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Ana's Updated Sprites


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I meant too late at NIGHT. I'm getting tired as hell. God damn it, people. You've been lecturing me too much.

And for the record, I saved the comic as a psd file in GIMP, which means there's a bunch of layers, so I can easily change just about anything on it.

I don't see anywhere in Jon's post nor mine that deserved a response like that.

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What do you mean? I never meant for that post to be insulting or rude. In fact, it was meant to be more of an attempt to be funny than anything.

Edited by Anacybele
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Okay, I'm going to post my latest comic here:


1) OH NO HE STOLE ETTARD it's a pity Ike carries no other swords, axes or daggers on his person

2) Unless the STEEL AXE BRIGAND doubles, it's probably gonna be really easy because Ranulf is doing this well against the BOSS.

3) spaces after ellipses and hyphens, it just looks ugly otherwise

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What do you mean? I never meant for that post to be insulting or rude. In fact, it was meant to be more of an attempt to be funny than anything.


I'm getting tired as hell. God damn it, people. You've been lecturing me too much.

I fail to see the humor and non-hostile word choice.

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Swear words can be used to express other emotions besides anger, you know. I also fail to see any hostility in the second line you bolded. And do you have to make a big deal out of everything I say?

EDIT: Arch, I have no idea. I'm about at my wit's end with this nonsense.

Edited by Anacybele
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...I see no reason why you have to make fun of anything in the comic.


And Ike doesn't use daggers. lol

He has studied swordsmanship since he could hold a breadknife under the greatest blademaster of his generation. And you're telling me he hasn't mastered the stabbing action. Riiiiiiiiight. Game mechanics don't translate exactly into the real world. You've also ignored the rest; if he was mugged, HOW was he mugged when he started presumably with Ettard on his person? If someone stole it from him in his sleep, why did he go off to fistfight them instead of calling on one of his mercenary bros to lend a sword or an axe for a couple days?

inb4 the response is "But this is BEFORE Ike promotes to Vanguard!"

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Swear words can be used to express other emotions besides anger, you know. I also fail to see any hostility in the second line you bolded.

You're right, they can. But in that case, they weren't. Given context clues, the only thing we have to decipher messages on the internet, those swear words were used to express frustration at the fact that people were critiquing your work.

Either way, this situation is silly, and you should all feel silly. Go read a book, or fuck a member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer), or something...

Edited by Arch
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I'm getting tired as hell. God damn it, people. You've been lecturing me too much.

First sentence: Statement of, er, state. I take it as neutral.

Second sentence: Reads like you're cursing us out. The usage of "god damn it" is usually taken as such.

Third sentence: "Lecturing", when combined with "too much" usually has a negative connotation. Combine it with the second sentence, and I can see how humorless people like myself can mix it up.

Now, then. . .you'll have to ask for more info regarding Elincia's battle sprite, as that is not my forte.

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I'm just going to assume this is sarcasm, because clearly, "LOL OH NO ETTARD WAS STOLEN! It's a pity Ike doesn't have any other weapons on him" is not critique.

He has studied swordsmanship since he could hold a breadknife under the greatest blademaster of his generation. And you're telling me he hasn't mastered the stabbing action. Riiiiiiiiight. Game mechanics don't translate exactly into the real world. You've also ignored the rest; if he was mugged, HOW was he mugged when he started presumably with Ettard on his person? If someone stole it from him in his sleep, why did he go off to fistfight them instead of calling on one of his mercenary bros to lend a sword or an axe for a couple days?

inb4 the response is "But this is BEFORE Ike promotes to Vanguard!"

Ike was trained to use swords. Not daggers. Using daggers can be quite different. Ike was not mugged (how the hell could he get mugged anyway? He's a bulky muscle head who could probably shatter someone's nose with one punch), he was knocked out cold by a blow to the head from behind. He doesn't have any "mercenary bros" besides Ranulf at this point in the story and his whereabouts were unknown to Ike. Besides, Ike was so pissed off that he obviously didn't even think of Ranulf returning to find him gone.

Edited by Anacybele
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This is starting to get off-topic again, I think. Let's stick to critiquing Anacybele's sprites in this thread and her story somewhere else.

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I'm just going to assume this is sarcasm, because clearly, "LOL OH NO ETTARD WAS STOLEN! It's a pity Ike doesn't have any other weapons on him" is not critique.

Nice work ignoring my other points. Besides, it's a legitimate question? Why DOESN'T he carry any other weapons?

Ike was trained to use swords. Not daggers. Using daggers can be quite different.

Any soldier who can't use a dagger is barely worth the trouble. Even then, it's pretty easy. He can stab with a sword, he just has to get used to it being shorter. His technique will be sloppy, but he's KILLED THE BLACK KNIGHT TWICE. AND A GODDESS. I THINK he stands a chance.

