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Top 10 Favorite Video Game Characters


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My personal favorites? Well here you go

Edit I put spoilers on my descriptions as some characters have some spoilers in the reasons why I like them.. click to see but beware

10. Briggid/Evyel - Fire Emblem's 4 and 5

She is just epic, raised by pirates tomboy. Yet at the same time she is motherly and caring I could go on for a bit about how awesome I find her =P

9. Kratos Aurion - Tales of Symphonia

Badass, and has a very deep connection to the storyline and our main character in Symphonia, isn't all that he seems to be. Also SHINING BIND

8. Samus Aran - Metroid

The very amazing Bounty Hunter, no matter what job is thrown at her she does it without question. Also the manga that explains her backstory made her even more compelling in the games I played seriously read it. It'll give you some insight to her character and especially in Zero Mission

7. Saber - Fate/Stay Night

The reincarnation of King Arthur [Type Moon has odd universes sue me] Very powerful, strict but kind, she has been through many battles and perils yet her determination never wavers. Her master varies over the years but she still fights tooth and nail for them due to her loyalty

6. Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy 7

The Kind and spunky flower girl from Final Fantasy 7 put herself in our hearts before getting used for one of the hugest shocks in gaming history.. her tragic death. I've always loved her character, Kind, caring, but not afraid to put her foot down and get things done herself, also her spunk and hahaha she got Cloud to dress like a girl. and her theme still to this day makes me cry. She never got jealous of Tifa either or as far as I remember

I know i've spoken against FF7 due to its over hyped nature but this is a character they got REALLY right

5. Cecil Harvey - Final Fantasy 4

Cecil's story arc in final fantasy 4 is a very compelling question of.. How do I overcome my own self doubts and fears? After he sheds his Dark Knight stuff his Paladin arc while less character driven is also amazing, he is kind and puts his friends before himself but is also willing to wield his sword for them as well something I aspired to be like

4. Richter Belmont - Castlevania, Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, Portrait of Ruin

Richter just your every day hero, and belmont but MAN is he powerful and his battle with Dracula is PERSONAL you don't kidnap his girlfriend and future sister in-law and get away with it, also tragically used by Shaft to bring back Dracula in SoTN I can imagine him not being very happy with that.

3. Aqua - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Aqua, a tragic character, she tries to keep her friends away from danger yet it doesn't pan out all that well, still motherly and unafraid of the very power of darkness itself. She never gives up or backs down period no matter how much the odds come against her. Wielder of powerful and flashy magic

2. Zero - Megaman X

Zero a former creation of Dr. Wily later turned good due to the virus in his body being released.. which has the misfortune of nearly dooming the reploid race, he and X fight no matter what though and thanks to them they finally succeed. Zero will sacrifice himself for the greater good and his friends and is quite the tragic character, having to slay his own girlfriend and leaving the other in Zero 4 to morn his final demise.. even if he won't say it he was a true hero regardless of how cold he seemed

1. Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog

The Blue Blur the dude with tude, I could go on, Sonic is a wild do gooder, not caring for rules other then his own code, anyone in danger? Sonic will save them, he has gotten some friends and rivals over the years, he acts as Tail's big brother and inspires him to and encourages him. Knuckles they may not see eye to eye but when the going gets rough they are unstoppable as a team I could go on and on with his friends but I won't gush haha.

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Oh boy, I'm going to have a field day with this. And also I tend to like characters that have a hidden and/or possibly darker side to them. If he or she is a villain, I really like good character development.

1. Joshua from TWEWY - I LOVE his character so much. He's so amusing, especially in Another Day.

2. Zelos Wilder from Tales of Symphonia - My absolute favorite Tales of character. He acts all flirty and perverted, but he's hiding all of the pain from being the chosen. He's basically putting on a strong facade so his friends will see him as something else, and tries to see if they can figure it out.

3. Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of X - Yeah, one of my favorite characters is a pokemon. His special episode in Sky was my favorite, although I liked all of the special episodes.

