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What's your catchphrase?

Zak Something

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Specta's catchphrase is: You're all my bitches.
Kitty's catchphrase is: You're all my bitches.

I guess it's true

It said so twice

Edited by Spectakitty
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Marth's Catchphrase is: I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours

Oh my god, so true.

<Insert Real Name Here>'s catch phrase is: You're an S!

The fuck?

Bluedoom's Catchphrase is: All in the name of me.

Wow, sounds nice. at least I'm not a banana. :3

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Creeper's catchphrase is: You're all my bitches.


Sharpy's catchphrase is: I'm homo.

Explains why Xmas keeps following me whenever I use that name.

Mr.Limerick's catchphrase is: Whatever.


Silver Harpoon's catchphrase is: Unfortunately, you won't interest me unless you're 2D.

I was such a nub

The Insane One's catchphrase is: Whatever.


<insert real name>- You're an M!

Wow, it got it right.

The Folgore Ranger's catchphrase is: Catchphrase? lol. what catchphrase.


Refa-5's catchphrase is: I am the ruler of all things useless. SO TRUE

Radmac's catchphrase is: All in the name of me.


Fire Emblem's catchphrase is: I am the ruler of all things useless.

Serenes Forest's catchphrase is: Yeah **** you too. Ohohohoho

SF's reaction to trolls.


Edited by The Gentleman
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