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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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Bananas: There's a difference between encouraging discussion and encouraging discussion on roles when nothing useful can come of it. There's no way we can find out if there's a godfather or miller at this point unless someone claims as one and talking about roles will always increase the chance that people will role hint. Which is bad. So the way you attempted to start discussion was bad, yes.

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@SB: Like others have said, it's kind of pointless to talk about a pointless subject.

I uh... was unaware attention was on me? If you're talking about before phase end last time, I thought I had explained things there. I was attempting to get discussion going and made a joke. It was probably not the best joke to make, but ah well. As for poking at inactives, I simply was trying to poke at people that I didn't even realize were playing the game. And in the end, I voted someone not for being inactive but for being actively inactive if that makes sense. Weapons was posting but not saying anything in those posts. With you and Core it was more "Hey guys, I didn't remember you were playing, talk please?" If people still have questions for me after last day phase, I'm perfectly willing to talk about them. That'd still be discussion which is better than role speculation cause role speculation is stupid.

When I said attention, I wasn't directly referring to the time before phase end, it's a scumtell (at least in my book) when people direct attention to inactives. Even still, kind of wary of you. What are your reads, aside from inactives?

Weapons, can you explain your reasoning more coherently? I don't disagree, but I'm kind of biased since I think Manix is slightly scummy from day1 performance, despite most of D1 being RVS.

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Manix looks terribad. Prod vote on me is super weak & parky when I was existing previously, reactions to votes on him look nervous. Overall seems more worried about not getting himself lynched than getting scum lynched. Lynch here today.

I don't like Bananas' active lurking. No vote, miller should have claimed by now, and reaction to Weapons D1 wasn't great in that it wouldn't really get anything done.

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Well, my major scumread right now is Weapons actually just for lack of explaining anything. Thus why my vote is still on him. Besides that, I don't really see why people are voting Manix, kinda a null read there, Bananas really needs to start talking about what he thinks and such, and everyone else needs to start existing. My reads from what little we got yesterday were townish on Shinori and Paper mostly cause of their reactions to my post trying to get people to talk. They both seemed to have reactions I'd expect from a town player. Besides that, a bunch of null reads. Wheee lack of content due to modkills.

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I'm going to return to where I was before the phase ended in such an impromptu manner- ##Vote: Manix

I didn't like your jump on Elieson at all, especially when it was over something so small, and you haven't responded to that point yet.

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Okay, hi.

I didn't really like Manix's vote on Elieson. Elieson justlooked like he was being humorous in a self-deprecating way and he just jumped on it randomly. But Aere sheeping that looks worse IMO, so although I'm wary of Manix...

Interpretation is the key here. How I interpret someone's actions (which I explained in this case when I voted) could be completely different to how you interpret their actions. We couldn't know exactly what his (Elieson's) intention behind those actions were at that time. Remember that mafia is a game of deceit and trickery, so how you interpret things is very important.

And okay, I was wrong on Elie. So my interpretation of his actions was wrong. But still, we wouldn't have known that until the flip. :/

(Also; I had a physics prac at that time so I couldn't respond then, soz)

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In other not defending myself news:

- Weapons still needs to elaborate on why I am scum

- I don't actually remember a lot of Prims' posts from D1

- blah I need to reread to actually figure out reads I'm horrible, I know

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Sure, interpreting something in a different way is completely possible, but even if you thought what he did was suspicious, it was still a really small reason to jump at him for. I'm still suspicious of you, but something else has caught my eye. Marth hasn't made a single post yet.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth

This is mainly a prodvote.

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Sure, interpreting something in a different way is completely possible, but even if you thought what he did was suspicious, it was still a really small reason to jump at him for.

To be fair, it was fairly early in D1, where there really wasn't a lot to go on. But eh, what's done is done.

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Well, this is what I was going to comment on before phase end so I might as well stick it here since it just got brought up again.

