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Shattered Honour Chapter One


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Elroy is the stand-in quartermaster after the death of the old one, mostly because he's a good scavenger. Better yet, although he doesn't like it, he has to give this shit to you for free!


1. No shoving, stabbing, or otherwise messing up the queue.

2. You may take up to one throwing weapon, one melee weapon, and one spare.

2a. Throwing weapons, crossbows, and longbows count as thrown weapons.

2b. Your spare MUST be a 1H melee weapon, or nothing at all.

3. If you can use a shield/buckler, and elect to do so, you may NOT choose a 2H melee weapon.

4. You may only take weapons you know how to use. That means I'd better not see rogues with longbows.

5. Crossbows count as 2H weapons.

6. You MAY take a crossbow and buckler, but you'll lose the buckler's evasion bonus if you have the crossbow out.

BROADSWORD: 1H Slashing, 3 MT, 6 HIT

LONGSWORD: 2H Slashing, 5 MT, 6 HIT

BATTLEAXE: 1H Hacking, 5 MT, 4 HIT

POLEAXE: 2H Hacking, 7 MT, 4 HIT

MACE: 1H Crushing, 4 MT, 3 HIT

HAMMER: 2H Crushing,6 MT, 3 HIT

LONGBOW: Longbow, 6 MT, 1 HIT


HATCHETS: Throwing, 3 MT, 2 HIT

DAGGERS: Throwing, 1 MT, 3 HIT

KITE SHIELD: 4 evade, protects against arrows

BUCKLER: 2 evade




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Jacob spends a few minutes tracking down the man called Elroy, and, after a short discussion, walks away carrying a crossbow and a broadsword,electing to wear his own light armor instead of going for something heavier.

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"Some folk can't help but go on and on, I'm glad someone else feels the same way. You can call me Tordel."

"Perhaps they're all just nervous after what's happened, I mean, it's not like I could blame them. And, Jordan, sir." Tordel, that's a strong name. I'm sure I'll be able to rely on him. Pushing his way past what was left of the door, he made his way to the quartermaster. Already sporting ringmail and a crossbow, he felt he needed something more personal. Something that might make him look... tough. The battleaxe looked like it would manage to do just that, so he was handed one along with a buckler. "It's a bit heavy, but... I can still swing it, somewhat." Alright, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

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The preceding argument went in one of Varon's ears and out the other. He barely even reacted to Jordan introducing himself. As responsive as a potato, his sisters used to say.

When he realised that it was time to get equipment, Varon moved to the queue while clutching his bag of personal belongings (various seeds and plant parts, a mortar and pestle, some poultices, some flint and tinder and a fair quantity of explosives) tightly to get his equipment. The only weapon he had any military training in was a crossbow but he took a mace as well. He'd had to swing a hammer quite a lot before he left home to fix old fences or put up new ones and the mace felt fairly similar. Varon also opted for leather armour, since the only work he was accustomed to required light clothing. He'd slow everyone down too much with anything heavier.

After receiving his gear, Varon went outside and occupied himself with making some sparks with his flint. Not setting anything on fire this time though.

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"Perhaps they're all just nervous after what's happened, I mean, it's not like I could blame them. And, Jordan, sir."

Jordan, he seemed reliable enough. He'd keep an eye out for that one. Tordel made his way over to Elroy, who wouldn't be happy to see Tordel completely unarmed. Taking a longsword, kite shield and a couple of hatchets, Tordel also eyed up the chainmail. deciding to take it. Going into battle would be easier well armed.

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Jack glanced at the people still deciding what group they want to be a part of, shrugged, and wandered out to the quartermaster. There he glanced over his current equipment, and decided to supplement his sword, shield, and ringmail with a spare sword and some throwing knives. After gaining these, he wandered back into the area where the discussion was going on.

(OOC: To be clear, he has a broadsword, a spare, and a kite shield)

Edited by scorri
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Bilbo looked over those fools hurrying to get weapons and armor and other things with the purpose of battle. He gave them a disapproving look. He was given a crossbow (though no real training) and something which some people might call armor if they looked at it cross-eyed back when the army took him as medic, and he was offered a mace but the mere thought of wielding one made his bowels jumpy.

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As more and more people leave the burnt out inn they've been using as their base of operations, Jacob walks back inside and stands near the group heading for Lord Randel's outpost. He takes a moment to look over his various items, making sure he'll be ready to leave as soon as necessary.

