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Today's been pretty bad


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So today, I woke up with extremely low blood sugar (I'm diabetic) at my friend's house. My dad was calling me to pick me up for swim practice. When I stood up, I got instantly dizzy and I passed out and hit the floor.

I woke up in an ambulance like an hour later covered in blood. I had fallen over and smacked my mouth against the ground. One of my teeth was pushed so far back up my gum only the crown is showing. Another one got split in half. My braces got completely fucked up. Plus, I needed 15 stitches in my chin, and ended up in the hospital for 8 hours before coming home. I can't eat real food and I'm not going to school for a bit. Or swimming.

Yeah :/:

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Yeeeow, I had something similar happen as a kid, though no teeth hurt and only 10 stitches in the forehead. I was hoping they'd come up with something more elegant by now. My sympathy is yours :[

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Low blood sugar sucks. In the future keep some starburst or mentos on hand. Eating a few of those help bring it right back up. Sorry to hear about what happened to you today though. I wish you a quick recovery and that you never have to experience this again!

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Low blood sugar sucks. In the future keep some starburst or mentos on hand. Eating a few of those help bring it right back up. Sorry to hear about what happened to you today though. I wish you a quick recovery and that you never have to experience this again!

Well, I didn't know I was low. It was because I hadn't eaten enough carbs to cover my lantus the previous day, so it was acting too well, and when I woke up, I just collapsed. I didn't have time to eat anything.

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Yeesh. I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Something similar happened to me back in August, though I'm not diabetic. I think it was heat exhaustion. And I hit my neck instead of my head and against the edge of a table rather than the floor, resulting in an injured trachea and talking and breathing issues for a couple days. I had almost passed out though. Didn't get up for a few moments.

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So I was at an orthopedic surgery place for a few hours today, they put some composite on teeth numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 (top 4 teeth) to help repair them, my gums are all beat up though. And the stitches are all weird and ugly, but bandaged, so it's all cool ;D

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So today, I woke up with extremely low blood sugar (I'm diabetic) at my friend's house. My dad was calling me to pick me up for swim practice. When I stood up, I got instantly dizzy and I passed out and hit the floor.

I woke up in an ambulance like an hour later covered in blood. I had fallen over and smacked my mouth against the ground. One of my teeth was pushed so far back up my gum only the crown is showing. Another one got split in half. My braces got completely fucked up. Plus, I needed 15 stitches in my chin, and ended up in the hospital for 8 hours before coming home. I can't eat real food and I'm not going to school for a bit. Or swimming.

Yeah :/:

Holy fuck. Ow...

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