4. CR-S01 from Trauma Team - I love his determined, gotta save 'em all personality, and he's kind of cute too.

5. Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney - Character development! He's so unknowingly funny at times and I like how he changed over the course of 3 games, plus his own game. Also, he lampshades his own popularity, which was funny.

6/7. Reyson/Naesala from FE9/FE10 - They share a spot because I like them both. Naesala for (sort of) character development, Reyson for his lovely singing voice, and both for personality.

8/9. Naoto Shirogane/Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4 - She's awesome and is a detective. I also like her S. Link. I like Yosuke because he's sort of similar to me, doesn't really care that much about the world. Plus, I like his personality.

10. Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3 - Queen of Executions, her hair is awesome, she's smart and gets shit done, and her P4Arena redesign is epic as hell.

Honorable mentions:

Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney - This is what a scheming villain should be like. She made me hate her (in a good way, I guess) and feel emotion and planned things out, seduced a guy way older than her, stole things from her parents all starting from when she was 14. Damn. Made for a very good trial, even after she was dead.

Akihiko Sanada from Persona 3 - So adorkable in his P3P S. Link with the Female MC. <3

Tifa Lockhart from FF7 - She's always been my favorite FF character even though I never liked FF to begin with.

Shiki Misaki from TWEWY - Three words: "Pants. Off. NOW!" Also, "If anything happens, I want to be there to see- I mean stop it." She has some of the most amusing lines in the game and I just love her personality.

Lucina from FE13 - From what I know, I'm going to like her very much.

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This topic already exists...(sort of)


1) Vika

2) Donkey Kong

3) Luke Atmey, Ace Detective

4) Titania

5) Dahlia Hawthorne

6) Miles Edgeworth

7) Bowser

8) Valant Gramarye

9) Franziska Von Karma

10) Diddy Kong

EDIT: I've just realised that a full 50% of my list comprises of Ace Attorney characters... (I'm sure that there is some significance to that, but it escapes me at the moment)

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Uh...this is in no particular order, because damn, this is a hard choice:

1. Miles Edgeworth (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

2. Luigi (Mario)

3. Link (The Legend of Zelda)

4. Priscilla (Fire Emblem)

5. Wil (Fire Emblem)

6. Matt Engarde (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

7. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

8. Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)

9. Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

10. Knuckles the Echinda (Sonic the Hedgehog)

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Seeing some great favorites here already, some I know some I don't [this is going off of everyone list at once so far]

I almost put Edgeworth on my list too tbh lol.

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In no particular order:

Jill (FE9/FE10)

Ike (FE9 ONLY)

Eirika (FE8)

Lyon (FE8)

Sain (FE7)

Partner (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue)

Alex (Golden Sun/Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Golden Sun: Dark Dawn)

Diamond (Pokemon Manga)

Gold (Pokemon Manga)

Silver (Pokemon Manga)

No, I don't care that Gold, Silver, and Diamond aren't actually from a video game.

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No, I don't care that Gold, Silver, and Diamond aren't actually from a video game.

Aw man, if that's the case, then that changes my list completely. Pokemon Adventures FTW.

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No, I don't care that Gold, Silver, and Diamond aren't actually from a video game.

I'll use this reasoning to list video game-fied manga characters then.

-Silver - Eeeeeeee <3 Favorite dex holder ever.

-Green (the male)

-Blue (the female)




-Soifon - kills things in two hits, is a badass assassin thing with a nuke for a bankai. Love her <3

-Byakuya Kuchiki - I love his protectiveness of Rukia and his character in general. Also happens to be one of my favorite characters ever, and certain things tend to happen to my favorite characters. :(

-Gin Ichimaru - "It's 13 kilometers." *raepface*

-Ulquiorra - I dunno, I just like him

I don't give two shits that almost half of my favorite manga characters are from Bleach. It's not even close to my favorite anime/manga, but still. And yes, Adventures is awesome.

