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I Can't Believe It's Not SFMM3 Minimafia - Game Over


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I was sick and busy with classes for most of this game, which I'm pretty sure I've stated before in-thread, so how could I contribute?! Also, I still can't believe you guys would lynch me two hours after the phase even began. Not talking to you anymore for at least 48 hours.

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What's done is done man. I can't do anything more than apologize for the screw up and try and avenge your mislynch. I agree that hammering so early before you'd be able to even defend yourself wasn't cool though.

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okay, theory time

if Helios claimed to Weapons his real role, Weapons would have known that and could have had killed him (Helios) if he was scum.

if Shinori was scum, he would have to have made a lucky guess

This might be the straw that broke the camel's back. Thoughts people?

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Manix, playing Scumnori, SCUM, ANTI-TOWN, MAFIA-ALIGNED death miller (Vanilla Townie). has been lynched!

Weapons, playing Elieson, Townie Phoneposter (2-Way Courier) died in endgame to Scumnori, playing Haze, Mafia Host (Scum Limited Roleblocker)!

And so much to everyone's dismay, Haze and Paperblade went on to host SFMM3 as soon as they got the free time and it was the best Mafia game ever played on internet forum serenesforest.net.


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This is about promoting good play.

Okay, I have to address this.

Weapons, how is the following good play:

- Being ambiguous about what you are saying half of the time

- Quickhammering someone as town before they even get a chance to defend themselves

- Voting first in LYLO as town when scum could easily quickhammer before that player could even get a chance to do anything

Note: I know we aren't perfect at playing, but seriously.

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I enjoyed the game, though I was surprised at a bunch of things. Quickhammering (town) on D4 even caught me off guard, and I wanted it to happen.

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post gaym, part 1

Scum QT

Graveyard QT

Night Actions

Role PMs

So I'm probably not quitting anymore because I must increase my standing on the tier list.

You are BigBangMeteor, Town Sub (Vanilla Townie). You were all pumped to sub into SFMM2 but then Haze decided Excellen's poetry was better than yours. Now you're out for revenge, or at least you would be if you weren't preoccupied with school right now.

You have no special abilities beyond your word and your vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Maybe? MAYBE? C'mon, have some conviction behind that random vote, especially when it's on me~!

You are eclipse, Mafia Fakeclaim (Vanilla Townie). Because Haze and Paperblade couldn't think of a good role for you twice in a row, in SFMM2 you were relegated to a fakeclaim for the Mafia that they didn't even use. This was totally unfair given that you proceeded to win that game for town.

You have no special abilities beyond your word and your vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

This is truly disgraceful, and I wish I was still alive so I could make you all lose.

You are Naglfar, Town Unemployee. You lost your driver's liscence after switching random people with eachother all game as bus driver and getting mislynched for it. Now it doesn't matter because you've probably deserted SF for mafiascum or something.

You have no special abilities beyond your word and your vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

I'm always scummy, don't care. I have embraced it.

You are Scumnori! You are obvious scum and get wagoned on Day 1 constantly regardless of alignment. Unsurprisingly this also happened in SFMM2. Outside of mafia you're kind of a drunk creep and this doesn't really help matters for you. Due to your intense scumminess, you of course flip as SCUM, ANTI-TOWN, MAFIA-ALIGNED death miller (Vanilla Townie).

You have no special abilities beyond your word and your vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


jesus christ i just fucking posted

do all my posts have to be in fucking rainbows for people to notice them

Here to lead the Mafia subforum once again in your (totally non-canon) third term, you are Reinfleche, Town Miller Governor (Town Miller).


Governor (Active): During the day, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - NOW IT'S REIN TIME!" If you do, you will cause everyone to have second thoughts about the lynch at the last minute, and it will be called off.

Miller (Passive): You keep some pretty incriminating objects in and around your house, so if investigated, you will appear to be a member of the mafia.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


Okay, fuck subtlety, but I'd badly like to win this game.

You are Balcerzak, Town Moderator (Disabler Cop), and you're here to get revenge for the injustice of Haze being petty and designing a role entirely to spite you. Even though some would argue that it's better than not being a role at all.


