idea.

So the person, FMPOV, whom we should look at lynching is Shinori, SB, or Blitz. I suppose objectively, I would be part of this list as well, but excuse me if I try not to get myself lynched. Out of these, I think SB looks the worst, for several reasons. The first is inactivity despite being totally present. The second is that a lyncher who has to get a 1-shot deathproof person lynched is pretty bullshit.

Lastly, if not voting for anyone during LYLO was a bad idea early last phase, why are people considering it to be a good one this time? Everyone, unvote for the time being.

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Oh, right. So if we assume that you're town, that leads to Blitz being town too. So Shinori or SB. Again, probably SB.

BTW, if anyone town is fakeclaiming (to maybe misdirect mafia night attention) please stop. We're in LYLO, and if a fakeclaim from a townie leads us to a mislynch, what happens at night is pretty pointless.

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I get the feeling, personally, that Yugi is not in the game (and the scum were told this) and Iris is lying about which character she has to target. Blitz, our informed townie, only knows that SOMEONE is being targeted. And Iris didn't confirm her target until after we speculated it was Yugi. Otherwise, Iris's actions simply don't make sense. She's just waaaaaayyyy too apathetic about the fact that she's going to lose if SB doesn't get lynched, and I don't like it.

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yes my role does call me an informed townie

anyways, I sill think Shinori is the last/ 2nd last member in the scum team

if he is the 2nd last member, I would think the last one is SB because well, 3rd party present

however what Manix said doesn't explain what Aere did but I think Aere is town because Marth was killed N1 where they could have blocked him and kill someone less scummy (unless they blocked at random N1 and checked Marth too) and decided to claim to have checked Marth.

anyways, I feel like the scum member is still Shinori for another reason, which would be this post

Have you looked at all the other town roles? I assumed I was vanilla to balance things out.

which makes it sound like he knows which roles are town and which ones aren't


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