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1. Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)

2. Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)

3. Gary Motherfucking Oak (Pokemon Red and Blue)

4. Captain Olimar (Pikmin Series)

5. Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

6. Kamek (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island)

7. The Ship (Pikmin 2)

8. Mimi (Super Paper Mario)

9. Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)

10. Lute (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)

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I dunno if I can list characters, but I will try to do 1-per game I dig:

Zidane Tribal: The best main character of any FF game. Funny, witty, a chivalrous perverted rogue and an all around badass hero.

Faris Scherwiz: Probably the coolest pirate in any game I've ever played lol

bonus points for being the coolest transsexual ever too

Laharl: the original Overlord to set the bar high for the rest of the franchise. While some are definitely more zany than him, he feels like the most well rounded and fleshed out of the heroes(?).

Heather: I can't help it, she's the best thing in Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. . . doesn't make the game any better, but at least makes it tolerable.

(that didn't last long) Jill/Lethe/Nephenee: I personally feel these three best represent the cast in terms of female characters. Jill and Lethe have an interesting relationship, that never comes out into a full blown "I was wrong about you" line, but the two become close to the point of being buddies. And Nephenee is just an awesome bumpkin with a much missed class lol

Pascal: Hilarious, and all over the place. Forget about what they did to her in the Post game stuff, it sucks.

Sten: He felt like having my own personal Spock, he made Dragon Age even better with his dead-pan humor.

Sugar: Probably the most well developed of the summon spirits in Summon Night Swordcraft Story, and a wonderful example of yuri (if you're a girl).

Monica: Dark Cloud didn't have any real strong female characters, but Dark Cloud 2 had a really tough and fun to play spellsword! While Max was the "main character" Monica was always more fun to play.

Amaterasu: The sun goddess in wolf form. For a canine, she sure has a lot of character lol

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Posted in the five character thread, so going for ten, things've changed.

1.) Maribel- Dragon Warrior VII: She's snobby, frank, and fabulous! Even if she's made out of glass DEF-wise, she forever has a spot on my team for pure favouritism.

2.) Tir McDohl- Suikoden: Martial artists make cooler heroes than generic sword users~

3.) Genevieve- Valkyrie Profile: Although she has like ten seconds of air time, she manages to be the only undead who is interesting, as well as her magnificent voice acting, being my favourite in the game. And French people in video games, ouais!

(honours to Lorenta though for being the only refined classy mage, opposed to generic loli and or tit girls. While we're there, Gandar too for being the only male main story mage)

4.) The Master- Actraiser: Because he doesn't fuck around, or meet some tit girl who changes his paradigm, or anything dumb like that. He just climbs trees with monsters, and fights massive dragons and the like.

5.) Donkey Kong- I have an unnatural obsession with the solar system, and gorillas, it's a weird combination, I know.

6.) Deis/Bleu- Breath of Fire: while she is a tit mage, I still enjoy her bitchy/fun attitude a lot, as do I enjoy the unique idea (in video games) of a half serpent mage.

7.) Will- Illusion of Gaia: for having the balls to impale a giant energy ball spewing walking crab with his flute, which took Blazer (a demi-god) a sword to kill.

8.) Dogi- Ys: sneaking out of prison is for pansies, just break the wall and waltz on out~

9.) Sig- Puyo Puyo: Mainly for the idgaf look he has, and in 20th Anniversary, he has pretty much a similar whiny voice like me. :awesome:

10.) The Kid in the PS2 version of Romancing SaGa who calls everyone a big poop- because.. he's awesome forever and ever.

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10. Dan Smith (Killer7)

Just... a total badass. Seriously.

9. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)

You guys remember that he was just going into work that day, right?

8. Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)

Everyone says he's the most annoying character probably ever. But he's waaaaaaay better than Junpei from P3. Yosuke's hilarious. And he is the best fighter you get in that game. I can't go without him.

7. Lyude (Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean)

Again, best fighter you get in that game. His specials rock faces off, his regular attacks are great, and his melee attacks are downright hilarious. "I don't know if you're brave, or foolish.", somehow never gets old when he says it.