Mafia Flake (Active): Each night, you may ##Scan another player, checking their alignment with your non-existent Mystic Eyes of Scum Perception and informing them that you will get back to them with your result (but of course failing to do). You will learn their alignment, but also disable their abilities for the following day and night. This affects both active abilities (protects, kills, etc) and passive abilities (miller, bulletproof, etc). Your sanity is guaranteed.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

I am more often browsing on my phone than on a pc. If I am on my phone,

I cannot see your Avatar, your Signature, or your Profile.

Please don't ask me to refer to any of them, as I most likely cannot see them! Thank you~

You are ELIESON, FRIENDLY SERENESFOREST WORKING DAD and Town Phoneposter (Two-Way Courier). You try to post in Mafia and get on IRC a lot but most of the time you're at work which results in you mentioning being on your phone pretty much every time you write a post. This doesn't actually make your activity suffer as much as one would probably think.


Phoneposting (Active): During the day, you may ##Message <Player> ":words:". These :words: will be sent to them as soon as a moderator notices, and they will not know you were responsible unless the message says so. You may only send messages twice per day. Additionally, other players may message you by using the same command with you as the target, but you may only receive up to two messages each day, and messages sent to you during the night phase will only be received the following morning.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


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I'd like to thank my followers for being awesome, though it was to be expected since I am an awesome king.

You are Helios, Townie G (Hunter Vigilante). Overall you're a pretty cool dude but recently you've been feeling pretty down about having a couple bad games. Now you're here to make up for this and bust those scum up as Based Sun God of internet forum serenesforest.net.


Hunter (Active): At night, you may ##Target another player. If you die, you will attempt to take down the most recently targeted player with you. This ability will bypass ordinary forms of kill protection / immunity.

Vigilante (Active): At night, you may choose to ##Driveby. This will kill the last player you targeted. You may not use this ability and target somebody in the same night.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

eh. if you want to lynch me, then go ahead. I won't hold it against you.

You are Manix, Town Australian (1-Shot Lynchproof Insomniac). As a result of being waffly and defeatist as town all the time, you are notably better at scumhiding than playing town and the odds of you improving have been decreased significantly by you giving up so much. Isn't it sad, Manix? ;_;


Time Zones (Passive): You may post during the night phase.

Demotivation (Passive): The first time the town attempts to lynch you, you will give up, which will somehow WIFOM them into not lynching you and doing nothing that day. Maybe they just want you to survive so you can suffer. Assholes.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Yes and fortunately I'm not Sho and I don't get lynched because I behave like an asshole from time to time. Moot point Kay, on a streak of posts I don't consider town at all.

You are Excellen, Town Badass (Town Virgin). You're one of the few abraisive SF mafia players who are perfectly capable of playing a good game and acting like an aggressive jerk at the same time, which is worth mad respect. According to Haze, you are also an amazing poet. Unfortunately neither of these things let you do much more than shout at people.


Mafia of the Manly Men (Passive): Should you die, manly tears will be shed at your unjust SSBU-level early death and all killing actions during the soonest night phase after your death will fail.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Also congratulations rolling the role with a quote of the dude condescending you.



huh.gif I guess I was sorely mistaken.

You are Core, Mafia Retiree (Vanilla Townie). Obviously you're town, you are so tired of rolling scum and getting lynched early on that you would flip out if you ended up being scum again because that is absolutely not what you need right now.

You have no special abilities beyond your word and your vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Or at least that's what you want the town to think.

This was a game where I really needed to roll town for personal reasons, and of course I rolled scum. I found it hard to stay interested and I've come to realize that I'm awful as mafia.

You are actually Core, Mafia Retiree (Scum Godfather)! Just kidding you rolled scum again. You hate everything.


Buddies! (Factional): You may speak with your scumbuddies, Shinori and Elieson, at any time in this quicktopic.

Nightkill (Active, Factional): If none of your teammates are already doing so, you may ##Nightkill another player at night to remove them from the game.

Godfather (Passive): Your buddies' dedication toward bussing you has distanced you enough from them that you return Town to alignment checks. Additionally, you have in your possession one (1) Pink Robot, which will defend you from the first killing ability to target you.

You win when # of scum > # of town and at least one member of your faction remains, or when nothing can stop the same from happening.


No thanks. If being more active means posting eleven times per second like you do, I'm good. I'd rather flex my muscles.

You are Nightmare, Town Kamen Rider (Town Roleblocker). You are the best Town Roleblocker ever, succesfully managing to block scum several times in a row... on all the wrong phases, which got you PGO killed. You were also totally obvtown scum in Manly Men until Kay subbed in for you even though she only subbed so she could play with you. Maybe you should actually join Mafia games more.


