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What endings would you have made possible in Radiant Dawn?

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Basically you hated them ever since they appeared, so in other words ever since Ike/Lincie showed more affection towards them than each other, basically becoming obstacles of IkeXElincia pairing even before the paired ending are to be pointed out?

Yeah sure, you hate them for other reason than what boron said

Uh...what? You aren't making any sense here whatsoever.

And I hate Soren mainly because he's a dick with an attitude that hates laguz (he does have reasons for hating them, but still). And I hate Geoffrey because I find him absolutely boring and his dialogue is corny. Not just because they get endings with Ike and Elincia respectively. I'm not even going to go into who shows affection for who, because I refuse to debate it anymore.

Seoyeon: Um, not every character in every game gets the same number of possible endings.

Edited by Anacybele
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Soren has a very good reason to hate laguz and beorc alike (think of him as little jew boy in a middle of nazis during WW2 and you figure why he might not like them)

Of course you won't go there, you can not win that argument.

Also what I am saying is completely logical regardless of it being true or not.

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Soren has a very good reason to hate laguz and beorc alike (think of him as little jew boy in a middle of nazis during WW2 and you figure why he might not like them)

Doesn't mean he has to go provoking and attacking them all the time like he did with Mordecai and Lethe.

Of course you won't go there, you can not win that argument.

Don't give me that. You don't even know what I would've argued.

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Doesn't mean he has to go provoking and attacking them all the time like he did with Mordecai and Lethe.

Hasn't it crossed your mind that he might not have had the spirit to forgive and forget at the time?

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A. I'm sorry Soren isn't one dimensional character that can just forgive stuff like WORLD WOULD BE BETTER HAD YOU NEVER EXISTED when he is traumatized by it pretty damn greatly as seen in his Ike support.

B. I don't have to. As far as affection go Elinicia and Ike both show more toward Haar than each other (who would blame them, the guy is the reason they keep winning after all). No reasonable argument would make IkeXElincia shippers win that argument.

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A. I'm sorry Soren isn't one dimensional character that can just forgive stuff like WORLD WOULD BE BETTER HAD YOU NEVER EXISTED when he is traumatized by it pretty damn greatly as seen in his Ike support.

I never said he had to forgive them. He certainly has a good reason to hate them. But that doesn't give him the right to start fights with them. It's like saying someone that's been bullied a lot should go grab a gun and shoot every bully in their school.

B. I don't have to. As far as affection go Elinicia and Ike both show more toward Haar than each other (who would blame them, the guy is the reason they keep winning after all). No reasonable argument would make IkeXElincia shippers win that argument.

You just keep thinking that and I'll keep disagreeing. Also, it's a real pet peeve of mine when people assume that just because I refuse to debate automatically means I think I would lose it. Ever think that I just might be plain sick of debating the same topic over and over? Or that I'm just too damn tired right now?

Also, Ike is the reason they win their battles. You don't even get Haar in PoR until late in the damn game.

Edited by Anacybele
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I literally have no idea what's going on anymore.

Anyway, I think we can all agree that if there are endings that we wanted possible in RD, then they'd have to involve giving RD-exclusive characters more personality and backstory and interactions with one another. And PoR characters would have needed to make sense with PoR as well.

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I literally have no idea what's going on anymore.

I honestly apologize. I never meant for this topic to come up again. I'm just going to shut up about it now.

Anyway, I think we can all agree that if there are endings that we wanted possible in RD, then they'd have to involve giving RD-exclusive characters more personality and backstory and interactions with one another. And PoR characters would have needed to make sense with PoR as well.

True this indeed.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm guessing Florina likes Soren and hates or dislikes Micaiah.

Im probably the biggest Soren fangirl on this forum. And Micaiah is just a really terrible character and i dont want him paired with her. Id rather see Soren/Mia (and i fucking hate Mia) than Micaiah. Soren outright detests Micaiah. I ship things that make sense. :):

You don't say. :newyears:


My ideal ending for Soren isnt actually running off with Ike. My ideal ending for him is to usurp take the Daein throne by force due to blood right. Starting an epic battle between Micaiah's supporters and Ike's (since hes gone off to the Seven knows where.) and rallies Ike's supporters for his cause to be king of Daein.[/been reading too much ASoIaF] But....sadly....thats not his style....

(Like a Kent/Lyn and Hector/Lyn shipper despising Rath for that reason only.)

Omg...I LOOOOOVE her pairing with Rath. Its actually my favorite pairing with her!

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A. Hatred is funny thing in that its not rational. Not to mention those who raised Soren flat out stuffed it in his that he is disliked. You think kid like that learns a lot about social skills? Or is this like the original tarzan book where the jungle boy learns to read by siply looking at an ABC book and being of the master race known as Homo Sapiens. Yeah, funny thing, does not work like that.

