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Saw this guessing thing going on and I'm bored sue me.

Lyn, Kent, Wallace, Florina, Matthew, Dorcas, Bartre.

Shooting in the dark for the new face being a paladin.

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Giving it another go because guessing is fun.

Hmm since it's Caelin





Rath seems likely because he's in Lyn's support list.

Serra because it's either her or Erk to be the magic character from Lyn's mode to show up.

Hector just because he's the current leader of the Lycian League

The hidden character is probably a Hero.

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Man I love grading these things.

Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wallace, Wil, Rebecca, Bartre, Magic Seal

4/8 (good guess on the class though)

lyn, kent, sain, Florina, wallace, Rath, Will and oc or soren

thats my predidction so there.

4/8 (you got the same ones right at the last person)

Wil, Kent, Serra, Florina, Bartre, Marth, Wil, Chrom.

3/8 (you put Wil twice)

So, Kent, Florina and Lyn are pretty much official. After that, based on other people's grades the rest of the cast should be Sain, Guy, Eliwood and Dart.


Saw this guessing thing going on and I'm bored sue me.

Lyn, Kent, Wallace, Florina, Matthew, Dorcas, Bartre.

Shooting in the dark for the new face being a paladin.

5/8, you currently tied our highests.

Giving it another go because guessing is fun.

Hmm since it's Caelin





Rath seems likely because he's in Lyn's support list.

Serra because it's either her or Erk to be the magic character from Lyn's mode to show up.

Hector just because he's the current leader of the Lycian League

The hidden character is probably a Hero.


So, um, Rath is not in the tale. I'll just confirm that so people can stop guessing him. It's a route split between Rath and Kent, basically.

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I'm going to be bold (or stupid) and guess that this takes place after Lyn leaves.








And guessing that new guy is a bishop.

Edited by Blasied
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I'm going to be bold (or stupid) and guess that this takes place after Lyn leaves.








And guessing that new guy is a bishop.


Oh yeah, since I'm scoring these and everything, you can revise as hints are revealed and such. I'm kinda hoping someone will figure it out, so first one to actually do so (or whoever gets closest) gets the early release.

So a recap of the hints so far:

  • All of them (save for the OC) appeared in Lyn's mode (note that "appeared" ≠ "playable in Lyn's mode").
  • LiquidSnake and ShinyPichu got the same units right.
  • Kent and Florina are confirmed. Rath is confirmed to not be in the cast.
  • Nobody's gotten the class right yet (a new hint for you).
Edited by Arch
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Man I love grading these things.

3/8 (you put Wil twice)

did i really oops i must have missed that


Lundgren, Marquess Araphen, Lyn's Grandfather, Marquess Caelin, Uther, Hector, Eliwood

All 8 of these people appeared or had cameos in lyn mode

also if I really wanted to, I could probably just count up the number of instances where the same name appeared in a "correct" post across the last 20 posts and get at least 6/8 but I am way too fucking lazy for that

Edited by Klok
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Either I blundered... or there are some inconsistencies in your hints/scores Arch... but my money's on me having blundered...

Nevermind, it was a blunder of mine... now it all makes sense.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Either I blundered... or there are some inconsistencies in your hints/scores Arch... but my money's on me having blundered...

Nope, you blundered. 4/8 correct (counting the two given). Just because you think someone seems like a natural choice to be in the tale doesn't mean that they actually are (you've made the same blunder as quite a few people, actually; it's the same culprits in most lists). Like I said, you're free to go back and look at the lists/hints and give it another go.

Here's my attempt:








and mystery character is a Swordmaster.

4/8. Average.

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Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wallace, Wil, Rebecca, Bartre

lyn, kent, sain, Florina, wallace, Rath, Will

If both of these are 4/8 with common characters, then that confirms that Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are absent. It also confirms that, aside from Kent and Florina, two of Lyn, Wallace, and Wil appear.

Kent, Sain, Lyn, Wil, Florina, Wallace, and...uh...Lucius and Dorcas. That's what I'm guessing.

Combined with this being 4/8, that also eliminates Lucius and Dorcas, because of the five bolded characters four need to be correct.









And since we know Dorcas is out, that also confirms that one of Eliwood or Dart is in.








