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[FE12]Another MU Testing Draft (Experimental)


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NOTE: This draft is not meant to be balanced. Just saying, you will be disappointed if you want a balanced draft. This is an experimental draft to see which My Unit is acceptable and which isnt. I will need everyone to finish.

RNG abuse is strictly prohibited on My unit so results arent skewed. Getting a bit blessed is fine, but too much blessing/screwage is of no good for testing.


1. This draft is for 5 players

2. Every unit is free for all. Only My Unit classes are draftable.

3. The game will be played on Hard 1.


1. All characters except for undrafted My Unit Classes are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited.

2. Only prologue is going to be played. Each player will get 2 my units and go through prologue twice aiming for the best Turncounts without RNG abuse.


1. Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited.

2. My Unit classes are draftable


1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


Serious Bababas: Male Fighter My Unit, Male Archer My Unit

Jedi- Male Mercenary My Unit, Male Mage Unit

*PKL: Male Cavalier My Unit, Female Mage My Unit

Horace: Female Cavalier My Unit, Female Myrmidon My Unit

Eclipse: Male Armor Knight My Unit, Female Pegasus Knight My Unit

[spoiler=Units Remaining]

Female Archer My Unit

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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Only 2 have joined :(. FE12 drafting isnt very popular huh? Btw, I have a new idea, how about we turn this into a prologue draft? After all, I only want to test which MU is the best in prologue and by how much. In the main game, its hard to tell if MU shaves turns anyway...anyway, let me know what you 2 (clipse and cyron) think.

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I'll join for this for the prologue testing, since I haven't played FE12 yet this will be a good introduction to it.

Edited by Jedi
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she myrm

also started and almost finished cav

p1 - 3/3 turns


p2 - 2/5 turns

doubled rody

p3 - 2/7 turns


p4 - 2/9 turns

break solider then break archer coutner athena etc

p5 - 2/11 turn

athena and mu duo the boss

p6 - 1/12 turns

shiida orkod mage, cecil 2hko'd soldier1, athena orko'd solider2, mu orko'd archer, merric left doga with 4 hp

p7 - 2/14 turns


mu + shiida killed cain

if you want me to expand i can

Edited by General Horace
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Woop, fighter done in 16 turns. Writing up now.

Only bothered getting stats for MU, seeing as he's the focus here.

[spoiler=Build]Noble's Child


Truth Seeker


Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
1.00	24	10	1	8	9	3	3	0	Axe - D


HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
130	75	10	60	45	60	25	0

[spoiler=Turns]Prologue 1 - 2 turns (2)

MU ORKOes the soldier and 2HKOes Jagen.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
2.45	25	11	1	9	9	3	3	0	Axe - D

Prologue 2 - 2 turns (4)

MU waits next to Luke, Ryan chips. Both Cavs attack MU, Ryan finishes Luke and MU finishes Rody.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
2.95	25	11	1	9	9	3	3	0	Axe - D

Prologue 3 - 2 turns (6)

So I figured the only way to 2 turn was to lure Shiida turn 1. MU moves to the northern fort, luring a Fighter (whom he could double and ORKO at base speed) and the merc. Rody sat on the fort, Ryan below him, Luke below him. Fighter attacks Ryan, Shiida attacks Luke. Rody attacks the fighter so MU doesn't take a counter and die, and Ryan shoots Shiida.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
3.65	27	12	1	10	10	4	4	0	Axe - D

Prologue 4 - 2 turns (8)

Athena needs to have 13 speed for this to work. Shiida and Rody kill the far soldier, Ryan chips the close one and MU finishes from the right, just in Athena's range. Luke (who had traded weapons with Rody last map) waits next to him. Athena attacks MU, a Myrm attacks Luke. Luke kills the Myrm, Ryan chips Athena and Rody kills. MU gets healed by Wrys and kills the archer. Shiida attacks the Merc so MU only has to land 1 attack to kill.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
4.61	29	13	1	11	10	5	4	0	Axe - D

Prologue 5 - 2 turns (10)

Athena kills the bandit down south. MU and Shiida full move left. Rody and Luke team up to kill a hunter. Ryan and Wrys stay out of range. Enemies suicide on MU, Wrys heals him, Athena kills a hunter and Shiida/MU team up for the bosskill.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
5.51	31	14	1	11	11	6	4	0	Axe - D

Prologue 6 - 1 turn (11)

