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If there is one thing that you could've changed

Esau of Isaac

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If you could somehow just wave your hands and make it true, what is the one thing you'd change within the gaming community's past? Maybe the success of a game that would stop your favorite company from going belly-up? Perhaps the annihilation of a lame studio that changed videogames for the worse? Or it might be you'd just have loved to try that one sequel that was promised but never got around to being made.

There are so many that really get me like the final Chrono game (at the time thought to be Chrono Break) that never came out, or Troika's bankruptcy directly after releasing V:TMB. But if I had to pick just one, it'd probably be to make Dreamcast have been a success somehow. Damn I loved everything about that console. It was such a shame it died the way it did.

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Maybe some Japanese game/series being released in english. It's not necessarily the most important thing, but its something I feel would be a fairly simple positive.

Don't know which one though. Could certainly be another language besides Japanese.

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Microsoft not ruining the awesome game that is Tales of Vesperia. I don't see why the Xbox 360 version couldn't get the extra content.


Get in line. There's a bunch of Directors Cuts from Japan that didn't make it to the western world.

What I would change?

Electronic Arts DEVOURING Westwood Studios.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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all I want in life is the fucking kingdom hearts 2 final mix

/all I want/

(note: in a language i can read)

Well they do have translation patches for it. I'm not really experienced on how to do it and have yet to try, but they're there apparently.

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all I want in life is the fucking kingdom hearts 2 final mix

/all I want/

(note: in a language i can read)

Well they do have translation patches for it. I'm not really experienced on how to do it and have yet to try, but they're there apparently.


Patch here: http://xeeynamo.blogspot.com/2011/07/kingdom-hearts-ii-final-mix.html

In that situation, I'd change the fact that the US localization team in KH1 went behind the Japan's back and added Sephiroth in there, thereby starting this "tradition".

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I still wish for a happy happy boxed official version, but given this evidence I change my vote to Mechwarrior Online had actually been Mechwarrior 5 with campaigns and shit again instead.

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Well it's looking pretty good so far. The gameplay's pretty solid.

I'm hoping they'll have some way of giving a good lance simulation aspect that the others obviously had with a campaign. I mean team deathmatch is fun and all, but...

...And now I'm going to go play some MWO. >__>

Edit: Also Clan 'Mechs are coming. I want a Mad Cat so bad.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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For Nintendo to have stayed the course they were on six years ago and not gone into crazy land with 3D screens and overpriced consoles.

Their "innovation" factor is everything. If they hadn't had that mindset in the first place, they would have fallen behind like they did with the Gamecube generation.

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Their "innovation factor" is what made them fall behind in the first place. ( ¬‿¬)

<nintendo> 3d virtual reality polygon star hunts celda with connectivity!!!!!!

<gamers> we'll just be over there at the pc and playstation..... actually playing video games

Edited by Ike-Mike
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I kind of agree. While it would be neat, I'm okay with the way they are now.

The iDOLM@STER being brought over, more Summon Night games brought over is what I want.

And more F-Zero.

Edited by Emerald Knight
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Their "innovation factor" is what made them fall behind in the first place. ( ¬‿¬)

<nintendo> 3d virtual reality polygon star hunts celda with connectivity!!!!!!

<gamers> we'll just be over there at the pc and playstation..... actually playing video games

They're still printing money now. :P

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Their "innovation factor" is what made them fall behind in the first place. ( ¬‿¬)

<nintendo> 3d virtual reality polygon star hunts celda with connectivity!!!!!!

<gamers> we'll just be over there at the pc and playstation..... actually playing video games

How was the N64 innovative? I thought Nintendo fell back because the thing still used modules rather then CDs, that it was their lack of innovation that made them fall back.


Btw, I kinda had to chuckle a bit on that one. I went from being a pure PC gamer to playing almost exclusively Nintendo games. As found as I am for Warcraft 2, I don't regret anything.

PC gaming is a pain. There always seems to be a problem with some piece of hardware or software. Or a paranoid copy protection. It rarely goes without a problem.

And installing takes a long time. Often I have to reinstall the whole thing which may or may not make a difference.

And for some reason, even though you have to install the game, it's always required to keep the CD in. You would think that it would be able to read the data direct from the hard drive but nope.

And[ of course there are the codes that need to be inputed. Is the code in the case? Or in the manual somewhere? Eventually you might end throwing one of it away or loose it. And those the code require caps? Is it a "l" or an "I" or a 1? It's always so much fun.

And once the game actually runs, there is a lot of readjusting to do, to make sure the game runs with the right combination of performance and graphics...

Which usually involves to leave the game to go to the main menu, then after changing the settings go back to load the game and hope that it works properly. If not, rinse and repeat until it does.

And there is no guarantee that the performance at your current save will be able to maintained for the whole game. You get in a performance-heavy area or in certain situations that occur often and you have to go through the whole procedure again.

And if you just can't get the game to work in a reasonable manner, you just wasted like 60€ on useless junk. And there is the whole thing about relying on patches to finish the game after the people already bought it.

I played through Descent II without any sound whatsoever. Age of Empires II would almost never play music either. I recently bought a AoE compilation, hoping that they would have sorted it out by now. Nope, 20€ wasted. Hours of google search and fiddling around couldn't help either.

I also tried reinstalling "Battle for Middle Earth". All my units got killed after like 5 minutes. Was it a glitch? Or another paranoid copy protection mechanic. After it happened a few times I had to google. Turns out: Paranoid copy protection. Lots of fiddling around trying to solve it. And always had to play 5 minutes to see if it worked. Nothing helped.

In an act of desperation, I simply tried reinstalling it into the default folder and... it actually worked. That's how EA takes their customers for granted. The thing that decides whether you can play or not and will let you know you can't in the cruelest way possible, gets triggered just because you dare not to install onto the C-drive. All those wasted hours are merely my just punishment for paying them money.

"The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion" had a absolutely horrible German localization. They called the default healing spell "Fireball" for starters but it was worse then the actual translations. Essentially the game wouldn't save if you tried changing the controls. It's been a while but I think it was because the German controls were saved in an unique file so they can sell the same version in all of Europe but take the unique keyboard layout of Germany into account. The game saved the changed into the English file but always opened the German one which of course didn't contain your changes. Sure, something like this can easily be missed during playtesting. It's not like Oblivion was a big budget title or anything...

And from what I heard, publishers came up with all kinds of new cruelties to torment PC-gamers even further. Online registration for single player games. I think that started with Half-Life 2. Limiting the numbers of installations you can make. Always requiring you to be online when playing the game and other fun stuff.

I could go on all night about this. Point is, I think by comparison playing Nintendo games is like paradise these days.

Edited by BrightBow
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