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So, remember that time myv water got shut off?


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Yea. Currently on hold, fighting over my $280 deposit that they are saying I never paid (last year).

Some dad this makes me look like. :/

If I'm pissy or bouncy today, let it be known that this is why.

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Daughter is at school (daycare), per normal. Son is with me at work, milking WIFI, so all should work. I managed to get enough $ together to play catchup and electricity should be on sometime today.

It's approx 97° right now...my poor baking house :( i'l have to check back later and kick on the AC so my house isn't a furnace for the kids tonight.

Status: ResolvING

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read my sig, you derp.

Gonna take my work break and rush home quick, to see if it's back ok.

Damn texas is hot.

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When our water went out, I happened to.have 3 ice bags. Made kraft dinner and lasgana that night with Ice Water.

Currently stuck behind a train. Like 3 blocks from home. Arggh.

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Aand...nothing :(. I managed to set up the inside with enough shade to render a 74° in the house, which isn't bad. Refrigeration is holding fine so far, too, and power company says 4~5 hrs max (they also said 6 hrs ago it'd be back up, but yea).

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7:42am. Lost power.

7:16pm. Son imitates He-man with his Nerf sword, shouting "I have the POWER!"

7:17pm. Son strikes the Nintendo64 by accident with his Nerf sword, somehow triggering the reactivation of our electricity.

7:20pm. Son returns from outside, short of breath from repeatedly shouting "I /AM/ He-Man!" to our various hispanic neighbors.

I now have Elecricity Insurance, in the form of a 10 year old boy. Power being shut off is now no longer a fear of mine.

Best conclusion to a bad day.

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7:42am. Lost power.

7:16pm. Son imitates He-man with his Nerf sword, shouting "I have the POWER!"

7:17pm. Son strikes the Nintendo64 by accident with his Nerf sword, somehow triggering the reactivation of our electricity.

7:20pm. Son returns from outside, short of breath from repeatedly shouting "I /AM/ He-Man!" to our various hispanic neighbors.

I now have Elecricity Insurance, in the form of a 10 year old boy. Power being shut off is now no longer a fear of mine.

Best conclusion to a bad day.

...No rep button...

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7:42am. Lost power.

7:16pm. Son imitates He-man with his Nerf sword, shouting "I have the POWER!"

7:17pm. Son strikes the Nintendo64 by accident with his Nerf sword, somehow triggering the reactivation of our electricity.

7:20pm. Son returns from outside, short of breath from repeatedly shouting "I /AM/ He-Man!" to our various hispanic neighbors.

I now have Elecricity Insurance, in the form of a 10 year old boy. Power being shut off is now no longer a fear of mine.

Best conclusion to a bad day.


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