Confine Vent (Active): Each night, you may ##Roleblock another player to prevent them from using active abilities that right.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Or at least that's what you want the town to think.

Snike can you do me a favour and not put any grenades in my locker? kthx.

You are actually Haze, Mafia Host (Scum Limited Roleblocker)! You're on the run from the town because even though you hosted the best game to ever grace SF these ingrates are still not satisfied. Perhaps this explains why you randomly stopped playing games here (and dropped out of Anonymafia, jerk).


Buddies! (Factional): You may speak with your scumbuddies, Bluedoom and Elieson, at any time in this quicktopic.

Nightkill (Active, Factional): If none of your teammates are already doing so, you may ##Nightkill another player at night to remove them from the game. You may not use this ability and roleblock somebody in the same night.

Roleblocker (Active): As host, you may ##Roleblock another player at night to deny them their night results, causing any active abilities they use to fail. You may not use this ability if Paperblade (Elieson) is already updating the game for you (read: rolecopping somebody).

You win when # of scum > # of town and at least one member of your faction remains, or when nothing can stop the same from happening.


I disagree re: me echoing. And as for hanging back, I may not be that aggressive but I have not been lurking around being neutral either.

You are Subieko, Town Stalker (Town Rolecop). One day you signed up for Mafia and played a solid game despite nobody knowing who you were. The next day you became a Pichu and disappeared after you got lynched. Seriously who are you anyway?


Stalker (Active): Each night, you may ##Stalk another player to lurk the forums and learn of their role.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Or at least that's what you want the town to think.

[00:41] Paperblade did something happen in my mafia because I see people arguing about rules on the last page

You are actually PAPERBLADE, Mafia Town Mafia Town Mayor (Scum Limited Rolecop)! ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ claimtome etc. You can not seem to make up your mind about whether you're not that great at mafia or if it's everybody who plays on SF that is terrible. All things considered it's probably both.


Buddies! (Factional): You may speak with your scumbuddies, Bluedoom and Shinori, at any time in this quicktopic.

Nightkill (Active, Factional): If none of your teammates are already doing so, you may ##Nightkill another player at night to remove them from the game. You may not use this ability and rolecop somebody in the same night.

Rolecop (Active): As mayor, you may ##Query another player at night and ask them to claimtoyou. You will learn their role the following morning. You may not use this ability if Haze (Shinori) is already leading the town as magnificent host slash tyrant (read: roleblocking somebody).

You win when # of scum > # of town and at least one member of your faction remains, or when nothing can stop the same from happening.

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boring af postgame wall of text i wrote while the game was ongoing:

Gameplay Comments

This game was terrible. D1 - D2 were passable but a majority of the people alive on D3 played like shit and everything went downhill from there.

First of all, the "I don't feel like playing this game so I'm going to selfvote" bullshit needs to stop. It's entirely anti-wincon, disrepectful to your mod and your alignment, and even similiarly demotivates your fellow players. If you're tired of mafia while in a game, take a rest from the thread and go back and read when you're refreshed. Most of the time motivation comes back after a flip too. Tempted to agree with Weapons' policy lynch approach toward this in future games because it's lame as all hell.

Semi-related: "I don't mind if I get mislynched" is awful too. Town gains nothing from you rolling over and dying and whenever somebody says this I want to punch them because like Weapons said or at least implied at one point it's trying to sound helpful when it's actually the complete opposite. It's also basically a softclaim. If you don't care if town lynches you then keep it to yourself.

Shinori, I realize you were scum but I seriously hope you would not out who you suspect to be the town cop if you were town. That's absolutely fucking terrible.

People hounding Aere on mixing up his role name were being silly. Paperblade was entirely right that it's reasonable for a Vanilla Townie who wouldn't check their PM often to mix up their flavor.

Problem with Shinori's D1 wasn't asking for town reads so much that the question post was pretty blatant active lurking since it did nothing to catch scum or push town in the right direction (question 2 was the only useful one). Throwing out town reads when those reads aren't in danger is rather useless in general and often boils down to padding out posts, and while I don't think talking about town reads by itself is a scumtell, it's often unnecessary.

