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So, I saw this conversation about Paris...


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Yeah, so I saw some people talking about Paris on Deviantart because they were commenting on a fanart of him, and one person was saying that in Awakening, it's been discovered that Paris actually says he's Ike's son rather than descendant. This can't be true, right? It wouldn't make sense. Krom describes the other lords as ancient heroes, doesn't he?

But if it is, there goes the idea of my writing sticking to canon (had been planning to give Ike a son with a different name). xP

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Yeah, I've definitely seen FE fans on DA make mistakes.

And no, they didn't give a source, but I thought I'd inquire here anyway. Serenes seems to get info faster than any other FE site (English, at least), so yeah.

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Chances are the person's mistaken, but you could always ask them just in case.

The way Paris call himself the Hero of the Blue Flame's "Descendant" suggests they're pretty far down the line. It's like Ike calling himself Greil's descendant, whereas he calls himself Greil's son in the actual game.

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That would make Paris's interactions with Ike in the DLC seem really weird. Since Paris is looking for a specific "Hero" to fight and mentions he feels he found it when he's fighting the spirit of Ike summoned to the Talisman.

He'd already know he'd just be looking for his father.

Edited by arvilino
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Yeah, but this person is saying that that "descendant" in the text is actually "son."

I don't like to point fingers without seeing the whole story, but it sounds like they're just trolling now. Or, more nicer, completely mistaken.


Throw 蒼炎の勇者の末裔 into any online translator.

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I never actually spoke to the person. I'm going by what I read in the conversation I saw. xP

But yes, it does indeed say "descendant of the Hero of the Blue Flame" according to Google Translate.

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Indeed, it's no son. Question is where Ike found a girl to carry his seed even though he could only love Soren.

What? There's nothing that says Ike loves Soren at all, let alone can love ONLY him. IS wants us to imagine who Ike's wife is ourselves. Basically to fill in the hole with our imagination. They're telling us he got married, but not to whom exactly.

It's a new twist on the classic FE tradition of having each lord able to marry a girl at some point.

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Soren is the only one that could tame Ike, there's a reason only Soren gets to go on Ike's journey.

And that's not possible considering the ending, which means no girl from PoR or RD can be his wife considering what Ike decides to do and that he shows zero interest in any of them in the games. So it was always Soren as the only choice whim has multiple ho yay moments with Ike.

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Soren is the only one that could tame Ike, there's a reason only Soren gets to go on Ike's journey.

And that's not possible considering the ending, which means no girl from PoR or RD can be his wife considering what Ike decides to do. So it was always Soren as the only choice.

"tame Ike"? I won't even comment.

First of all, Ranulf can go with Ike as well.

Second, it doesn't HAVE to be someone from PoR or RD. Ike could've easily met his wife after leaving. Aka, it can be an unnamed character.

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^That made me lol. :P

Anyway, I actually think it's still even possible that it COULD have been a girl from Tellius. But I won't get into that because I'd like to prevent a huge argument/debate. Plus, it's not the topic of this thread.

And since the confusion I had has been cleared up, this thread can be locked.

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We won't know until IS tells us. Or maybe they just want us to think of something since they never say anything about canon when it's left to the player.

I say Ike met Village Girl-chan at some point and bam. Baby.

That said Village Girl-chan is the main lord's TRUE LOVE in each game.

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Or maybe they just want us to think of something since they never say anything about canon when it's left to the player.

Which is exactly what I'm saying. xP

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"tame Ike"? I won't even comment.

First of all, Ranulf can go with Ike as well.

Second, it doesn't HAVE to be someone from PoR or RD. Ike could've easily met his wife after leaving. Aka, it can be an unnamed character.

Ranulf doesn't have any ho yay moments with Ike.

That means it's a no name thus a Surrogate since Ike only loves Soren since Soren is canon and is always with Ike. From the beginning to the end, it was always Soren. Though Soren cannot bear Ike any children a nice village girl offered to bear the child so that future generations my understand the true meaning behind fighting for ones friends.

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Ranulf doesn't have any ho yay moments with Ike.

