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The second batch of DLC

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And it's out!

The enemies are about as weak as last time with no real tricks, although the enemy Swordmasters have Swordslayer Swords. The boss is another Swordmaster with Amatsu; he and an Entombed on the map drop Bond Seeds, again similar to the previous one.

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Doesn't look like it. Like in SoB, it just has some Bond Seeds and a ton of shiny tiles. HoB also has the shiny tiles, but just the Master Seal as a drop.

There's some pre-map notification about Swordmasters - just like the ones for UT bonus characters. I don't think it means much, though. The enemy Swordmasters all stand still in their pools for a while, impossible to reach by foot without Acrobatics. It looks like it's saying they stay like that for seven turns and then start moving from Turn 8 on? I'm mostly guessing here; can anyone verify one way or another?

And holy shit I take back what I said about it for the higher difficulty levels. On Lunatic, the enemy Swordmasters have 43 Spd, once-forged Brave Swords as backup weapons, and five skills. Also, there are way more enemies to begin with - 36 instead of 26, and the new ones are all promoted. Granted, so were the old ones, except the few Revenants, which actually puts it quite a bit ahead of SoB, and the promoted enemies are tougher to begin with. But on Lunatic it's absolute insanity. Definitely looks to be harder than any of the KvK maps, which go up to 3-star, and on my Lunatic run, I didn't finish the last of them until after Ch20. It's no postgame map, but it's quite impressive.

Edited by Othin
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80 Strength + 100% Luna activation. Hahahahahaha, that's like taking on Unlimited Tager while in Blood Kain Ragna... and you don't have use of the C or D buttons.

It's more like taking on the Demi-Fiend and praying you don't get killed off during any of his turns. o3o

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Holy shit. Not getting OHKOed means having 80 HP and 40+ Def, and that's without taking Counter into consideration - which means either using a weak thrown weapon or bouncing off holy Shield. A bow with 90 Mt does just 13 damage to him, if you can even get that high. Good thing he can't move. And what the hell's Anna up to? Her having a custom class makes it even more concerning...

Yeah. This is beautiful. Anyone have translation from the stuff? It sounds like it's saying it's the Path of a Grandmaster finale and off the difficulty scale, but all I can do is guess.

Edited by Othin
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It looks like Limit Breaker is required, especially with this speed blink.gif (or you have to stack all the cry skills)

I guess life-saving skills like Miracle, Dual Guard+, Sol and Vantage can help too...

Edited by Lakmé
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Translation might be a bit iffy, I got a bit tangled here and there and tried my best to not make it sound too stupid.

Another Story: The Strongest's Name (series finale)

Herein lies the castle of the strong. Heroes who have become too strong are said to eventually arrive at this castle in their search for worthy opponents.

This map pits you against five consecutive battles. Routing the enemy does not end the battle, but instead begins another battle with the next enemy force.

The enemies are the strongest ever: powerful being limit. The path to victory against such exceedingly strong foes will be lit up to the ones who surpass even them.

Your strongest soldiers and your ultimate stratagem. This map will require both.

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Whoa! This map looks nearly impossible to beat. blink.gif Five battles without a break, wow.

I'm confused, does MAX difficulty mean that this final map is six stars in difficulty level? Or is the MAX difficulty level seven stars?

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Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I'm not even sure if I want to buy this map when it comes stateside, just the idea of such tough foes to defeat in five consecutive waves makes me a little nervous. sweatdrop.gif

If it ever comes stateside.

What I meant was that after you defeat one enemy force, the next one shows up. That means that the next wave of enemies is ready to fight, even if your units need healing from the fight with the previous force. So my interpretation is, you beat the map when you defeat all FIVE waves of enemies. Routing one wave only triggers the next one to appear.

So yeah, you clear the map by beating all five waves of enemies, I think.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Oh, look! An insanely hard DLC!

It looks like fun. Hard, but fun. I like that.

Hm... It'll need limit breaker... Otherwise, it would be impossible.

Eh, I don't care. I'm just looking forward to the challenge.

(Does the DLC difficulty change with the game difficulty? Because that picture shows a person with maxed stats all across the board... I'm wondering if it's like that in normal mode too...)

This is the last in the series... So... Is there going to be a third (final) series? Hm... After all, these things seems to come in threes...

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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According to the 2ch wiki, the Spotpass characters have conversations in the Yukata DLC. The conversations like Renha x Sairi, KromxEmelina, LizxEmelina and such you've been waiting for. Still waiting for the script though, but it just came out...

(Paris gets Valhart and Renha) The Vegetarian vs the Meat Lover?

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Lucina's yukata just doesn't compare to her father's sweet swimming trunks. :( Selena's looks really cute.

If I hadn't seen Wood's confession picture, I would have wondered whether he just had some ugly-ass mole or something; the guy just never lets his hand leave his face. XD He and Azure look OK.

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