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Ana's Updated Sprites


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I know there are more instances than that. >_>

All those suggestions I took for improving my maps? I didn't post as many sprites as I had versions of my maps, you know.

And my apologies, I hadn't noticed it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Finally, eCut's gone!! Ding dong, the witch is dead~

Hey Ana? Don't edit if you don't want to...I mean, nobody's FORCING you to act on the criticism you get. If I did that, all my mugs wouldn't look so piss.

Uh, I said that she doesn't have to listen to criticism if she doesn't want to, because she seemed forced. I never said criticism wouldn't help her improve. Read better.

I hope you're having fun kissing between the back pockets of the moderators just so you can get away with saying whatever you want.

He could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers. Consultin' with the rain. And his head he'd be scrathin', while his thoughts were busy hatchin'....

Anyway, these are pretty uncalled for. Grouping insults with something semi-relevant isn't going to get you off the hook. No more posts like this, next time it's a warn. eCut is a fine moderator; if you're having issues with her, perhaps it may be time to ponder on whether or not it might be as a result of something of your own doing, as opposed to blaming it on everyone who is unfortunate enough to be participating in the same thread.


Also, no more posts with zero content! (Jubbssss!)

Seph: Stop responding to posts like that if you can help it. It never really gets anywhere and only serves to derail the thread.

Anacybele: There's no need to take the criticism so personally :P! Reading over a bit of the thread, it kinda feels to me like you're taking the critique of your work far too personally, and getting a bit defensive. Although I understand the community here tends to choose their wording poorly sometimes, just know that there really is no animosity behind it (well, some users you never know, lol).

On the subject of critique: When you post something here, expect it to be given; it's up to the artist/author/whatever on whether or not to take it. If someone is unwilling to make changes based on the criticism given to them, don't push the subject, just drop it and move on to the next one. On the same note, if it's being given to you, it's probably advisable to consider it at the very least! There are some fairly gifted writers and artists on SF, I'm sure you'll find a lot of help if you don't let things get to you too much :P.

Let's keep things on topic!

Edited by Tangerine
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Yeah, I know I still get a bit defensive. I just can't help it sometimes. I'm really trying hard to stop that and just keep things peaceful and civil in here. I apologize. I'll keep your post in mind from now on.

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Yes, that is very true.

To get on topic, I think after I finish fixing that Amiti icon, I'll go back to map-making and make the battle map for my fic's fourth chapter. This one takes place in a town, so I'll be trying my hand at using a village tileset again.

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I know. I had to use a different palette because when I tried adding that orange, the icon didn't look like Amiti anymore.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I see now. Yes, that works. Thanks, Shadowofchaos.

Edited by Anacybele
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Decided to work on Kael again. After all, Ike's son has to look the best he can. As a mugshot, anyway. :P:

I could only improve the headband though, because for some reason, I can no longer see the reference I was given earlier in the thread. I do think it looks better though. Just not sure about the shading...

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, here's the thing I see about the headband

Making it droop so low in the back is only really gonna happen if the headband fits on his head super loose. And if it's super loose, then it'd only make sense that the front would start dropping down over his eyes XD

The back was raised in whoever made that reference for you because headbands are wrapped around the head, not draped over the ears. =3 So it should be almost even all the way around, which is why it only really looks right when the back is raised x3 It may not look the way you wanted it to, but it just doesn't really make sense that way.

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The quote makes no sense. You can't train someone to be a mercenary. It's a job that you can just wake up one morning and and say, let's do it! See now, a Mercenary Lord is quite harder to manage. I have to deal with payments, drinking problems, assignment issues, training...it's ridiculous.

Point being, it's just...off.

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Actually, no. You can't just wake up and start being a mercenary. Someone has to teach you to use a weapon first. Which is what Kael is talking about. Ike taught him swordplay and all that. Simple as that.

This is a sprite thread though, not a quote critique thread.

Edited by Anacybele
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This is a sprite thread though, not a quote critique thread.

Then why did you post it? If you post something, you're asking for people to comment on it, even if you specify for them not to. If you want the thread to be just about sprites, just post sprites o 3 o

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