Except for the fact that this is 3/8 with four of the mystery five and Dart, confirming both Lyn and Eliwood.

Kent, Sain, Lyn, Florina, Batre, Karla, Guy, and... One of Lyn's Parents thanks to Awakening, dimensional/time travel is easily a viable option!

Which, as 3/8, eliminates Karla and Guy.

(Kent, Florina)







This is 4/8, without Lyn, which means one of the outliers are confirmed.

To recap: this leaves us, for sure, with Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, and one of either Wil or Wallace. Thus far, Karla, Guy, Dart, Lucius, Dorcas, Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are for sure out.

Wil, Kent, Serra, Florina, Bartre, Marth, Wil, Chrom.

This being 3/8 with Kent and Florina, eliminating Chrom, Marth, and Bartre, means that either Wil or Serra is in as the sixth person.

Lyn, Kent, Wallace, Florina, Matthew, Dorcas, Bartre.

And this as 5/7 means just kidding, it's Wallace, which means Wil was out the whole time.

Which means that the non-OC 7 need to be Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra.

New unit is not a Paladin, Hero, Bishop, or Magic Seal, with the last potentially being the closest. Since Seal's a special class, I'll just guess blindly that it's somehow Dark Druid.

Edit 453453453: Oh, wait, no, it was fine. I think.

Edited by Iridium
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Nope, you blundered. 4/8 correct (counting the two given). Just because you think someone seems like a natural choice to be in the tale doesn't mean that they actually are (you've made the same blunder as quite a few people, actually; it's the same culprits in most lists). Like I said, you're free to go back and look at the lists/hints and give it another go.

No, I wasn't talking of my guess. But nevermind, I wasn't aiming to get that patch anyway. Was just doing it for fun. And turns out that despite my blunder I had it right... which again, not talking of my guess.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I did just find one inconsistency, actually. Otherwise it's been solid. Only one: Almace actually got 5/8.

Which means that the non-OC 7 need to be Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra.

I appreciate your intelligent approach, Iridium. 4/8 :):.

Edited by Arch
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I'm not, but for the last character, I'm tempted to guess the Tactician. Natalie makes more sense though; you need a healer and you need a reason for Dorcas to be there.

For the class, a Druid.

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Hm... well, then continuing my logic from there (ah! why did it have to be my first leap?) Amazing how one little thing can change so much.

If both of these are 4/8 with common characters, then that confirms that Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are absent. It also confirms that, aside from Kent and Florina, two of Lyn, Wallace, and Wil appear.

Confirmed: Kent, Florina

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain

Suspect: (Lyn/Wallace/Wil)

Examining this with the results of my 4/8, we find:

Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra. (4/8)


Confirmed: Kent, Florina

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain

Suspect: (Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra)

Wil, Kent, Serra, Florina, Bartre, Marth, Wil, Chrom. (3/8)

Confirmed: Kent, Florina

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain

Suspect: (2 of Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra)

Lyn, Kent, Wallace, Florina, Matthew, Dorcas, Bartre. (5/8)

Confirmed: Kent, Florina

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain

Suspect: (2 of Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (3 of Lyn, Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas)







Rebecca? (3/8)

No Lyn out of those four, so

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart

Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas)









Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart

Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) (1 of Wallace, Dorcas, Serra, and Erk)

Kent, Sain, Lyn, Wil, Florina, Wallace, and...uh...Lucius and Dorcas. That's what I'm guessing.


This means we've got two of Wllace, Wil, Lucius, and Dorcas, which combined with the first suspect point, simplifies to 1 of Lucius and Dorcas. Remembering that same point, one of Wallace and Will must be in, and both Wallace and Wil are exclusive with Serra, so she's out.

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart

Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) (1 of Wallace, Dorcas, Serra, and Erk) (2 of Wil/Wallace/Lucius/Dorcas -> 1 of Lucius/Dorcas)

Considering that, we've got one Suspect point completely reduced!

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace

Suspect: (1 of Eliwood, Matthew)(2 of Matthew and Dorcas) (1 of Dorcas, Serra, and Erk) (1 of Lucius/Dorcas)

Oh... hey, and with Wil confirmed, we can get rid of all of these statements; both Matthew and Dorcas must be in, eliminating Lucius, Erk, and Eliwood. I've also eliminated Nino and Jaffar in a proof that I erased, but whatever.