6. Sanji (they make One Piece games, so he counts.)

If he weren't actually an anime character, I'd put him at number 1, but he can't be allowed to enter the Top 5 because of that. But Sanji's great. Hilarous, fights with his feet, (for some reason, always love people that do that) and always comes out of every battle almost completely unscathed. As well as being the tactician of the group and the snazziest dresser. He makes smoking look cool. Mr. Prince FTW.

5. Gatrie, Rolf, Nephenee (FE 9 and 10)

Gatrie for 10, Rolf for both, and Nephenee for 9. Gatrie is my favorite FE character (obviosuly) because he's always trying to be the Knight in Shining Armor. And he is fully capable of protecting princesses. Get too close, and you might find an axe in your skull quick. Rolf is my second favorite fighter in both games. He gets the job done clean every time. And Nephenee is... Well, have you used her in 9? She's pretty much unstoppable. And pretty damn cute. :3

4. Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)

Someone once told me I remind them of Jade. Cold, sarcastic, and mysterious. I was touched, really. Jade's hilarious. And he is not to be trifled with. Best part of TotA, no doubt.

3. Link (Wind Waker)

This kid's a... kid! He just wanted his sister back, so he let himself get shot out of a cannon to the most terrifying prison I've ever seen. Unarmed. A kid. And he handled his business. But once he took care of his sister, he already thought he was in too deep so he thought "Meh. Might as well save the world and defeat an ancient wizard while I'm at it. No biggie."

2. Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)

Pretty much the definition of a big damn hero. Without spoiling anything:

"Would you rather save one person, or a million?"

"I'm going to save a million and one!"


Naked Snake (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)

Go into the jungle with nothing but a cigar and a hunting knife, aiming to take down a tank with nuclear weapons, defeat a man that can produce lightning on at will, and kill the person that taught you everything you know. Let me know how it goes. Naked Snake is a man. A manly man. Kamina wouldn't stand a chance.

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10. Geno - Super Marion RPG: I love his character, but this mention above others probably comes down to my campaign to put him in the next Smash Bros.

9. Galuf - Final Fantasy 5 : Quite amusing for me, and he kicked butt to boot. Showdown vs. ExDeath was the best scene in that game. Special shoutout to Gilgamesh.

8. KOS-MOS - Xenosaga: I have only played like five dungeons in this game, but she makes me want to play more.

7. Blue/Rouge - Saga Frontier: Really on this list for being one of the most laughably overpowered characters in his respective game system that Square ever created.

6. Balthier - Final Fantasy 12: Made an otherwise okay-mediocre character party quite entertaining for me.

5. Tetra - Wind Waker: Funny story. First time I beat the game, I entered the final battle to have her go "I'll take this bow and you attack!" and I was all "Hey cool! I have a bow too! Hey! Where'd it go? YOU BITCH! Wait, now I can concentrate on sword, which is the funnest part of the gameplay!" And all was forgiven, and thus began the most fun I had had in a video game. Until Super Mario Galaxy came out.

4. Kefka - Final Fantasy 6: He's insane, evil, twisted, and probably smells bad. But I love hating him.

3. Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy 7: These days, this vote is probably at least sixty percent her theme, and thirty percent her limit breaks honestly.

2. Glenn - Chrono Trigger: Summation of Glenn - He has been turned into a frog, yet can still kick everything's ass because he's that awesome. He's courteous to a fault and has great connections with the royal family. His best friend was killed by the same guy who turned Glenn into a frog, but when the guy offers to join the party, instead of running him through several times with the Masamune, Glenn acknowledges that it is for the good of the world to fight together. A true man, trapped in a frog's body. And my wife loves frogs.

1. Jade Curtiss - Tales of the Abyss: When you are a Colonel in the military, walk up to the princess of the opposing nation with which you are at war, slap her in the face, and proceed to tell her and everyone else in the party why that was in her best interest, and then she agrees with you, you are awesome. If that is not enough, here's some more snippets of wisdom from Jade:

Natalia - What were you guys talking about?