Ike was not mugged (how the hell could he get mugged anyway? He's a bulky muscle head who could probably shatter someone's nose with one punch), he was knocked out cold by a blow to the head from behind.

Okay. Why's he alive? Are they holding him ransom? Then why are they attacking him by the start of the chapter?

He doesn't have any "mercenary bros" besides Ranulf at this point in the story and his whereabouts were unknown to Ike. Besides, Ike was so pissed off that he obviously didn't even think of Ranulf returning to find him gone.

Ike's a fucking idiot, then. ... Which I guess is pretty true to canon, but still doesn't explain why he doesn't carry a dagger, unless the brigands took that as well.

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Nice work ignoring my other points. Besides, it's a legitimate question? Why DOESN'T he carry any other weapons?

Because I chose for him not to. If you have a problem with that, fine. It isn't like I care.

Any soldier who can't use a dagger is barely worth the trouble. Even then, it's pretty easy. He can stab with a sword, he just has to get used to it being shorter. His technique will be sloppy, but he's KILLED THE BLACK KNIGHT TWICE. AND A GODDESS. I THINK he stands a chance.

Except Ike chooses not to use daggers in the first place. He likes his swords and axes. End of story.

Okay. Why's he alive? Are they holding him ransom? Then why are they attacking him by the start of the chapter?

Because they want to get rid of him before he gets his sword back.

Ike's a fucking idiot, then. ... Which I guess is pretty true to canon, but still doesn't explain why he doesn't carry a dagger, unless the brigands took that as well.

...Ike and Ranulf can leave together for a journey to other lands at the end of RD. No one else goes with them. And to my knowledge, Ike never has carried a dagger.

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Because I chose for him not to. If you have a problem with that, fine. It isn't like I care.

You have a really good attitude about this, y'know~?

Except Ike chooses not to use daggers in the first place. He likes his swords and axes. End of story.

He prefers suicide to picking up a dagger. Okay.

Also, FE9 Prologue establishes Ike as being proficient with clubs, and a heavy stick would suffice. Take out one bandit, grab his axe, and we're golden.

Because they want to get rid of him before he gets his sword back.

They can do this by killing him instead of just leaving him unconscious and pissed off.

...Ike and Ranulf can leave together for a journey to other lands at the end of RD. No one else goes with them. And to my knowledge, Ike never has carried a dagger.

What's Elincia doing here, then? And can you legitimately argue that people ignore secondary weapons? They aren't a game mechanic, but they damn well exist.

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Wouldn't it have been easier to kill him while he was unconscious?

Yes, but they didn't think Ike would be able to track them. And killing Ike wasn't their goal. They only wanted his sword. They could care less about Ike himself.

Look, as Seoyeon pointed out, this is not the place to be critiquing my plotlines. I will not respond any further to posts regarding them.

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Look, as Seoyeon pointed out, this is not the place to be critiquing my plotlines. I will not respond any further to posts regarding them.


2) Unless the STEEL AXE BRIGAND doubles, it's probably gonna be really easy because Ranulf is doing this well against the BOSS.

3) spaces after ellipses and hyphens, it just looks ugly otherwise

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Haha, Arch, you said it. XD

Furetchen: I prefer no spaces between hyphens. I prefer no spaces between elipses as well unless the next word is meant to start another sentence, which is not the case in any of the dialogue in my comic.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, tbf I think that's a stylistic thing. And I know for a fact ellipses aren't followed by spaces in vanilla GBAFE. Dunno about hyphens, but g-what or whatever it was just looks kinda ugly...

2) Unless the STEEL AXE BRIGAND doubles, it's probably gonna be really easy because Ranulf is doing this well against the BOSS.
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Stylistic or not, you're using FE speech bubbles. Take a look at how things are paced out in FE7/8, and copy whatever punctuation weirdness they have. It's there for a reason.

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I think Furetchen is more concerned with how Ranulf is basically unkillable on this map if the boss (strongest enemy unit on the map) can only do 7 damage out of Ranulf's 51 or so HP I see on there. I guess it doesn't matter if you're going for aesthetic purposes rather than practical ones, but I can't say that this map would be any definition of difficult whenever Ranulf is shifted.

As for the hyphens and ellipses, the ellipses can still function with or without a space, but the hyphen looks pretty ugly without a space. Rather than forming a new statement, it kind of looks like Ranulf is saying "g-wait" as a single word rather than a break between statements. If you are going for aesthetics, then this one does matter.

I'm no sprite maker, but I hope this at least helps a bit in terms of clarification.

Edited by Duels at Dawn
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And I know for a fact ellipses aren't followed by spaces in vanilla GBAFE. Dunno about hyphens, but g-what or whatever it was just looks kinda ugly...

They are, actually.


GBAFE doesn't use single hyphens; it uses two. Like this--

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