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[FE10] Let's play Guess Who!

Ema Skye

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True true. But still >_>. *shouldve let it to the RNG instead of thinking before picking* At least I got like, Marcia.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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Let's look at the team, I guess.

Reasonings for all of my picks except 61: They could have been Nolan

Reasoning for 61: This could have been Titania

[spoiler=stuff]Leonardo (21)

Clue: I'm a bro.

Remarks: Emerald would like this pick. He's not too bad in draft, so I'll take it. He's a bit obsoleted because my part 1 team is incredible, but whatever, he can take some experience and maybe be of some help in part 4. Who knows, maybe this draft will put the dude in a better light for me.

Oliver (62)

Clue: I appear as an enemy unit in the game.

Remarks: Yeah, there's going to be some bad picks along the line. Probably won't do anything. I guess he could be an extra healer for endgame, but I don't really need one since Micaiah should be fine on her own. Also


Tauroneo (42)

Clue: I have facial hair.

Remarks: dat stache

Lethe (61)

Clue: My speed growth is the same as Mist's

Remarks: Not very good. I don't have any laguz competing for random stones I guess and she's still a part 2 unit, so I'll take what I can get.

Ilyana (2)

Clue: There is a weapon only I can use

Remarks: I didn't even think about her as an option for this one. A point for you, Lucina. Still, I don't mind at all. She's a good unit, and I don't have much for Part 3, so I'll be using her there quite a bit.

Kurthnaga (29)

Clue: I save you turns

Remarks: I got the feeling this one was kind of a trap, but whatever. Kind of sucks.

Nealuchi (12)

Clue: I'm old

Remarks: You sure are. A very appreciated Part 2 unit.

Mia (53)

Clue: I have A Swords

Remarks: Error in my favor. I am very, very okay with this. Will do work in Part 3.

Edward (18)

Clue: I'm bad

Remarks: No you aren't, but I'll accept you on my team anyway.

Astrid (24)

Clue: I can hit 34 speed

Remarks: A part 2 unit, I guess? Pretty bad.

Nolan (45)

Clue: I don't have boobs.



That's about it.

Makalov (39)

Clue: My speed growth is higher than Mordecai's

Remarks: I laughed when I saw him match this clue. He's not the best, but I'll take it.

Overall, not a bad team at all. It could use some work in Part 3, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm mostly doing it for fun, but with a team like this I'm probably good on turns, too.

Edited by Strider
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By the way, are the other ones changing *picks?

If I was going to do anything, I would've taken Jill for Mia to spite you, but I decided I need a little help for Part 3.
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[spoiler=Units and Clues]

1) Titania

# 16 - I'm a horse and am playable on maps that don't like horses

Actually, I thought it was lolFiona

2) Skrimir

#57 - I'm royalty

I even thought on Kurth but not him, lol.

3) Tanith

#15 - On average, I gain 3 stats per level

Too lazy to math or see averages :S

4) Ena

#63 - I was in FE9


5) Boyd

#30 - My base speed is lower than Gatrie's

OMGOMGOMGOMG gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

6) Rolf

#60 - On average, I cap the same stats in tier 2 and 3

Yup, I had him in mind.

7) Volug - Mordecai

#11 - I have bad growths

Yeah, really bad growths

8) Gatrie - Volug

#48 - I'm a Laguz

Wat? I think Gatrie has bad growths o_O

9) Elincia - Gatrie?

#41 - Has Type 5 biorhythm


10) Shinon

*stops here* Wait, one unit is missing! #32 - I don't have 1-2 range

Herp, Double Bow

*types out of spoiler tags*

11) Elincia

Tier 3 unit? Probably...

Lucina there's one unit missing on my list! Who is #27 - "I'm a tier 3 unit"?

I should have 12 units not 11 :/

Edited by Quintessence
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Quint: Make Mordecai #7 on your list, and move everyone below him down accordingly. Then it works.

I meant to give you Mordecai, but there was an error (one of the dozens there's been in this draft). So he's your 12th unit (or 7th, whatever).

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Part 1

Volug and Jill, only problem is 1-8

Part 2

Elincia and Mordecai, done

Part 3

Titania, Boyd, Rolf, Gatrie and Shinon for early P3, gg. Then Jill and Volug do shit on DB chapters. Then, Tanith for 3-11, God.

Part 4

Silver - Skrimir, Tanith, Jill

Greil - Titania, Boyd, Volug, Rolf

Hawk - Elincia, Shinon, Gatrie, Mordy



Damn but, the disciples of chaos should be:

  1. Ike
  2. Micaiah
  3. Sothe
  4. Sanaki
  5. Kurthnaga
  6. Ena
  7. Rafiel
  8. Titania
  9. Boyd
  10. Jill
  11. Tanith
  12. Elincia
  13. Volug
  14. Gatrie
  15. Rolf
  16. Shinon
  17. Skrimir

Damn, bye bye Mordy!