Jade - *random bullshit*

Natalia - Oh, okay, that's perfectly reasonable! *walks away*

Guy - Damn you're good!

Jade - Oh I assure you, I'm crying on the inside. racked with guilt!

Most RPG's have a character that knows everything. They have one that can kill everyone dead. They have a comic relief. They have one with a tragic past. Jade is all of them.

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1. Alucard (Castlevania)

Hes literally my favorite video game character ever. Hes so awesome and nice to look at and such a badass. I love Symphony of the Night and any other game featuring him is pretty great too. (even Dracula's Curse) Fuck yeah.

2. Magus (Chrono Trigger)

Man...i love this guy. Anti-Hero, badass, joins your team, kicks all sorts of ass, and just..yes. Ive had a soft spot for Magus for ages.

3. Florina (FE7)

I dunno what it is about her, but shes so adorable and such a great character. Shes got some (usually unseen) character development, plus she just always whoops ass.

4. Soren (FE9/10)

Hes great to me. A pretty well written character with an amazing twist at the end. Plus i love darker, snarky characters in general.

5. Goombella (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door)

She cracks me up! SO much! Shes a sassy goomba who takes no shit. <3

6. Ganon(dorf) (Zelda games)

One of my favorite villains just because. Been a Zelda fan since the series happened more or less and Ganon is pretty ace.

7. Elhaym Van Houten (Xenogears)

Shes...a very interesting character. That whole game is littered with cool characters, but something about her really stuck in my craw. I still cant put my finger on why...

8. Krelian (Xenogears)

Hes one of my favorite villains ever because hes pretty complicated, pretty messed up, creepy, and nice to look at all in one package. His Karma Houdini tendencies are pretty interesting too.

9. Lenneth (Vakyrie Profile)

One of the coolest female leads in gaming in my opinion. Shes badass, really got an interesting character arc, and her game rules.

10. Fou-Lu (Breath of Fire IV)

Hes a great anti-villain. Totally not a bad guy at all until...shit happens and he just goes "Seven hells...imma squashing these pathetic humans!" <3

Honorable Mentions:

Colette (ToS)

Dante (Devil May Cry)

Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)

Hector (FE7)

Renado (Zelda Twilight Princess)

Scias (Breath of Fire IV)

Rose and Meru (Legend of Dragoon)

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No particular order here.

10. Link, Legend of Zelda - He's an icon. Though he's silent, his personality has been cultivated through the ages. His Skyward Sword incarnation is one of the best, but I also love him in Wind Waker. He's just so expressive and of course, courageous.

9. Soren, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn - A lot of people hate Soren, but I think he plays the tactician role well. If left to his own devices he probably wouldn't endeavour to save as many lives as possible and might even be quite ruthless, but he grows a bit of heart from his friendship with Ike. Considering his backstory, he's come a long way. I actually think it's nice for an FE game to have an abrasive character like Soren as a primary character. Not every hero has to be a nice person.

8. Guillo, Baten Kaitos Origins - I think all three main characters in Baten Kaitos Origins combine to form one of the greatest casts of all of RPG history, but Guillo is something special. I usually like snarky characters anyway but Guillo's romantic rivalry with Milly is REALLY funny. Truly the best robot friend you could ever ask for.

7. Shinjiro, Persona 3 Portable - He wasn't a very great character in vanilla P3, or even P3 FES, but if you play the girl's side of Persona 3, there is a side to Shinjiro that completely flipped my opinion of him. It's an easy social link to max and it was definitely worth it. Definitely the sweetest romance option of all of them.

6. Aika, Skies of Arcadia - Legitimate action girl. While Skies of Arcadia is a pretty lighthearted story and doesn't really have any depth to its characters, Aika's segment as the main character shows off a lot of determination and guts. And she's got really useful powers of her own, so you don't really miss Vyse too much in combat (not at that point anyway).