Units deployed were (from top down) Athena, Merric, Luke, MU, Shiida. Luke is only needed if the mage survives around with Shiida,or if Cecil fails to double the archer. He could be changed out for Ryan or someone if you wanted to. MU/Athena take on the soldiers near them, Shiida kills the mage, Cecil kills the archer. Merric torches Draug, and anyone can finish the kill on enemy or player phase.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
5.74	31	14	1	11	11	6	4	0	Axe - D

Prologue 7 - 2 turns (13)

Since Luke and Rody are so awful, they both have to go to Cain to help Shiida kill him. MU and Merric take the south, Athena kills an Archer in the way. MU is past ORKOing Hunters now, sadly. Oh look, he's OHKOing them.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
6.30	33	15	1	12	11	6	4	0	Axe - D

Prologue 8 - 3 turns (16)

Don't really remember what happened other than Rody dying horribly and Shiida baiting Katarina.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
7.37	34	16	1	13	11	7	4	0	Axe - C

Edited by Serious Bababas
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And that leaves bababababas with the amazing choice between both archers. Id pick female for prettier sprite.

Ninja'd and he picked male :S

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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Orphan, Beautiful, Humanitarian Mercenary [what the hell lol]

Note i'm still a noob to FE12

P1 3/3

Duel with Jeigan, doubled him

P2 2/5

Took out Luke with a shot from Ryan and doubling power from MU, Rody suffered the same fate getting doubled twice

P3 2/7

Lured in Sheeda/Cadea/Marth's Girlfriend with Rody and used Ryan to shoot her down while the others fought

P4 2/9

Broke though and Ryan got a crit

P5 3/12

got stalled a little bit by the archers :/

P6 2/14

HIT DOGA WITH DOGA FIRE.. Only person who lived through the first turn was an archer

P7 3/17


P8 3/20

YOWCH SILVER AXE.. thankfully Marth was here to save the day and we won after quite a few restarts and some sacrifices

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Archer (F)

[spoiler=Build]Noble's child




Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
1.00	20	7	0	8	7	3	6	0	Bow - D


HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
90	50	15	55	65	60	30	0

[spoiler=Turns]Prologue 1 - 4 turns (4)

Stop laughing at me damnit.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
2.60	21	7	0	9	8	4	6	0	Bow - D

Prologue 2 - 5 turns (9)

Fear my enemy phase combat.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
3.40	22	8	0	10	9	5	6	0	Bow - D

Prologue 3 - 4 turns (13)

Luke and Rody introduce me to the earthshattering concept of being able to counter attack.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
4.33	23	8	0	10	10	6	6	0	Bow - D

Prologue 4 - 3 turns (16)

You know, this is probably the one map where having 2 range is a good thing. On the flipside, Luke got a blank level and Shiida got +speed. Wonderful.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
4.90	23	8	0	10	10	6	6	0	Bow - D

Prologue 5 - 3 turns (19)


Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
5.12	23	9	0	10	11	7	7	0	Bow - D

Prologue 6 - 1 turn (20)

Even with an archer MU this chapter is still easy.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
5.35	23	9	0	10	11	7	7	0	Bow - D

Prologue 7 - 3 turns (23)

This map is stupid, and so is the next one.

Forgot stats here, but meh.

Prologue 8 - 4 turns (27)

I think this was partly due to my cavaliers being awful, but having an archer MU sure didn't help.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
6.98	24	10	0	11	11	7	7	0	Bow - D

Edited by Serious Bababas
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Shadowing whoever is getting Myrm!My Unit before they've gotten it.

Prologue 1- 3/3 turns


Picked Kind(Def +1 Def growth +5%) Orphan (Str +2 Growth +5%/Mag +2 Growth +5% who is a Truth-Seeker (HP Growth +30%) for the price of one Genji Glove. This way she can have good enough STR to ORKO the Soldier (+1 doesn't work), while having some semblance of survivability, and Truth-Seeker because her base HP is BALLS.


Can 2 turn Prologue 1 with a 75% dodge, but that's really unreliable.


Could be better, but MU is hurting for early game STR, so I'll take it.

Prologue 2- 2/5 turns

http://gyazo.com/d1ea4c4e05e6cdee314406745ff08993 http://gyazo.com/6c14fb6ba29a64ecaa1263aa6ce9d572

This is where Myrm MU!'s increased HP growth comes in handy. Basically you want to make sure that these dudes do 17 or less without HP proc (which happened here, awfully lucky of me), or 18 or less with (which is a lot easier to get by).


Good thing FE12 AI is stupid or this never would have worked.


She also needs an STR proc to pull off the 2 turn (shame Ryan didn't come with one more STR), as both her (with +2 STR) and Ryan do 8 damage to him out of 24, and while she does double, he'll kill her long before than.