EDIT: Blessings of the 8 generals

  1. Ike - Ragnell
  2. Miccy - Rexaura
  3. Sothe - Baselard
  4. Ena - Crimson Breath
  5. Titania - Urvan
  6. Boyd - Brave Axe
  7. Jill - Brave Lance/Forged Silver Axe
  8. Tanith - Wishblade
  9. Elincia - Awemiti
  10. Skrimir - Fang
  11. Volug - Vicious Fangs
  12. Rolf - Brave Bow
  13. Shinon - Double Bow
  14. Gatrie - Brave Sword/Forged Silver Axe
  15. Rafiel - Galdrar
  16. Sanaki - Purge

Edited by Quintessence
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My Team

(56)Doesn't cap strenght=Ulki

I thought it was Tibarn because he doesn't cap it too. Still, I got lucky on this one, good for the entirety of his existence

(28)Wasn't in FE9=Aran

I'm happy on this one, I got exactly what I wanted, a nice DB unit! He's very good considering I already drafted with him!

(3)I can have 40 speed=Lyre

Stupid mistake from me. I forgot that cat could get to 40 speed and thought that only whisper and trueblades could :facepalm: . More part 3 help I guess :unsure:

(43)My bases are amazing=Stefan

I didn't really care who I got with this one anyway. He's decent for Endgame I guess!

(7)I have a mount=Renning

Should have known better :facepalm: . Another endgame unit, woohoo :facepalm:

(23)I don't cap anything=Tibarn

I realized my stupid mistake of choosing 56 when I drafted this number. Still, nice unit for part 4 and endgame :)

(47)I fly=Vika

Yeah of course, really this was kinda expected/10, I don't know why I fell into this trap :facepalm: . She'll be nice for part 1 and killing mages in part 4 I guess, she was decent when I drafted her last time.

(4)I have a stick=Laura

I thought stick=Lance, I'm so dumb! Free healing in part 1 I guess, but she'll be great in the desert`:D

Actually I'm gonna change Meg for Naesala here okay :) ?


Yeah, thanks for the error OP :D. Great help in the desert too here :D

(31)I'm a TWOMP!=Caineghis

What kind of stupid kint is that, seriously !? I drafted it for lulz :P. Not gonne complain though :D

(19) I have blue hair=Ranulf

I'm happy, even thought I didn't draft him myself. Great help for part 3, except for cat gauge :angry:

(14) I have a unique class=Soren

Thank god for this, because no GM=Part 3 isn't doable for me!

So, I'm happy with this team, except for the lack of part 2 in general which will cause me major penalties and a great number of 3 UNITS only there for endgame.

Edited by Lilmik11
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Some of these hints...-_-. How is Soren's class unique?

I agree. Some of these hints are ridiculous. Titania being playable in maps that don't like horsies is very arguable and it definitely should have been Fiona. I'm a TWOMP is retarded and doesn't make sense. I don't have boobs was pretty stupid too. Anyway, moving on I guess :dry:

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Because he messed up. Caineghis is the one with the unique class. I'm a THWOMP was Meg.

How was I supposed to know? I thought the numbers were going to match the characters in order, but considering you mixed all the order of the pick, how am I supposed to know who's who?

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1-P: 5 turns. Usual stuff with wrath and all.

1-1: 7 turns. Nolan tanks and Micaiah finishes.

1-2: 8 turns. This one's kinda tricky. Nolan tanks the choke point with Miccy on chip damage and Laura heals while Sothe takes care of the upper part and get the Energy Drop.

1-3: 8 turns. Nolan and Sothe tank before recruiting Aran, my number 1 tank for part 1. I take the left route. Miccy chips while Laura heals.

1-4: 8 turns. Sothe and Aran tank the front and the back with Micaiah and Laura switching places, then they make one to take care of the bosses

1-5: 5 turns. Sothe and Aran take care of units in the front, Miccy finishes off ennemies and Laura stay back and heal a bit.

1-6-1:10 turns. That was very tough. I got lucky with Laura dodging a Pegasus Knight.

1-6-2:5 turns. Sothe and Aran take care of the knights. Sothe lures the boss and Micaiah OHKO him.

So far:

Micaiah get a Seraph Robe

Laura get a Draco Shield and a Spirit Dust

Conclusion: I still suck.

Edited by Lilmik11
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