5. Saria, Ocarina of Time - When you leave Kokiri Forest at the beginning of the game, the scene on the bridge never fails to make me tear up a little bit. The whole set-up is pretty heart-wrenching despite so little being done or said. The game really communicates the friendship of Link and Saria without having to say or do much of anything.

4. Felix, Golden Sun - Your typical cool masked antagonist in the first game. He's probably one of the most influential characters in terms of me really getting into drawing. The whole world of Golden Sun was captivating but Felix was one of my first introductions to the hero antagonist.

3. Jade Curtiss, Tales of the Abyss - Singlehandedly redeems the Tales of the Abyss's cast if you ask me. He's one of the most interesting and entertaining characters in the history of Tales games. I would have shelved Tales of the Abyss if he was any less of a badass.

2. GlaDOS, Portal - Portal makes me just so intellectually happy, that a game can feature two women as the protagonist and antagonist and not be a fanservice fest. But even if that weren't the case, GlaDOS would still be loved. GlaDOS is my favourite homicidal robot in gaming.

1. Heat, Digital Devil Saga - He's rash and impulsive and contradicts Serph in every way. He's always going to be direct, and probably angry. I can giggle like an immature 12-year-old by making all instances of his desire to eat as some sort of sexual innuendo. I can't help but feel bad for him that he plays second fiddle to Serph.

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10-Wind Waker Link-

Nice character, and that damn stealth mission dungeon thing.....

Gutsy kid though.


From the De Blob Games


8-Slippy Toad

Starfox Assault multiplayer.


Bitch please, high HP, jumping and a charge bonus.


So much more badass than Megaman.


Helpful, cute, adorable.

Also, due to my natural hearing loss, I don't have to deal with that voice.



Being able to solo your own game(s) is awesome.

4-Capt. Olimar and the Pikmin 2 cast.

I loved 'em.

3-Chun Li

Do I really need to explain?



Combat on a horse or Staves on a horse?

It's like Elincia 2.0 before Elincia apparead.


No arguments, deal with it.

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In no particular order

Sephiran/Lehran - FE 10

Weiss - Arc rise Fantasia

Presea - Tales of Symphonia

Tenebrea - Tales of Symphonia DotNW

Balthier - Final Fantasy 12

Ilyana - FE 10

Skull kid - Majora's mask

Golbez - FF 4

Volke - FF 6

Kefka - FF6

Porom + Palom - FF4

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I am disgusted by the lack of SMT and EO. DISGUSTED.

1 - The Strange Journey protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

2 - The Demi-Fiend/Hitoshura from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Lucifer's Call

3 - Dante and Vergil from the Devil May Cry series

4 - Ragna the Bloodedge from the BlazBlue series

5 - Kirby from the Kirby series

6 - Your Guild from the Etrian Odyssey series

7 - You, the pilot, from R-Type Final

Can't think of anyone else so eh....

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No particular order too.

- Godot (yep, even Miles Edgeworth is not so badass) : Drinks coffee, throws coffee and everything he says is gold.

- Missile (the dog in Ghost Trick, not Ace Attorney) : Cute as hell and he becomes increasingly epic.

- Ike : The only one who can lead an army with Beorc and Laguz (Elincia and Micaiah too but there is like three laguz...).

- Caius (FF13-2) : If I say why he's awesome, I will spoil you + Dat voice !

- John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) : Cool character development.

- Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid) : Seriously, one of the best boss battle in my opinion.

- Kefka (FF6) : Perfect bad guy.

- Tyrell Badd (Ace Attorney Investigations) : The only one who can scares Edgeworth without Parkinson's disease or a gun.

- The Boss (MGS3) : She has charisma skill x 9001.

- Mask salesman (Majora's Mask) : He's like the game, creepy and weird but awesome.

- (Eleven, I know), every cool swordmaster in FE series like Shanan, Rutger, Stefan or Shiva.

There are another cool characters but I don't remember...

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