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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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Hi. My name is Rapier. The Mafia has killed my father. I hope they're prepared to die. ttly not roleclaiming Hitman/Vig

But you are a sword. You have no father. #droppingthebomb

Rapier and Iris look pretty town. On the surface.

if Manix == scum

(1) Town!Prims, supports my opinion

(2) would look at wagon carefully, since it's my belief that at least one scum would bus

if Manix = town

(1) I would definitely re-look at Prims, since although I don't think he's scummy, Manix has basically been tunneling him the whole phase.

(2) would look at people who didn't vote Manix more carefully, in my experience, scum tends to avoid voting a huge town wagon

You just set Manix as town. But really, this is kind of a narrow breakdown. Who would not do these things, case-by-case?

If Manix turns out to be scum, I think we should also focus on Aere. He sheeped Manix early on, when he voted Elie.

If Aere flips scum, then Straw is also scum, because he was the only one to defend Aere (which isn't an scummy thing by itself -now-, but on this hypothetical scenario, it would be different).

This is pretty forward posting, and on re-read I believe Aere is avoiding Manix wagon on the grounds that it's too easy, which doesn't hold much water. When did the second thing happen? I see a Strawman post where he does not like Aere.

Ah, okay Iris. Uh, I'm finding SB scummy too, which is why my vote is there right now. I've made my opinions about Manix pretty clear I think, so I didn't really see a reason to vote for him. I find Manix scummier, true, but I don't think voting for him right now will accomplish anything. Of course, one could say that voting for SB isn't accomplishing anything either, so eh...

ATM, my scumreads go Manix > SB > Scorri.

Also, Iris, I don't think that scum!Manix means Prims is town. IIRC, in BCM, Manix argued with Shinori near the beginning (though not nearly to the extent he is going after Prims) and in Xeno, scum!Prims bussed Core pretty thoroughly, right from the start.

I'm gonna say BBM is less scum since that'd be too much bussing with not enough confidence.

Do these posts remind anyone of SSBUM where SB initially claimed Tracker and then switched to Watcher, citing a mix-up in roles? This goes against the idea of scum!Manix, but it feels like his scumbuddies told him to look on Manix's side after town!Manix flipped.

But still, this is too much history.

Weapons, how does Paperblade have more conviction than the other people posting? I keep forgetting what his thoughts are without looking at the votecounts. Don't find his posts individually scummy but unmemorability is enough for a gut check.

He's pretty confrontational towards Manix.

And BBM apparently.

Manix has stopped defending himself. I know where this is going.

@Bluedoom, would you vote Manix if he had less votes?

k so I'll leave this here because who knows what might happen while I'm asleep

I'm town deputy. Yeah I got to do stuff last night since Elie died. I scanned Paper and got a town result.

take this how you will

Manix is too defensive poorly offensive at this point. I am expecting and not believing a power role claim.

Yep. Deputy is like right below Jailkeeper and Bulletproof for most common scum-claims.

Also, "take this how you will."

I'm looking at Delirium.

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yeah what Shinori said.

reasons why I didn't check Prims:

- I felt I didn't need to scan him because his actions were enough

- knowing what Paper's intentions are is mostly a good thing

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Hmm. Kind of weird that Manix scanned Paperblade, whom most people think of as town, anyways. Also, I don't believe this claim, so I'm not changing my vote.

You just set Manix as town. But really, this is kind of a narrow breakdown. Who would not do these things, case-by-case?

Weapons, are you reading my (other) posts? like how aere isn't reading yours This was a response to Shinori when he asked who I would suspect if Manix turned out scum or town. I already stated earlier that Manix is my strongest scumread, and I would be very surprised if Manix turned out town, thus making me insecure about my other reads.

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Ah, okay Iris. Uh, I'm finding SB scummy too, which is why my vote is there right now. I've made my opinions about Manix pretty clear I think, so I didn't really see a reason to vote for him. I find Manix scummier, true, but I don't think voting for him right now will accomplish anything. Of course, one could say that voting for SB isn't accomplishing anything either, so eh...

ATM, my scumreads go Manix > SB > Scorri.

Also, Iris, I don't think that scum!Manix means Prims is town. IIRC, in BCM, Manix argued with Shinori near the beginning (though not nearly to the extent he is going after Prims) and in Xeno, scum!Prims bussed Core pretty thoroughly, right from the start.

If you know your vote on SB won't contribute to anything now, and you find Manix scummy, why won't you vote him? You can always go after scorri and SB on the next day. It's easier to lynch Manix than the other two, and we'll receive info.

Also, Prims' case was very different. He voted Core, but he expected him to come back and reply. Since he didn't, he had to keep his vote, else it would look scummy. I remember that, I was one of the scum. So if Manix turns out to be scum, Prims is most likely Town (or Third Party, should they exist).

Do these posts remind anyone of SSBUM where SB initially claimed Tracker and then switched to Watcher, citing a mix-up in roles? This goes against the idea of scum!Manix, but it feels like his scumbuddies told him to look on Manix's side after town!Manix flipped.

More relying on meta. >:

I understand what you said. It makes sense... Kinda. But the way you said it troubles me.

Find Rapier's wall lurkscummy. That's a lot of prods and questions with obvious answers or responses and way too much "if X flips alignment then X", which is worthless speculation at best and a way of fluffing up posts at worst. It doesn't matter what you'll think about a player after somebody else flips, what do you think about them now?

"Obvious answers or responses", alright.