B. My apologies, I forgot to add the important detail of "in FE10" and the whole reason to win is mere joke about how godly Haar is when it comes to gameplay. What does happen however is that both show more interest about Haar's reason to fight on his/her side than their "romance" with each other. then again I would too care of that one guy who soloes invasion forces, he deserves that

C. My years in internet have shown me that when somebody cares of a matter, they do care to argue about it to the end of the world. And something tells me you do care of whose loins take the place of Sothe's (why yes that is reference to that joke micaiah made)

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Im probably the biggest Soren fangirl on this forum. And Micaiah is just a really terrible character and i dont want him paired with her. Id rather see Soren/Mia (and i fucking hate Mia) than Micaiah. Soren outright detests Micaiah. I ship things that make sense. :):

I hate Mia too. I know someone on DA who absolutely LOVES him with Mia and happens to be a Soren fangirl as well. And Soren hates everybody except Ike. That's another reason I dislike him. He's so antisocial and assumes everyone is out to get him. Well, I've got news for him. Not every single person hates Branded. Ike is living proof. And the entirety of the Greil Mercenaries accepts him as well!

And there's Stefan and the other Branded in the settlement he started. Now if I could, I'd have tried to help Soren. Because I'm a good person like that. I'd have advised him to live with Stefan in the Branded village so he would find other people besides Ike that would care about him and befriend him and such. It's not healthy to have such a strong attachment to one person.

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I hate Mia too. I know someone on DA who absolutely LOVES him with Mia and happens to be a Soren fangirl as well. And Soren hates everybody except Ike. That's another reason I dislike him. He's so antisocial and assumes everyone is out to get him. Well, I've got news for him. Not every single person hates Branded. Ike is living proof. And the entirety of the Greil Mercenaries accepts him as well!

And there's Stefan and the other Branded in the settlement he started. Now if I could, I'd have tried to help Soren. Because I'm a good person like that. I'd have advised him to live with Stefan in the Branded village so he would find other people besides Ike that would care about him and befriend him and such. It's not healthy to have such a strong attachment to one person.


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Please don't get in that argument with the OP, the OP is a rabid Ike x Elincia shipper and sees Soren as a huge threat since Ike shows more love and affection for Soren than he has ever shown Elincia. Thus the OP bashes Soren and points out every little thing and tries to make it bigger than it really is since this will justify, to the OP, why Soren is bad and that Ike x Elincia should have happened when it was never going to anyway. The hand of Elincia was given to Geoffrey which mimics the beloved Eirikia x Seth dynamic of a Princess/Queen and her loyal Knight falling in love.

So it's a waste of time since the OP wont budge even though RD made it clear that any feelings that had for each other in PoR had already passed, time changes people and Elincia put her duty before romance by the end of PoR. So it was doomed anyway considering Elincia has responsibilities and Ike leaves, so Geoffrey at least can make her happy since he remains at her side and she wont have to compromise her duties to be with him.

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Please don't get in that argument with the OP, the OP is a rabid Ike x Elincia shipper and sees Soren as a huge threat since Ike shows more love and affection for Soren than he has ever shown Elincia. Thus the OP bashes Soren and points out every little thing and tries to make it bigger than it really is since this will justify, to the OP, why Soren is bad and that Ike x Elincia should have happened when it was never going to anyway. The hand of Elincia was given to Geoffrey which mimics the beloved Eirikia x Seth dynamic of a Princess/Queen and her loyal Knight falling in love.

So it's a waste of time since the OP wont budge even though RD made it clear that any feelings that had for each other in PoR had already passed, time changes people and Elincia put her duty before romance by the end of PoR. So it was doomed anyway considering Elincia has responsibilities and Ike leaves, so Geoffrey at least can make her happy since he remains at her side and she wont have to compromise her duties to be with him.


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Please don't get in that argument with the OP, the OP is a rabid Ike x Elincia shipper and sees Soren as a huge threat since Ike shows more love and affection for Soren than he has ever shown Elincia. Thus the OP bashes Soren and points out every little thing and tries to make it bigger than it really is since this will justify, to the OP, why Soren is bad and that Ike x Elincia should have happened when it was never going to anyway. The hand of Elincia was given to Geoffrey which mimics the beloved Eirikia x Seth dynamic of a Princess/Queen and her loyal Knight falling in love.

So it's a waste of time since the OP wont budge even though RD made it clear that any feelings that had for each other in PoR had already passed, time changes people and Elincia put her duty before romance by the end of PoR. So it was doomed anyway considering Elincia has responsibilities and Ike leaves, so Geoffrey at least can make her happy since he remains at her side and she wont have to compromise her duties to be with him.

Please don't bash me and act like I'm a total bitch. Because I'm not and everything you have said here is blatantly false. I already said that I dislike Soren for other reasons. In fact, I honestly don't mind that he has an A support ending with Ike. I'm just glad it isn't romantic.

