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[FE10]Random Route Split and "Screw Micaiah" Draft


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1. This draft is for 7 players.

2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use.

3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks.

4. Haar is banned from drafting.

5. The game will be played on Normal Mode.

6. Battle Save is only allowed at the beginning of turns.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses.

3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty.

4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters).


1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2.

2. Volug is free for 1-5.

3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P

4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1.

5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2.

6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1.

7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3.

Special Rules:

*Micaiah cannot equip Resolve, Wrath or Adept at any time.

*When everyone has their team drafted, non-forced characters will be randomized by random.org to a team in Part 4. ie. someone drafts Oscar. RNG says 1 for that unit. That means Oscar must go to Silver Army. 1= silver, 2= greil and 3= hawk. Units like Titania who are forced to a route wont count. Same with characters that dont exist in the route split.


Jedi- Edward, Boyd, Nealuchi, Laura, Mia, Shinon, Tormod, Heather, Makalov, Giffca, Danved, Ena

CR- Nolan, Elincia, Marcia, Gatrie, Nailah, Tibarn, Naesala, Mordecai, Rhys, Caineghis, Meg, Oliver

*PKL- Jill, Nephenee, Ilyana, Zihark, Janaff, Rolf, Lucia, Sanaki, Ranulf, Astrid, Stefan, Kyza

Quint- Titania, Soren, Tanith, Leonardo, Calill, Tauroneo, Pelleas, Muarim, Lethe, Nasir, Renning, Kurthnaga

Lucina- Volug, Oscar, Aran, Sigrun, Brom, Kieran, Ulki, Fiona, Skrimir, Vika, Bastian, Volke

[spoiler=Units Remaining]





Jedi- 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0

Silver: Nealuchi, Laura, Shinon,

Greil: Boyd, Makalov, Danved

Hawk: Edward, Mia, Heather

CR- 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0

Silver: Marcia

Greil: Nolan, Meg

Hawk: Gatrie, Mordecai, Rhys

PKL- 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2

Silver: Jill

Greil: Nephenee, Zihark, Rolf, Astrid, Kyza

Hawk: Ilyana, Janaff

Quintessence- 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0

Silver: Calill, Lethe

Greil: Leonardo

Hawk: Tanith

Lucina- 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0

Silver: Oscar, Brom

Greil: Kieran, Ulki

Hawk: Volug, Aran, Fiona

Edited by CR-S0I
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I find the micaiah restrictions a little silly, considering she might be the only thing you get in the very annoying desert chapter (imagine oscar in it or a generals bleh)...

I know i can't join and such but eh.

Edited by SlayerX
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Then draft Sanaki, Sigrun, Naesala or Skrimir. :P

And yeah, In this now.

Eh, I guess, but then what about the last unlucky three who have no guarantee... It makes for interesting play with the drafting though.

Edited by SlayerX
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Eventhough I can play PoR it'll be awhile before I get my RD copy back but PKL wants me to join even if it'll be a long time before I can play RD so yea.. put me in I guess

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Jedi- 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0

Silver: Nealuchi, Laura, Shinon,

Greil: Boyd, Makalov, Danved

Hawk: Edward, Mia, Heather

CR- 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0

Silver: Marcia

Greil: Nolan, Meg

Hawk: Gatrie, Mordecai, Rhys

PKL- 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2

Silver: Jill

Greil: Nephenee, Zihark, Rolf, Astrid, Kyza

Hawk: Ilyana, Janaff

Quintessence- 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0

Silver: Calill, Lethe

Greil: Leonardo

Hawk: Tanith

Lucina- 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0

Silver: Oscar, Brom

Greil: Kieran, Ulki

Hawk: Volug, Aran, Fiona

Edited by CR-S0I
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Silver - No-Resolve-Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Resolve Calill, Lethe. Nice, if only Lethe were Skrimir, lol, too late.

