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So, I saw this conversation about Paris...


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On the Wiki it said Paris is Ike's descendant, but at the same time who would Ike marry?

Someone who wasn't on Tellius, obviously. Unless if Geoffrey X Elincia is sunk for some reason, which I'm not having high hopes for.

Edited by Little Al
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Well, no matter the chances, I'm not giving up hope. I never give up hope for something I really want. I AM known for my dedication, after all.

Although, if Ike got a girl as awesome as Elincia, I could still be okay with it. I'd still hate Elincia with Geoffrey though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, no matter the chances, I'm not giving up hope. I never give up hope for something I really want. I AM known for my dedication, after all.

Although, if Ike got a girl as awesome as Elincia, I could still be okay with it. I'd still hate Elincia with Geoffrey though.

TBQH-- whoever Ike ended up with... had to be pretty terrible. I mean, she broke his skill into its base components. (Thus Paris having Sol and Luna but not Aether.)Artur.gifLute.gif

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lol, maybe she didn't mean to do that? Or perhaps a family member further up the line did that. Who knows.

I really think IS should just stick with the way things are and let us decide who Ike's wife is using our imaginations. Then we could all be happy.

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^That's also possible. There are characters whose parents don't use the same weapons or skills. Lilina couldn't learn to use axes for some reason (really, IS could've very well made her a tough axe girl like Titania is), for example, and we all know Hector uses axes.

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^That's also possible. There are characters whose parents don't use the same weapons or skills. Lilina couldn't learn to use axes for some reason (really, IS could've very well made her a tough axe girl like Titania is), for example, and we all know Hector uses axes.

Or a tough sword user, or a tough archer, or both.

In Lilina's case, it's justified as she's basically to Cecilia like Merric is to Wendell, like Arthur is to Levin (regardless of which pairs are made in FE4), like Asvel is to Sety, like Erk is to Pent, and like Ewan is to Saleh. And also in her case, it's because she's said by her teacher to have a talent in the magic arts. Roy wanted to learn magic himself, but because he's not talented in that area, Cecilia decided to have him use a weapon type his father used. (I might be missing something on that detail though. It's been a while since I looked at FE6 supports.)

But then again, we know some reasons why some characters can or can't use certain weapons or skills. But there's other cases where we don't know why they can or can't do so. I'm not even sure that we know how Aether got to be usable by Krom, Lucina, and potentially Female!Mark, and either of Cynthia or Dezel depending on who among Sumia or Soiree happens to be Krom's wife. (I find it kinda odd that none of Krom's potential sons can learn the move. But, I'm not complaining either way.)

Edited by Little Al
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To be honest, parts of this topic made me die a little bit inside, but as long as it doesn't get overly inflammatory or off-topic, I think it's fine. Sometimes wise discussions sprout from questions that get answered very early on.

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To be honest, parts of this topic made me die a little bit inside, but as long as it doesn't get overly inflammatory or off-topic, I think it's fine. Sometimes wise discussions sprout from questions that get answered very early on.

I'm afraid that I very much doubt that this topic is going anywhere intelligent.

That is, unless someone wants to talk about Fire Emblem's baffling idea of 'genetics'?

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