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood


(Kent, Florina)





Guy (4/8)

Eliminates Guy

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood, Guy


Kent, Sain, Lyn, Florina, Batre, Karla, Guy, and... One of Lyn's Parents thanks to Awakening, dimensional/time travel is easily a viable option! (3/8)

Eliminates Karla.

Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas

Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood, Guy, Karla


And now there's nothing left for me to mooch off of, so I'll go by important characters from Caelin that weren't playable since at least one was alluded to and all of the current ones were. Since you seem to be really emphasizing the 'Caelin' part, logic immediately goes to Hausen, who isn't dead yet (but soon dies, thus, story!).


Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas, Hausen, and the eight one, if not a Dark Druid, is... a Druid?

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Another guess for the eighth character is either a Halberdier or a Rogue because they don't have much representation.


I'll try Kent, Florina, Lyn, Will, Matthew, Dorcas, Hector as the magic 7. Even if Hector has little to do with Caelin.

Edited by FEAnon
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inb4 I change the cast of the tale to spite you all.

Kent, Florina, Wallace, Wil, Dorcas, Sain, and Matthew. Mystery is a... Sage?

A nice 5/8 for your effort.

And now there's nothing left for me to mooch off of, so I'll go by important characters from Caelin that weren't playable since at least one was alluded to and all of the current ones were. Since you seem to be really emphasizing the 'Caelin' part, logic immediately goes to Hausen, who isn't dead yet (but soon dies, thus, story!).


Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas, Hausen, and the eight one, if not a Dark Druid, is... a Druid?

Hausen is in fact dead. This takes place after Tale 2, in which Lyn has left Caelin for Sacae post-Hausen's death (plus, he wouldn't really be playable character material anyways).

However, your valiant effort has netted you a shiny 6/8. The highest score thus far.









I'm not, but for the last character, I'm tempted to guess the Tactician. Natalie makes more sense though; you need a healer and you need a reason for Dorcas to be there.

For the class, a Druid.

7/8, you made the right call with Natalie over the Tactician. You've still got the class of the OC wrong, though.

Damn. I was hoping this'd go on for a little while longer. Then fuckin' Blazer just swoops in and gets the answer right. That's some classic shit right there.

Anyways, I guess the cast has been confirmed. I'll reveal the OC as soon as his mug's completed.

Although Blazer's technically the closest, he didn't get a perfect 8/8. If someone submits a list with the OC class correct, they'll be the winner.

Edited by Arch
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Although Blazer's technically the closest, he didn't get a perfect 8/8. If someone submits a list with the OC class correct, they'll be the winner.

Grandmaster? Ummmmmm... Valkyire?

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So he's dead? Ah, well, I suppose that's the price I pay for not having actually played the hack itself until now, isn't it? I suppose next time I should probably do a little more research than "is he alive on FE wiki, does the TVtropes page mention his death, GOOD TO GO."

Ah, but yeah, I knew I'd lost when they'd said Natalie. She completely slipped my mind and it's just too perfect an inclusion.

since i've played my hand and it's obvious i'm just doing this for the hell of it at this point, how about summoner y;

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So he's dead? Ah, well, I suppose that's the price I pay for not having actually played the hack itself until now, isn't it? I suppose next time I should probably do a little more research than "is he alive on FE wiki, does the TVtropes page mention his death, GOOD TO GO."

Ah, but yeah, I knew I'd lost when they'd said Natalie. She completely slipped my mind and it's just too perfect an inclusion.

since i've played my hand and it's obvious i'm just doing this for the hell of it at this point, how about summoner y;

Come to think of it, that might not be that bad of a guess...

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Lyn        Bladelord
Kent       Paladin
Florina    Falcoknight
Matthew    Rogue/Assassin
Wil        Sniper
Dorcas     Warrior
Natalie    Bishop

Confirmed No:
Female only classes

Class variety is always nice so I'm going to assume no repeats for classes. This cast could use a tank (Warrior seems like a poor tank to me and Kent doesn't seem like tank material) so my guess for the OC's class is Great Knight (General is viable but General seems kind of eh).

Then again, the cast could use some magic too...

Eh, gonna stick with GK.

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