Prologue 3- 2/7 turns


I don't know if there's any more reliable method of 2 turning this chapter, but here's what I found; putting Myrm! My Unit's dodging capabilities to good effect by having her severely weaken this fighter without getting hit. This is imperative.


All of that STR is looking unnatural, but it's sooo beautiful, so I'll keep it. It does help her ORKO the Mercenary but I'll see if I could have 2 turned it without the STR procs.

http://gyazo.com/12e35818ad86cb8dff17da50ee20a95c http://gyazo.com/e7a1024d38cc00422195b5bc44a2dd2f

Oh yeah, Myrm MU needs to be able to last these guys, although at base she is barely KOed by the pair (although perhaps I just got lucky with the enemy stat procs), so she just needs 1 HP/DEF to last them.


Setting up Rody over here allows him to take the Fighter and the Mercenary, while drawing attention away from Ryan, who needs to be as close as possible to MU/Luke, so that he may finish Sheeda of on enemy phase no matter where she goes.


She'd still be able to Co-op kill with Luke, even at base stats, so STR procs were unnecesary for that, but they do help her ORKO Mercenary, ending up saving a turn. :\ I'm pretty sure if you had Sheeda attack Myrm MU and Mercenary attack someone else (a DEF proc would help), then you could 2 turn it without 2 STR procs.



Prologue 4- 2/9 turns


This guy needs to have 19HP. Remember that for now.


OK, 2 STR procs is so fucking OP for My Unit, pushing her past the ORKO limit for a lot of these enemies it seems.


Luke taking the Iron Lance here is pretty important, as not only does he chip archer for enough damage that any scrub on my team (even Rody can kill him), but it gives him enough STR to 3HKO Athena, hopefully getting some help from Myrm!MU later on.


Ryan can chip Soldier if your Myrm!MU isn't as badass as mine.

http://gyazo.com/86bafd5f7cddc556f059ad2c1c35dcbd http://gyazo.com/67bf103f783c188a08663715b9554bdc

Funnily enough, Myrm!MU needs to be speed screwed for my strategy to work. If she doubles myrmidon, the mercenary would come over and kill her afterwards.


That -1HP pays off in dividends.




Sheeda is the only one besides Myrm!MU who can kill this guy, and Myrm!MU kind of has to weaken Athena for LUKE.


If Athena crits, I swear to god...


Could be worse. Oh, and I just realized Luke procced +1 STR before. Sooooo...my strategy looks kind of iffy now! +1STR Luke and +2STR Myrm!MU cleanly 3HKO boss, but I'm sure someone whose better than me can find a way to do this that uh...requires less luck.

Prologue 5- 2/11 turns


I had Myrm!MU dodgetank this dude, but there are like a billion ways of doing this chapter right, so even if this plan didn't work, I could come up with something better.

I'm just really lazy. Also, nice level up.


Athena is so fucking good.


Put Wrys here to heal vun voman next turn.


I feed bosskill to Sheeda, praying that I haven't fucked up big time.

Prologue 6- 1/12 turns


Cecil first dropped off the Steel Lance (obvious) and the Steel Sword (less obvious) into Sheeda's inventory.


If your Sheeda is as EXP starved as mine, she'll barely be able to ORKO with Steel.




Merric takes Sword and chips boss.


Which Luke retrieves and uses to great effect! This is the only enemy on the map that is doubled by his 9 speed.


Does this still count as minorly blessed or do I get kicked out even though I never technically entered?


Myrm!MU needs at least one DEF proc to survive Draug, which even without the DEF growth boost is totally possible if you feed her more kills than I.



I'll just pack my things and leave now.

Prologue 7- 2/14


Sheeda will be like, the main person taking on Cain (with the help of Luke and Rody chip), and first step is for her to chip BOW DUDE who can actually kill her which would be bad.


Luke chips this guy because Rody can't survive a hit from Knight and Cain. Myrmidon on the other hand...


NOT EVEN THE BEST can OHKO this asshole.

...unless she procs a critical. Well, it was bound to happen eventually, eh?


Meric weakens this dude for Athena (notice I have Rody CHOKE THAT POINT, otherwise Myrmidon would go after Luke, who has the same DEF for some reason).


Time for Sheeda to do what Sheeda does best...Beating up former allies!


I can explain!...No, actually I really can't. I'm just getting really fucking lucky, I guess. :(


And My Unit finishes things off.


And I believe that is the proverbial last straw, noone will take this playthrough seriously anymore. :( Maybe I should replay with WORSE MYRMIDON, but that would make me sad. I don't like being sad!

Prologue 8- 2/16 turns

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