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FE4 Lockstep


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1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Sigurd, Ardan, Deirdre, Celice, Oifaye and Julia are free for all to use.

3. First, the we each draft one non mother unit.

4. Then, the rest of the characters (2 mothers and 4 other characters) are RNGed.

5. Most characters will remain undrafted.

6. Every player uses the same team.


1. Undrafted units may only: Recruit characters, participate in Talk conversations and special events that do not require the participants to be lovers.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, giving Charisma bonuses, using the Give command, or participating in Lover/Sibling criticals.

3. Other and Neutral units may do as they please without penalty.

4. Arena use is allowed and encouraged, and does not need to be recorded (pre chapter)

5. One chapter must be submitted to the neutral moderator (BBM) every five days. To prevent RNG abuse each castle must be filmed.

6. Once all runs for a chapter are in, the moderator will update the points and release the first place save file for all players to update with. If there is a tie for first place, whoever submit'd first is the save file used. Saves are exchanged at the end of each chapter.


1. Non-holy weapon users (Noish, Ayra etc.) have a 3 turn penalty per unit per castle.

2. Holy weapon users (Levin, Shanan etc.) and Dancers have a 7 turn penalty per unit per castle. Example: Using Noish (if undrafted) en route to Jungby results in a 3 turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby, you take another 3 turn penalty if you use Noish while en route to Evans.

3. Using the Give command is a special 12 turn penalty.


1. Generation 1 units may lose a bout in the Arena and then die to an enemy while unequipped to prevent them getting married. The enemy must have no other friendly units in his attack range and must finish the character in a single round.

2. Briggid, Claude and Tiltyu are free to use in Chapter 3.

3. Dew may lower the bridge in Chapter 4 if undrafted. He may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty.

4. Leaf, Fin and Janne are free to use in Chapter 7.

5. Shanan is free to use in Chapter 7 until Yied is seized.

6. Not pairing mothers, skipping a draftable unit, or letting a drafted unit die results in a 776 turn penalty.

7. Midir may be attacked in prologue with no penalty.


Lucina: Fin

SB: Alec

Jedi: Shanan

Cam: Aless

PKL: Lex

(Strider): Hannibal

RNG: Dimna, Dew, (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna), (Briggid, Faval, Patty)

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Already getting practice from the race i'm doing with Lucina [that video is taking forever to process ._.] You can blame SB and Cam for pressuring me to join tongue.gif

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The team was drafted on IRC. Also PKL joined, and Rein got to pick one of the non-mothers.

Lucina: Fin

SB: Alec

Jedi: Shanan

Cam: Aless

PKL: Lex

RNGd Mothers: (Briggid, Faval, Patty), (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna)

RNGd Non-Mothers: Dimna, Dew

Rein's pick: Hannibal

Team: (Briggid, Faval, Patty), (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna), Fin, Alec, Shanan, Aless, Lex, Dimna, Dew, Hannibal

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Well I'm all submitted for the prologue.. I nearly killed myself trying to get 11 turns which I managed to do with Ardan, Noish alone and yet with this team I only manged 12 o.O

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I realize now I shoulda sold Cuan's Steel Lance and gave it to Sigurd so he could ORKO the Bridge guard because he coulden't with Silver... But eff redoing it again

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