Greil - Ike, Rafiel, Titania, Soren, Muarim, Leonardo. o.O

Hawk - Reyson, Manith, Resolve-Tauroneo (lulz), Pelleas. XD

RNG loves me!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Silver - No-Resolve-Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Resolve Calill, Lethe. Nice, if only Lethe were Skrimir, lol, too late.

Greil - Ike, Rafiel, Titania, Soren, Muarim, Leonardo. o.O

Hawk - Reyson, Manith, Resolve-Tauroneo (lulz), Pelleas. XD

RNG loves me!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Wouldn't Muarim or Soren benefit more from Tauro's resolve though?

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Wouldn't Muarim or Soren benefit more from Tauro's resolve though?

Actually yes, probably it's better for Soren cause I don't know if Muarim is losing half of his HP unless I launch him to Arcwind Sages. Besides, he wouldn't be doing any hard work due to having 5 units, and, basically, there are just 3 jobs: throne room, chest's room and reinforcements.

Lol, Tauros is destined to offer Resolve to someone else :(

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  • 3 months later...

CR - Nolan, Elincia, Marcia, Gatrie, Nailah, Tibarn, Naesala, Mordecai, Rhys, Caineghis, Meg, Oliver


1-P - 5/5 turns

No Brolan 0/10

1-1 - 4/9 turns

The joys of having both wrathmaster Edward and Brolan.

1-2 - 5/14 turns

Edward and Brolan charge up and Leo escorts Laura while not getting hit. No thani because lolnoresolveMicaiah.

1-3 - 6/20 turns

NOlan is the best.

1-4 - 5/25 turns

screw the seraph robe, it's not like Miccy will ever need it in this run. Also forge!Brolan is so good here.

1-5 - 6/31 turns

Boring, next.

1-6-1 - 4/35 turns

Adept!Sothe goes LEFT and Nolan goes up because Miccy can't do anything without resolve :(

1-6-2 - 2/37 turns


1-7 - 5/42 turns


1-8 - 4/46 turns

Thankfully, I picked Nailah so I didn't really have to use Miccy.

1-9 - 8/54 turns


1-E - 5/59 turns


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2-P - 8/67 turns

Elincia trololols dracoknights by bonking them on the head with a staff.

2-1 - 5/72 turns


2-2 - 5/77 turns


2-3 - 5/82 turns


2-E - 1/83 turns

Lincy is the best.

3-P - 8/91 turns

Skrimir is retarded.

3-1 - 6/97 turns

Free unit was adept!Boyd because two range.

3-2 - 3/100 turns

durr hurr celerity

3-3 - 9/109 turns

CELERITY GATRIE BEST, RESOLVE RHYS SO GOOD. That extra turn was spent getting hammerne.

3-4 - 7/116 turns


3-5 - 2/118 turns

Reyson got attacked by everything but dodged because I'm stupid

3-6 - 7/125 turns

BROLAN IS SO BRO. Meg drained gauge with wind edges and killed untransformed scrubs. Miccy was support bot.

3-7 - 12/137 turns

Absolutely nothing was accomplished except for Mordecai's strike rank.

3-8 - 5/142 turns


3-9 - 3/145 turns


3-10 - 5/150 turns


3-11 - 4/154 turns


3-12 - 3/157 turns

Brolan GOES DOWN, and I targeted the allies to GO WAY LEFT on the first turn. Then Brolan destroys everything he touches, but allies insist on coming down anyway like retards ;/.

3-13 - 2/159 turns

Boobs Nolan* kills Ike on turn 2.

*epic typo

3-E - 5/164 turns


and hahaha, route split tiem

Silver: Miccy, Sothe, Leanne, Marcia, Naesala

Greil: Ike, Rafiel, Brolan, Meg, Nailah

Hawk: Tibarn, Elincia, Rhys, Brodecai, Gatrie, Reyson

4-P - 3/167 turns

I can't drop Miccy anymore, eh? ;/

4-1 - 4/171 turns

Epic torch Ike

4-2 - 4/175 turns

Tibarn, Elincia, Gatrie, Rhys, Reyson is overkill as fuck. This involved 2 rescue uses from Elincia, one for Rhys and another for Gatrie, after he cleared the near entrance area. Mordecai dealt with the 3 generals near the start and then stayed near that area. Lincy was at the top before she rescued Rhys and then flew over trees to rescue Gatrie. Then she sent the Rescue back to the convoy after getting something so Micaiah can hammerne it later. Reyson fullmoves and vigors Tibarn on turn 1 but then transforms on turn 2 so he has enough move to vigor Lincy and Rhys. Lincy needed to help out with the boss area on turn 4 because of the 2-rangers.