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Jacob reaches out and shakes the man's hand instinctively, as if it were something he did often.

"Jacob Moore. You seem cheerful. I'm afraid in my current frame of mind, I'm not going to be the best company you could ask for. Still, disregarding the circumstances, it's nice to speak with you."

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"Well, of course I'm cheerful, meeting a handsome fellow like you. Why don't you tell me a little more about yourself, get to know each other, you know, the usual? After all, we're lucky enough to be in the same group here. Who knows where this might lead us?" Jack said with a wink.

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Jacob considers the man in front of him. It would be best to get to know his traveling companions a bit more, he decides.

"If you'd like to know, I'll tell you a little. I spent most of my life as a farmer, and I didn't know many people. Eventually, due to some strange circumstances, I ended up tending a bar, where I ended up meeting a lot of people fairly quickly. You can judge for yourself whether or not I've gotten any better with people.

He glances around as more people are sorted into their groups.

"Well, if you feel up for it, tell me something about yourself."

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"Ah, well, I'm not overly important. I'm just an army recruit, same as most people here. I'm just a friendly fellow who likes to say hello is all. Never know what might come of it." He grinned suggestively at Jacob.

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Rine tried to find that "Elroy" person, though he did not manage to do that alone, and had to ask for directions once. His bow was the only thing he used for a long time, so he didn't feel any need to have any more equipment with him... Still, it sure would be a nice addition, so why not?

When his turn came, he approached the merchant, staring at the weapons first and then facing him. "I'll want a Broadsword, a Buckler and a Light Armor. Oh, and a Crossbow too". Demanding so much felt odd for him, especially after what he's been through all those years.

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Lena waited her turn patiently as well, not trying to push or hurry anyone along. There would be plenty of time for both of those once the mission started, but for now, what mattered is her getting her weapons. Calmly she waited, and then when it was her turn, she came up to the merchant.

"I would like a longbow and a shortsword as well. Can't really wield much more without a serious problem." she said with a happy smile.

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[spoiler=OOC and notices]

"I'll want a Broadsword, a Buckler and a Light Armor. Oh, and a Crossbow too".

If you treat common objects as proper nouns again I will fucking disembowel you. Also, Archers aren't proficient with any shields.

Everyone who has decided on their equipment, start statting yourselves up now.

Edited by Furetchen
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[spoiler=OOC and notices]

If you treat common objects as proper nouns again I will fucking disembowel you. Also, Archers aren't proficient with any shields.

Everyone who has decided on their equipment, start statting yourselves up now.

Please do, for some reason I typed them with a capital letter while knowing it is a mistake. >_>


Rine left the armory/whatever it was with the equipment he asked for, leaving the buckler because he remembered just how clumsy he was with shields. Either way, why would he even need shields? That was plain stupid.

He spent the rest of the time watching those who would go on the supply run with him.

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Chisford emerges from his pavilion in an even fouler mood than he was in before. "Still here, are you? THEN GET THE FUCK MOVING. Our supplies can't last forever, and neither can we."

He leaves as quickly as he arrived. You'd best get moving.

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Having gotten his weapons, Jordan was at a loss for what to do, until Chisford stepped out and gave them all a bit of "motivation". Guess we're really doing this. He made his way back over to Tordel, preferring to stick to someone than lead others. "Looks like we're off then, sir? Should probably try to round everyone up before we really leave. D'you want my help with that, or can you handle that yourself? I'm not that good at speaking." He scratched his head, unsure of himself once again.

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With a nod to the man he had been talking to, Jack walked away from the inn a little bit and then turned back and faced the group. "Alright then. I'm Jack, and since no one else seems to have the guts to stand up and say this, I will. The group that's heading to meet Lord Randel should gather here. As soon as we have everyone we'll head out. Or, if we don't have everyone in the next, oh, five minutes, we'll leave without you and you'll either have to catch up or stay here. It's up to you. I'll be waiting." With that, he turned his back on the group and started to do one final check of his equipment.

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Jack started running as quickly as he could in the direction of the sobbing. Either someone's hurt and need help or there'll be someone I can comfort. And hey! Who knows how that'll turn out. He continued trying to find the source of the sobs with a slight grin on his face.

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