That means it's a no name thus a Surrogate since Ike only loves Soren since Soren is canon and is always with Ike. From the beginning to the end, it was always Soren. Though Soren cannot bear Ike any children a nice village girl offered to bear the child so that future generations my understand the true meaning behind fighting for ones friends.

Yet you're saying Ike "only loves Soren" because Soren can go with him when he leaves Tellius. Ike does not love Soren in any way and both Soren and Ranulf are able to go with Ike simply because they are his best friends. Nothing more.

Ike is never shown to love Soren in any way, only that he is a close friend. Soren may be gay for Ike, but there is nothing that hints Ike is the same way for him.

Ike fell in love with, married, and started a family with a girl he deserves.

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Anacybele, just stop responding to Fanfaire. If Fanfaire really wants to believe Ike/Soren = "tru wuv", then let him/her do so. It's not affecting the course of the events that occurred after RD, nor should it change your version of events on what happened to Ike after RD.

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Don't be hating just because Ike x Soren is the only path that was ever hinted on by the time RD ended and that Sore is the only one Ike takes with him or all the Ho Yay moments they had.

Yet you're saying Ike "only loves Soren" because Soren can go with him when he leaves Tellius. Ike does not love Soren in any way and both Soren and Ranulf are able to go with Ike simply because they are his best friends. Nothing more.

Ike is never shown to love Soren in any way, only that he is a close friend. Soren may be gay for Ike, but there is nothing that hints Ike is the same way for him.

Ike fell in love with, married, and started a family with a girl he deserves.

Actually only Soren's ending mentions going with Ike, Ranulf just goes on a journey. Which further supports that Ike wanted his Soren muffin at his side. Bless the surrogate mothers that could understand the love between them. Though to ensure that Ike's generation had the blood of Soren it it Soren had to lay with his daughter, though how undignified it be, so that all will know the love between friends.

And yes, the supports between them hint that Ike cares more for Soren than anyone else. Even his own sister.

Ike isn't one to be tied down, he used a surrogate and left the child with her as he continue his journey helping new friends he meets with Soren keeping him company during the cold nights.Besides, who says Ike needs a woman to be happy? what, you have something against Ike being gay for Soren?

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Actually only Soren's ending mentions going with Ike, Ranulf just goes on a journey.

And Ranulf only goes on a journey if he has an A support with Ike, which hints that he went with Ike.

Which further supports that Ike wanted his Soren muffin at his side. Bless the surrogate mothers that could understand the love between them. Though to ensure that Ike's generation had the blood of Soren it it Soren had to lay with his daughter, though how undignified it be, so that all will know the love between friends.

This is just fanfiction. There's nothing to support this.

And yes, the supports between them hint that Ike cares more for Soren than anyone else. Even his own sister.

...No, they don't. I've seen their supports many times. I don't see how they suggest this at all.

Ike isn't one to be tied down, he used a surrogate and left the child with her as he continue his journey helping new friends he meets with Soren keeping him company during the cold nights.

Again, fanfiction. Not to mention completely out of character for Ike. He wouldn't just have a kid and then abandon him/her. That's like saying he'd abandon Mist, which he obviously never does. He cares about his family, even his mother whom he practically never knew.

Seoyeon: Yeah, I guess I'll just agree to disagree after this.

Don't be hating just because Ike x Soren is the only path that was ever hinted on by the time RD ended and that Sore is the only one Ike takes with him or all the Ho Yay moments they had.

I never said nor implied that I was hating on anything. I'm merely countering your baseless arguments.

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That doesn't change that there is no mention, which means that it's unlikely he went with Ike.

Yes there is, the supports and the fact that Ike only goes with Soren and doesn't show anything romantic towards anyone but Soren.

Than you're blind and don't understand the Japanese culture concerning things of this nature. The supports were intentional in making them look gay for each other.

Yes he could, Ike isn't going to stay settled down. Just like how Ike abandoned everyone at the end of RD but his lover Soren. And again, his care for his family was so great that he left them... Only Soren matters

Yes you were. You said that Ike deserved to happy happy with a wife while you oppose Ike being happy with Soren because Soren isn't a woman and can't bear him children.

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