You're right about focusing on the players as they are now rather than how they can be after somebody else flips, but that doesn't mean the later should be ignored completely. Also, stop saying I'm speculating too much. The only time I speculated about that was on a response to Shinori. I may have done it at some point on my "wall", but I'm pretty sure my post wasn't full of them.

I feel like people are just saying "WEAPONS NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING" whenever possible just to feign content. Manix in particular is guilty of this and the rest of his scumreads don't impress me enough to switch, it's not clear which he prefers to lynch and nothing is that solid. It's more like a list of names. Also don't think Core is lower on the content side than, say, Aere.

I have to agree with this. We've got a lot to work on already.

I didn't comment on manix's claim because I didn't see it when I posted and I went to take a nap afterwards and I just come back from work. Also I never said that Marth was a better lynch than SB, but I felt like prodding him and poking him to see if he would answer my questions. Unless people are wanting to lynch SB right now when we still have a fair amount of time left in the phase to talk about things there was no reason to keep my vote sitting there. I've made it perfectly clear that I feel that SB should die today.

Well, you pretty much echoed on that other post. You asked him who is scum, when he had stated who he thought was scum. What makes you think Marth is scummy?

Anyway, I still don't believe Manix's claim. It could be easily faked and, as BBM noticed, he would have investigated Prims, not Paper. Not to mention it is hard to counterclaim Deputy Cop. My vote stays on him.

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Damn it I forgot to quote this post.

reasons why I didn't check Prims:

- I felt I didn't need to scan him because his actions were enough

... You're kidding me, right?

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if you're all so convinced my claim is BS, why aren't you lynching me already?

also; you can get more theoretical clears by scanning people that you aren't sure on. like, since I'm fairly sure Prims is scum, I don't feel the need to waste a scan on him. I can clear more people just by going elsewhere. Logic people, you seem to be missing it.

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Um. You're missing logic? You only had basically half a phase to go off of, and Prims only posted joke votes/posts since they were still in RVS, and he can't be ubiquitous and post all the time (@ your older Prims needs to exist, he's scum!argument). How can you be fairly certain he's scum off of ED1 performance? At least you could have confirmed if he was scum or town if you scanned him.

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In other words: People rely too much on using roles (not the claims themselves, but like using a cop to clear people for sure) to clear people here (SF) in general (ie: you eventually start discounting their actions in thread.). Trust me, I've done it before (see Carnival Phantasm for a case study). And it is really really annoying, and no one ever calls anyone out on it.

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scan Prims: 1 clear/scum

scan someone else: 1 pseudoclear/scum + 1 clear

I don't see why I wouldn't take the second option.

People need to use cops more as a supplement to scumhunting than to replace it. See above.

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Um. You're missing logic? You only had basically half a phase to go off of, and Prims only posted joke votes/posts since they were still in RVS, and he can't be ubiquitous and post all the time (@ your older Prims needs to exist, he's scum!argument). How can you be fairly certain he's scum off of ED1 performance? At least you could have confirmed if he was scum or town if you scanned him.

Did you even read my post?

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In other words: People rely too much on using roles (not the claims themselves, but like using a cop to clear people for sure) to clear people here (SF) in general (ie: you eventually start discounting their actions in thread.). Trust me, I've done it before (see Carnival Phantasm for a case study). And it is really really annoying, and no one ever calls anyone out on it.

This is not logic, dude. If you can -confirm- your theory is true, why not do it? What makes you think your logic can't be flawed, your case not concrete enough to lynch your most scummy read? Sorry, but I see it as arrogance at most and a bad excuse at least. On both cases, it is a scummy thing to assume so much.

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Okay well for reads. I have SB as scummy, you as pretty scummy, especially after this post, pretty sure weapons is town. Mixed feelings about paperblade but I'm leaning town on him. Aere is not helping at all and his posts have the vibe of newb-scum to them considering I think he could be playing his first ever game as scum that's to be expected. Null read for the most part on Iris, I'm waffling on her frankly. And the rest of the reads I'm keeping to myself for now.

Now to you Marth. You say my SB tunneling isn't exactly helpful yet then you go to poke at him and even mention multiple questions that should be answered yet you say I'm active lurking and all that jazz. Kinda feels like you are playing on both arguments of the Shinori/SB sides here.

Marth: Do you think SB is scum? And do you think I am scum? Explain your reasoning's on both please.

I really don't like how you have said everyone in your past two posts are either null or town. Who is scum? Seriously.


##Vote: Marth

Yeah, I want some answers.

Way to not read my post, Shinori!

I did not say whoever I mentioned was null/town, whoever I did not mention in those posts was either a null or town that I'll keep to myself for now. Playing both sides of Shinori/SB? No way, because I think both of you are active lurking tbh. You didn't come up with reads until I prodded you anyway, so this post won't clear you of the active lurking you've done before that. Had you come up with thoughts on players other than SB then I'd have thought differently. Yes your SB tunnelling hasn't been helpful because that was all you focused on. That doesn't tell me what you think of everything else that is happening, which in turn doesn't help me with scum reads.I'm not saying we shouldn't poke SB at all, but if that is the only major thing we're doing then something is wrong. Besides you could even be bussing him if you're buddies, who knows? You haven't been overly aggressive with him yet.

@Weapons: Yes I would vote Manix if he had lesser votes on hi

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I'm also certain he's scum based on his D2 performance. I already covered that in another post.

D2 performance is irrelevant when we're talking about your N1 action.

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