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Lucina and I practice/race at FE4!


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Lucina and I have decided to have a little fun with FE4 which we need practice on anyhow in terms of drafts [goodness knows I still gotta finish the FE4 Olympics draft that I'm in "Don't Worry Baldrick I'm pretty much done with Gen 1 I just haven't logged it yet"] but this will help us learn the game a bit better, its gonna be basically a set of Casual runs, this was Lucina's idea we are gonna see what turn counts we get as well.

We are gonna record and post videos as well. Wish us luck haha.

Also we have decided no RNG abuse or anything

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This isn't practice. This is a race!

A race that I am totally going to win.

We'll see about that WON'T WE!? xD


<Jedi> I wonder who I should pair up x.x

<Jedi> lol

<Lucina> Ethlin x Ardan is legit

Lucina's OTP is Ethlin X Ardan

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If getting better at FE4 will motivate you to finish, I approve of this thread.

Are you doing full teams or draft teams? If it's the former, I'll be very interested to see which gen 1 units are the most useful (I have theories, but I haven't been able to test them yet).

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If getting better at FE4 will motivate you to finish, I approve of this thread.

Are you doing full teams or draft teams? If it's the former, I'll be very interested to see which gen 1 units are the most useful (I have theories, but I haven't been able to test them yet).

Yes it will motivate me to finish Baldrick.

Also Full Teams, Although Jamka is probably still gonna die

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One (or both) of you should pair Ardan and Ethlin, because from my experience, it isn't that bad, except for no Brave Bow.

this man knows what's up

the one he's thinking of is aideen and jamka/midir

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Lester-Ardan is pretty cool. He doesn't need the Brave Bow to be awesome.

EDIT: Then again, I've only played Ch6 with that file, but still, he's pretty cool.

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Where did that music come from? Anyways, just a couple of pointers.

-You can have Sigurd kill one of the enemies right in front of Jungby with an Iron Lance or a Steel Sword if he's procced 2 STR and canto into the boss' range. This lets him chip boss enemy phase and finish off next turn, saving a turn.

-You can either have Sigurd Steel Lance the enemy on the bridge or you can have Cuan help him kill it with Javelin.

-Positioning Ethlin near Sigurd/Cuan (before the boss of Evans I mean) could possibly result in a sibling/lover crit which would have helped a lot.

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holsety!corple for the fucking win

Clearly someone has never played with Holsety Patty. Which when you guys aren't racing through turncounts should try out. It's ridiculously fun.

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