4-3 - 5/180 turns

YES. Thank you biorhythm. Miccy hammernes rescue and otherwise doesn't do much but finding another item to send it back to the convoy for 4-5. She got a few kills near the edge of the start so Marcia and Naesala didn't have to track back or waste time there. Marcia and Naesala had to dodge arrows and stuff, but otherwise I didn't abuse at all.

4-4 - 8/188 turns

This was as low as I could get it without a magicker. Also got Oliver for the lolz, since he didn't really cost turns this time around

4-5 - 1/189 turns

Lincy GOES UP and rescues over Gatrie right next to Izuka so he doesn't have to trudge through the swamp. Tibarn shoves, Brodecai smites, and RHYSSSSSS shoves. Capped mag is YES.

4-E-1 - 2/191 turns

This is the result of having 4 royals, Elincia, and a nice flier. Elincia uses yet another charge of rescue here, and then Oliver hammernes it but has it traded away by Micaiah so he can counter on EP even though he's awful even with a huge BEXP dump and other resources haha. (Miccy has stillness) Gatrie, Meg, Nolan, Mordecai, etc. clear up the stuff near the entrance.

4-E-2 - 1/193 turns

Pass!Tibarn goes straight through and gets a nice shiny wishblade.

4-E-3 - 1/194 turns

Having 4 royals is quite nice, I would say.

4-E-4 - 1/195 turns

Again, 4 royals is amazing for endgame.

4-E-5 - 3/198 turns


Edited by Seregil
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  • 3 weeks later...

Random Route Split and "Screw Micaiah" Draft

[spoiler=Drafted Team]


[spoiler=Free Units]


Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden


1-P - 5/5


Standard stuff, Eddie doubles enemies, Miccy kills bandits.

1-1 - 4/9

Nolan blocks the path from enemies, Miccy and Leo kill from the rear.

1-2 - 5/14


Rush Laura!

1-3 - 5/19

Sothe kills the fighter, gets the keys, Miccy trades them, then Leo moves, trades the keys and opens the door. Then he shoves Miccy for the 5 turn clear. Meanwhile, the yellow units attract the archer on the other side of the wall and block enemies from advancing. Leo couldn't get much kills :s

1-4 - 7/26

I need Beastfoe and the Robe for Leo. Note: He used the Dracoshield at 1-P

1-5 - 6/32

Miccy is supposed to be screwed, but she keeps getting sp insanely.

1-6 - 6/38


Stage 1 (4 turns)

Tauros takes the northeastern enemies as well as the peggy reinforcements. Sothe goes left with Adept and cripples enemies there. Leo got some good kills and level ups :D

Stage 2 (2 turns)

Tauros shoved Sothe.

1-7 - 5/43


Moarim killed Djur. Vika died, lol.

1-8 - 5/48

The Draco slowed me down. Sothe moved up, then right, then down. Miccy kills the mages, priest and soldier that come more near, while Leo took the south part and Muarim the western.

1-9 - 7/55

Result of no-resolve-Miccy.

1-E - 5/60

Muarim killed Jarod. Paragon Leo got 2 level ups 8O


Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

2-P - 8/68

Credits to Sal.

2-1 - 5/73


2-2 - 5/78


Lethe and Luchi are the best.

2-3 - 5/83


2-E - 3/86


Calill gets to lv. 14, caps Magic and breaks Lud's shit with Meteor spam.

Part 3: Intersecting Vows


3-P - 7/93

Titanic rushes.

3-1 - 4/97

Tits stole Soren's Adept. Btw, she promoted near the end of the chapter.

