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I Can't Believe It's Not SFMM3 Minimafia - Game Over


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I was all right up to D1. Then I got sick for most if not all of D2, which really screwed me over in being able to concentrate on the game. My workload during D3 and the amount of activity around that time certainly didn't help either, and I hung back because I could barely understand what was going on and because I couldn't contribute anything of importance. What made this game worse for me was that EVERY SINGLE PHASE END FELL AT A TIME WHEN I WAS IN CLASS.

And then you guys lynched me right before I could even get on and defend myself, approximately two hours after the day phase began. I already said it, but it is ridiculous that you guys all jumped on me like that. Not to mention that if today was a normal day, you guys would've lynched me right as I was leaving class. :/

Edited by Seoyeon
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Okay I need to post this.

I apologize to everyone in this game. I specifically apologize to Cam, Boron, Paper, Prims, and Eclipse. During the day phase that I had my spat I was pretty angry over various things and truthfully had lost the desire to play this game. With that happening along with my anger/annoyance at what happened in all of day 1 as well as to the fact that Marth wasn't talking to me at all in the QT wasn't helping with planning wasn't posting in thread I basically felt like I was alone and was frankly pissed off about it.

In my anger I said somethings I definitively should not have said, especially to Eclipse, and I am sincerely truthfully sorry for this.

I am extremely sorry to Prims who hosted this game. I partially ruined this game and I feel terrible about it. I do have some personal issues with you, for example the sentence you chose to start off the QT with. It most likely was in joking manner except you know how people see you as an elitist and you know our past conversations and reactions towards each other haven't been the best so it's hard for me to actually see you as joking about it. I don't quite know how Elie/marth felt about it, but meh. I still am sincerely sorry to you for what I did in your game.

Cam and Boron, I'm sorry. I made the game unfun for both of you in my spat of anger and pressing peoples buttons and causing issues. I shouldn't have done this and making you guys have no fun really made me hate my self for this game. Once again, I'm sorry.

Paper we have our arguments, we had one just over IRC. I'm sorry. I stated somethings in thread towards you as well that I shouldn't have said, this applies to both you and eclipse, I brought up xenoblade post game and I feel bad about it, because even though you guys were only trying to help me, I chose to be an asshole towards both of you in return. Which isn't how it should be done.

Over all I am sorry to all of you, and to other players of this game. I was mad, and I was purposefully pressing some buttons that i shouldn't have just to cause confusion and to mess with peoples emotions.

I agree with what Paper said about my stunt on IRC.

After what I did to Cam/Boron I feel extremely bad. As I've stated to a few other people on SF already, if people do not want to play with me anymore because of this game. I will withdraw from SF mafia after all ongoing games are done. Please pm me about this if you feel you have anything to say, I don't want anyone who DOESN'T want me to play with them to get any flak for saying so.

I truly am sorry.

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shinori even if what you did was frustrating for other involved players it wasn't "quit mafia" levels of bad. sometimes people fuck up, that's when they learn from their mistakes

Edited by Prims
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shinori even if what you did was frustrating for other involved players it wasn't "quit mafia" levels of bad. sometimes people fuck up, that's when they learn from your mistakes

The only issue is I'm known for letting emotions seep into my gameplay sometimes whether i mean for it to or not. If something like that happens and it ends up making people have no fun then I don't want to do that. I don't want to cause people to not have fun. I'm not here to do that.

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My phase ends were when I was at work, so eh. It happens.

Yeah, I could've worked around the phase end time, but I think the biggest factor for me was getting sick and not being able to catch up.

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Yea. You've never really blown the hell up like that before, AFAIK. And after I died D1, you were alone. Marth didn't really do much. Core really didn't do anything at all. I can see how that'd be frustrating.

Just learn from it man.

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shinori even if what you did was frustrating for other involved players it wasn't "quit mafia" levels of bad. sometimes people fuck up, that's when they learn from their mistakes

I agree with this. I think that it's not worth quitting something that you take the time to do like this (and that you might enjoy). Like, I've made my fair share of errors, and screwing up stuff (and boy do I need to stop being so defeatist all the time, it doesn't help anyone (thanks for that flavor, Prims)).

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You are ELIESON, FRIENDLY SERENESFOREST WORKING DAD and Town Phoneposter (Two-Way Courier). You try to post in Mafia and get on IRC a lot but most of the time you're at work which results in you mentioning being on your phone pretty much every time you write a post. This doesn't actually make your activity suffer as much as one would probably think.

**OHO, <Insert Flattery Here**

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yeah sorry about those shitty phase end times. i'm not fully familiar with everybody's schedules and i'm a couple hours behind most of yall so i typically just pick a random time in the middle of the day following confirmations then stick with it

Edited by Prims
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i think the only people who "ruined" this game were shinori, for the dumb forced-vitriol ragequit gambit yesterday which is the sort of thing that just make sthe game unfun for everybody
I saw too many appeals to emotion. I have half a mind to make that a modkillable offense, because it's not FUN.

I agree with this stuff and it goes along with everything else I said. I'm sorry about it and I feel that it should be modkillable to do something like that. Or policy lynch from now on.

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I just have one question. When you say "Marth should have been put under more scrutiny for the inactivity", isn't that just something that's easier said in hindsight? Rein made ONE post, and scorri didn't post much either, however they were town. I was told inactivity wasn't a scumtell.

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not "policy lynch lurkers" so much as "pay attention to them". i got the impression people just forgot marth was playing and didn't bother to look into his content given how little anybody talked about him. aere's end-of-d2 vote on him was pretty good

Edited by Prims
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Lurking is a play-style in some situations. However in this case it was obvious he wasn't trying to actively help town. Rein was something that happened on day 1 and was force mod subbed during night 1 so meh. Marth is different than the rein situation.

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I think the fact that I knew Marth wasn't very active in general for IRL reasons affected my read on him, but like you said just about everyone's scumdars were a bit off this game. Just gotta learn and do better in the future.

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My only issue with the role is that disabling on both sides means that I can easily misfire, but eh. I feel this was probably the worst game I've played in a while. My apologies, Prims.

Oh gosh, this can be interpreted weirdly. Lemme clarify:

I thought my in-game play was terrible. I didn't have too much issue with the game itself.

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3 points from my side, all of which were present in this game, but are also issues in general.

1) Prims already touched on this, but stop self voting, regardless of what side you're on. I applaud WoMC for keeping his policy vote on Shinori until the phase was over and wish more people had done that. This ties into a more general point of just because something worked for you once or twice, doesn't mean it can't have been shitty play and in that case you shouldn't do it again and again and justify it with "well I did it back then too".

2) Playstyles. It's true that there's no one correct playstyle for mafia (at least not right now), but that doesn't mean certain aspects of what you're doing can't be bad or "wrong". If multiple people point something out to you, or better yet do so over multiple games, then you should question what you're doing and possibly attempt to change it, otherwise you won't be getting anywhere.

3) Stop being so fucking touchy. We're not a bunch of assholes here for the most part, so don't get so upset whenever someone criticizes you.

I'm not in the mood to greatly elaborate on this, but I hope you at least grasp the gist of it.

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