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impressionable youngsters who begin to think it's cool to snort as many watermelon seeds as they can into their nose while posting.


That's a good line!

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The FE community as a whole is a fairly mixed bag. SF is lucky because the worst members tend to be driven off and largely ignored by our memberbase (and subsequently start acting like it's the SF community that is bad; the only redeeming value, because it amuses me greatly). It's plagued by the flaring egos of mid to late teens and young adults, and fortified by the impressionable youngsters who begin to think it's cool to snort as many watermelon seeds as they can into their nose while posting. All in all, SF does pretty well for itself and it's not too hard to fit into. I don't suggest ever getting "involved" in any FE community though. If you start to treat it as anything more than a casual experience, you'll quickly see the very ugly and pitiful side of the FE fanbase.

That said, I still love these guys! From the timid, socially awkward sweethearts to the self-important-but-in-reality-minuscule egomaniacs. Maybe I love me too, I wouldn't want to say it in public though. I might be disowned by the largely self hating FE fandom. Well I mean in reality they're self hating, but everyone just likes to pretend it's awful except for them and their friends. In reality everyone else thinks those people are awful too, and so on and so forth! I dream of a day where people just accept that we're all one, so we can move forward as one big mass of terrible. Those would be happier days, I think. No more arguments between two equally silly people who think they're normal and the other person is silly, while a bunch of other people wearing clothing made out of tinfoil and wrapped up t-shirts for hats saying "wow, look how silly they are! Glad we're not like that, huh guys?" watch as if it's the most absurd thing that has ever happened in their lives.


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