3-2 - 2/99

CeleriTits ferries Wrath Soren.

3-3 - 7/106

CeleriTits goes up (east and west), Ike Passes on and gets the northwestern supply and the crown. Soren gets the one in the middle. Gatrie burned the two supplies on the south.

3-4 - 6/112

Tits ferries Celerity Ike.

3-5 - 1/113

Tits short axes Lombrosso.

3-6 - 7/120

Beastfoe Leo goes east. He looks like base Shinon with that draco and robe.

3-7 - 12/132

Move it! Lethe got to S rank.

3-8 - 4/136

Titania is so pro. A forge was needed.

3-9 - 3/139

Meteor Calill Adepts Zoroark.

3-10 - 4/143

Again, Celerity Titania.

3-11 - 4/147


Manith with draco, book and wing. :O

3-12 - 3/150

Tuaroneo promotes and kills things down there. Meanwhile, Sothe and Miccy kill things on the east.

3-13 - 2/152

Bronardo and Lughnasadh.

3-E - 4/156

Skrimir and his gang end things.


Part 4: Gods and Men

4-P - 3/159

Lethe slows things down >_>


4-1 - 4/163

Boots Pass Torch Ike down, Leo and Tits west, Soren east.

4-2 - 6/169


This is supposed to be a 5 turn clear, but Tauroneo has fuck retarded move. Celerity Tanith is a hurricane.

4-3 - 7/176

Shit no! Lethe, not you again...Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

4-4 - 5/181

Muarim is the best at ferrying Soren to doors up ledges.

4-5 - 1/182

Pelleas gets a scroll and double resuces Pass Tanith. Then, she Tempest'd Izuka.

Endgame - Rebirth


The Chosen Ones:

  1. Ike
  2. Micaiah
  3. Sothe
  4. Sanaki
  5. Kurthnaga
  6. Ena
  7. Leonardo
  8. Tauroneo
  9. Muarim
  10. Lethe
  11. Calill
  12. Titania
  13. Soren
  14. Tanith
  15. Pelleas
  16. Renning
  17. Rafiel

4-E-1 - 2/184

God, this chapter takes so much time. Pass Renning goes west and hand axes (forge) the bishop, Pelleas verrines gens on the east, Pass Ike kills the two saints, Calill is vigored and flares a gen defending the sleep bishop, CeleriTits rushes from her initial position and kills him with the forge, Tanith tempests the bolting sage and cantos to the sniper, Soren meteor kills the blizzard sage, Leo kills the sniper and equips Double bow, Micaiah, Resolve Tauros, Soren, Sothe and Leo make a block to protect Rafiel. The rest is killing random shit.

4-E-2 - 1/185

Credits to Hammer Bros.

4-E-3 - 1/186

Yune's Blessings:

  • Ike - Ragnell
  • Micaiah - Rexaura
  • Sothe - Peshkatz
  • Sanaki - Purge
  • Kurthnaga - Ebon Breath (A)
  • Leonardo - Double Bow
  • Tauroneo - Brave Axe
  • Muarim - Fang (A)
  • Lethe - Claw (SS)
  • Calill - Rexflame
  • Titania - Urvan
  • Soren - Rexcalibur
  • Tanith - Wishblade
  • Pelleas - Balberith
  • Renning - Wyrmslayer

Ike, Titania, Renning and Tanith wyrmslay Dheg.

4-E-4 - 1/187


Calill Rexflames one spirit, Leo DBs the other one, Tanith Adept Wishblades another one and Tits Sol Urvans the last one. Pass Parity Boots Ike is shoved by Muarim and doubles Sephiran, then Miccy double Purges (vigor) Sephiran for the kill. Note: Pelleas rescued Tits.

4-E-5 - 2/189

Lol no, I'm tired.

Unit Records:

  1. Titania
  2. Ike
  3. Sothe
  4. Micaiah
  5. Soren

Whoa! 189 turns! If it weren't for the gimmicks of the draft I would've scored...umm like 185 turns.

However, don't screw Miccy again

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