Finally, town here needs to put more stock in using flips when scumhunting, especially scumflips. This is the most basic of Mafia basics and Elie's flip should've affected D2 way more than it did. While not clear, Paperblade looked a lot better than people gave him credit for after D1, and Shinori should've looked a lot worse given his switch away from that wagon.

Player Comments

No in-depth player analysis, but I'll give short comments for everybody.

eclipse and Paperblade were all pretty decent as usual. Only significant issue with Paperblade is his late D2 - if people weren't lynching Helios but you didn't want Aere lynched, why stay voteless instead of pushing Helios harder or finding a solid lynch everybody could disagree on? Issues with eclipse were mentioned in above section, notably the Paperblade vote and being okay with own lynch even if she was hunter. Also felt she let off Shinori's temper tantrums too easy. Otherwise, she did a fine job of being pro-active. Weapons was alright until he went full-on retard D4. I don't give a fuck about your playstyle, that was not the time for back to back quicklynches and it looked like you weren't bothering to re-read at all anymore. What the hell were you thinking? Also don't understand why you dropped Shinori and didn't bother looking into Shinori's play after Shinori became a policy lynch.

Manix and Bananas need to stop going 24+ hours without a vote because that makes them deadweight in a game with 72-hour or less deadlines. Boron was alright but kinda lurky and I think she fell under the same voteless problems as Manix and Bananas a couple times. Helios was similiarly alright but should have actually used his night talk; it frustrates me whenever I put an Insomniac in a game only for the player to not use it until they're forced to claim. It's not that useless of a role, since even if you're the only Insomniac it allows you to get your thoughts out early and before a potential NK.

Cam is hard to judge because he was V/LA or otherwise busy for half the game and demotivated at the same time. Some of his votes came off as "vote first, think over and explain later" though which is questionable play. Kay is also hard to judge due to early exit. I thought her D1 was a bit too murky in the middle - couldn't clearly tell what her thoughts on scorri were following the unvote and there was no real reason for her to wait before revoting Aere if she found Aere scummy.

Aere's biggest issue was how he kept quiet about everyone he wasn't voting, making people assume he had no opinions. His Weapons case sounded unconvincing since he used wishy-washy words like "sorta" and "weird" without explaining what was weird about Weapons' post. On a more positive note his response to Marth's end-of-D2 post was perfectly on-the-mark about what was scummy about Marth but then nobody listened after his lynch gg

Rest of town's issues were due to bad scumdars in general and that's not something I can just fix.

Elie I've talked to on irc, not that great at scum advice but he should get a better grasp of RVS and survive longer as town for future scumplay. RNG is kinda a bitch wrt that latter point though. Marth was a perfect example of why lurkers should be put under heavier scrutiny instead of ignored like everybody was doing (weak prodvotes don't count). Core barely got to do anything before getting quickhammered by his scumbuddy which was sad yet hilariously fitting for his role. Everything relevant to Shinori is in the first section so yeah. While I'm frustrated with him in some ways I do think he deserves credit for realizing he could get away with the Core quickhammer (even though it was technically ~bad play~), and especially for figuring out Paperblade-cop and the eclipse double-kill. He's probably Game MVP since he played the best out of the scum and nobody on town was particularly on-the-mark at all.

Set-up Comments

Idea behind set-up should be pretty obvious - two-way courier exists to organize town once claimed, ideally through cop results, but the cop's disable effect and the message limit stops the courier from sweeping the game as town leader. I was expecting the courier to inform players how to contact them in the courier messages but apparently not. Hunter Vigilante was because I like vigs and wanted to have a useful killing role that could pull off multiple shots.

The Manix role was originally just an insomniac and the Excellen role was originally a VT, I gave them last minute buffs so that town could have some kill-stopping abilities to go with their vig (and also because the Manix flavor was too perfect). Didn't want to have an actual protective role though since Disabler Cop was pretty powerful if it survived for several phase cycles.

Scum roles were pretty generic. I decided to limit the Roleblocker and Rolecop because the roleblocker was very powerful if the hunter-vig was discovered - scum could block the hunter vig to prevent it from choosing a new target, then shoot it to kill two townies instantly. In hindsight it might have been better if I just gave the rolecop no limitations but made the roleblocker 1-shot.

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My only issue with the role is that disabling on both sides means that I can easily misfire, but eh. I feel this was probably the worst game I've played in a while. My apologies, Prims.

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