I didn't like that weird question thing by Elieson either and actually found Manix's vote on him pretty understandable. Elieson looked like he was pretending to make his post seem less serious with the silly self meta question while asking a pretty out of place serious question that could very well look like digging for info in a suspicious way. (of course, knowing what we do now, I still don't get why he said that)

I disagree with Weapons votes because he said I was town :)

I don't like Scorri's whole inactives thing because, well, theres like a grand total of 1 page(maybe 1 and a half, MAYBE) of anything that is even semi-serious. That early end screwed up any activity amounts that could happen D1 so that seems like a null criteria(and its not even a good criteria anyways unless someone has inactive scum metaunsure.gif). Also talking about starting discussion without putting anything out there is discuss always rubs me weird.

Also that thing someone said about SB is interesting about bread crumbing mafia roles last time he was maf. Because I know when I'm scum I pretty much tell the town exactly what scum is/could be doing because I know no one will listen to me lol.

Eh, I need to think more before I vote. My mind is, for some reason, making me tunnel and probably over-analyze Scorri right now, which makes me uncomfortable with my read on her.

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Eh, I was mostly just trying to poke at people to post, not being super suspicious. And there's a difference between my comments on the inactives and my vote on weapons. The people who only had one post I was more trying to remind them that there was a game going on I guess. Weapons on the other hand had multiple posts with absolutely nothing in them. That's why I voted him. I didn't like his joking attitude because I felt that even though it was still in RVS he was literally doing nothing to help. RVS helps some as opposed to posting random videos and such that doesn't give us anything to work with later on in the game.

And as for poking about discussion without giving something to discuss, it's like I said yesterday before phase end.

Shinori: I didn't really know what to start it on. But if you insist... yeah, actually I don't really know what to put here. I could ask questions, but then people will jump on me for asking questions when there's not really info to give except role stuff. I could ask people what they thought the numbers would be like, but then I'd get jumped on for being scummy and trying to contribute without really being useful. I could rolehint and start discussion that way, but that'd be stupid. Or I could make a post saying we should start discussion, have a couple people jump at me for that and then talk with them about it, thus causing people interactions which are helpful later on. Oh wait! That is what I did. So there we go.

I figured yesterday that it'd be easier to defend myself wrt saying we should start discussion w/o giving a discussion topic than some of those other things that are huge scum tells. Though... I guess my prodding at inactives is also a scumish thing to do. So... yeah. Ah well. Either way, I guess I will have started discussion. Which, in the end, can only help the town.

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I still think Manix is kind of scummy, if I had two votes, I know who my second would be on, but also waiting on that Weapons explanation. It's still early in the game (sans D1), so although I have two reads I'm suspicious of, obviously I have tons of null reads. ;/


But Scorri, you said yourself that you were mindful of the fact that (1) phase got interrupted, and (2) there wasn't a lot of time to post, so I don't really get why you would need to go out of your way to write a moderately long post to inform people of inactives. I still find you scummy, but maybe it could be an honest mistake.

My reads from what little we got yesterday were townish on Shinori and Paper mostly cause of their reactions to my post trying to get people to talk.

Was your post pertaining to the whole Psych thing on purpose to get reactions, or not? If it's the former that's kind of weird.



This is mainly a prodvote.

Why switch from a "I'M SUSPICIOUS OF YOU" vote to a prodvote? Since you clearly think that Manix is kind of scummy (I agree), I don't understand why you're switching to an inactive (who probably couldn't post since no night posting). I'm not wary of you since your Manix suspicion is genuine and I'm slightly impartial, but in the same vein as scorri, prodding inactives is kind of a scumtell.

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Bluh yeah. My poke at inactives probably wasn't the best move. It was just me looking at what had happened and being like "Hey, they've barely posted anything... That seems a little weird to me." And then I decided to post about it. So yeah. I guess that wasn't the greatest move. As for the other post from last day phase, no that was not intended to get the reaction of people jumping at me. It was intended to get discussion started. It did in fact get discussion started, but in a way that wasn't very favorable to me. However, from those reactions I was able to get better reads on people. So like I said before at some point, even though the discussion it caused was me needing to defend myself, in the long run it cause discussion to start and interactions to happen which allows people to get better reads and thus allow for better knowledge down the road.

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@BBM: Why are you on Marth? We have discussion going, why park on him when he isn't contributing? If he's inactive, the hosts will sub him. You don't need to play backseat moderator.

##Vote scorri


this rubs me the wrong way fsr



pointless role speculation


"hey guys let's stop this pointless role speculation that I started"

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