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Which game do you like to draft for the most/least?


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See title. My list is personally (from which one i like the most to least):

FE12- fun, not that long and has a nice difficulty. The character balance and the drafting process can get a bit tedious though.

FE10- Almost every pick has some strategy behind it. I love that about it. You have to compromise a lot. The game is too long though...

FE7- easy and short. Idk, its just really fun for some reason.

FE11- I can speedrun it and play it on the toilet :P. Idk, playing drafts for this one is really fast paced for me and i usually finish in like 5 hours.

FE9- Despite how long the animations are, I quite enjoy drafting for this one, barring a few chapters.

FE8- Its way too short, easy, but has some maps that can be frustrating. I usually skip these unless its like, a very special draft.

FE4- Havent actually played it yet but it must be better than FE6.

FE6- Well, FE6 sucks what did you expect?

The rest- havent played.

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FE4 - I've been in only one draft for this game, and I'm not too far in, but it's enjoyable. A bit more difficult than casual play, too, which is nice.

FE5 - Haven't entered a draft for this yet.

FE6 - Never.

FE7 - Definitely the FE I recognize the most, and my favorite drafts are FE7 related. My turncounts keep getting better and better, too, which adds onto my enjoyment.

FE8 - Not as fun as FE7 drafts for me, but I like 'em.

FE9 - As soon as I get another copy of this game, I'm entering a draft.

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FE10: It is my favorite FE game. I really like it because it has a fiendish number of characters and I can use them and assign them tasks in different ways, not just rely on "x" character. Besides, I always choose my favorites like Boyd, Ilyana, Sigrun and Pellulz ^_^'.

FE7: It was the first FE game I played, those times were awesome. It's easy and fast and has my favorite tome LUNA

I also drafted at FE11 but I don't really love it in that way to play drafts. The same applies to FE6 and FE8, although I've never joined a draft...and don't want to :/

Yet, I want to get a controller to play Fe9 drafts :(.

I have short periods of time to play drafts and, ironically, love to draft at FE10 lol

Edited by Quintessence
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Uhhh... From most to least the list is...

FE7- It is just so much fun to play in a draft setting, and my 2nd favorite FE.

FE10- Fairly fun, but it is pretty long and the drafting process is long.

FE6/FE9- I have only drafted these once, and I have had to restart each of these at least once, so I'm pretty neutral on them.

FE8- Screw this game.

Others- I haven't drafted for any other FEs, so I don't know about these.

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1.FE7 cause its my favorite and I know one well among the other FE games

2.FE9 cause lol Ike.

3.FE8 something quick and simple if you are looking to not spend a long time on a draft.

the rest are meh.

Edited by GeorgeTheUnseen
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FE9 because it's pretty balanced if you can weaken Marcia and Jill's dominance.

FE10 because it's just a fun game to play in general, but I honestly think you're screwed if you don't get Eddie/Nolan/Tits/Jill.

The other games are just in a massive tie for "lol i don't care" position.

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I like FE11/12 because they both feature reclassing, and I can do stupid things like make a team full of Paladins. I dislike FE6 drafting the most, because screw the RNG.

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It's ok, if noone's screwing around.


Fun, and pairing is fun too.


first 2 rounds make all the big choices, everything else is a bag of skittles.


It depends.

Getting Thany/Miledy+Fighter+Illian Cav or getting Alance+Tate+Illian cav.

or getting royaly fucked.

fe7-FUn, easy, and endgame is boring.

But I like it all the same


Easy, fun, but a little trollish.


Bleh, but once in awhile.


Wheee, addicting drafting, long game though.

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That comment about FE5 drafting is so true. Skittles are still fun though. FE4 drafting is really fun, but doing the playthrough isn't nearly as much fun in gen 1. After all, a large part of drafting strategy revolves around picking for pairings.

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Pairings are kinda easy to predict, and the way the moms go is also easy to predict.

1st round goes like





2nd round





IDK, I've just seen Tiltyu go to whoever has Aideen, instead of Ayra..........

And Leen is replaceable with Laylea, so...

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personally i'd always pick sylvia before aideen

I think I'm the only person who would pick Aideen over Sylvia.

Anyway, I like FE4 the most for drafting, while FE8 is my least favorite game to draft.

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