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Please don't get in that argument with the OP, the OP is a rabid Ike x Elincia shipper and sees Soren as a huge threat since Ike shows more love and affection for Soren than he has ever shown Elincia. Thus the OP bashes Soren and points out every little thing and tries to make it bigger than it really is since this will justify, to the OP, why Soren is bad and that Ike x Elincia should have happened when it was never going to anyway. The hand of Elincia was given to Geoffrey which mimics the beloved Eirikia x Seth dynamic of a Princess/Queen and her loyal Knight falling in love.

So it's a waste of time since the OP wont budge even though RD made it clear that any feelings that had for each other in PoR had already passed, time changes people and Elincia put her duty before romance by the end of PoR. So it was doomed anyway considering Elincia has responsibilities and Ike leaves, so Geoffrey at least can make her happy since he remains at her side and she wont have to compromise her duties to be with him.

You're hardly any better. If she's a rabid Ike/Elincia shipper, then you are a rabid Ike/Soren shipper.

This entire thread needs less shippers and more dolphins. Baby dolphins are cute.

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You're hardly any better. If she's a rabid Ike/Elincia shipper, then you are a rabid Ike/Soren shipper.

This a million times. THANK YOU, Seoyeon. I admit to being a rabid IkexElincia shipper and I'm proud of it. I've liked the pairing ever since the first time I picked up a romantic vibe between the two. It's usually how it goes with me and pairings. The first spark of love I sense between two people of the opposite gender that have not been paired, I'll almost always ship them. If I had learned of Geoffrey's feelings for Elincia in PoR first, I would've most certainly chosen to ship them instead.

This entire thread needs less shippers and more dolphins. Baby dolphins are cute.

I agree. I love dolphins too. My favorite sea creatures. :D

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I hate Mia too. I know someone on DA who absolutely LOVES him with Mia and happens to be a Soren fangirl as well. And Soren hates everybody except Ike. That's another reason I dislike him. He's so antisocial and assumes everyone is out to get him. Well, I've got news for him. Not every single person hates Branded. Ike is living proof. And the entirety of the Greil Mercenaries accepts him as well!

But Mia/Soren makes more sense than Micaiah/Soren. (but not that much lol.) Some crazies like to think of Mia's badgering of Soren in the FMV to be a playful jibe. It made me wanna backhand her. He takes out like FIVE GUYS with his magic and she takes out one and then has the gall? The Others take her!

Also Soren has reasons to be antisocial. Dude was an outcast growing up in Gallia. Everyone including his caretakers treated him like dogshit on a dead hedge knight's boot. He basically learned junk on his own taking what little he learned from that old sage. Gallia was particularly harsh because of the laguz. Since he was a branded, they scorned him and ignored him. "Hate...that was something I could understand. This...This was denial. It sat in my heart like a cold glacier." Yeah. Ike was the only guy to really offer out his hand in friendship. Ike didnt know about discrimination. Apparently, Greil and his wife were kind enough to spare Ike and Mist the uglier side of Gallia and the rest of the world. Greil most likely took Soren in at Ike's urging. While it is true not everyone in Tellius hates the branded, it isnt exactly common for the people of the continent to take kindly to them. The laguz hate them because of the fact that when a laguz couples with a beorc and they beget a child, the laguz loses their rights and powers as a laguz and becomes something...else. (See Almedha) The beorc hate them because the teachings of Ashera deem it an extreme taboo. So naturally, Soren is all "eeehhhhh" about people in general.Did you even read Soren's supports and story junk?

He gets along with MOST of the GMs, but not all. Shinon hates him because Soren ends up in a higher rank. (Greil depends a bit on Soren's information network and junk.) Titania's Lawful Good views conflict with Soren's views and they argue a lot. While they seem to have some mutual respect for one another, they dont always get along. Its somewhat unclear how Soren's dynamics work with some of the other GMs. We can assume that they get along for the most part. Soren seems to not have any real beef with guys like Boyd and Oscar and Rhys. He seems moderately kosher with Mist too.

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I think you mean Gallia, Florina. Goldoa is the dragon country that no one is allowed in.

Also: think baby dolphins, everyone.

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Jon Snow:

Please don't get in that argument with the OP, the OP is a rabid Ike x Elincia shipper and sees Soren as a huge threat since Ike shows more love and affection for Soren than he has ever shown Elincia. Thus the OP bashes Soren and points out every little thing and tries to make it bigger than it really is since this will justify, to the OP, why Soren is bad and that Ike x Elincia should have happened when it was never going to anyway.


The flames demand more fuel, not sea creatures

Edited by Kore wa Sho desu ka?
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I think you mean Gallia, Florina. Goldoa is the dragon country that no one is allowed in.

Also: think baby dolphins, everyone.

ERMAHGERD! I am...so going senile. Brb editing post.

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Soren doesn't hate everybody, and I don't know where people got that idea from. He is clearly content with Greil's mercenaries (Shinon exempt). It's just that he's closest to Ike, as they're pretty much loversbest friends.

Elincia being shipped with anybody makes me puke!!!!! She's an independent female, a single lady who ain't put no ring on it.

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