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Short and simple. Who do you want for president, Obama or Mitt Romney?

Gold Vanguard


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  1. 1. Who do you want for president?

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After Obama blew off meeting the Isreali Prime Minister (can't remember his name), to guest star on The View with Whoopi Goldberg...I'm really not sure

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I pick option 3, neither.

Republicans and Democrats are all about catering to their own special interests and alienate everyone who doesn't fit into it.

Like how Mitt Romney says that "47%" of the voters don't matter because they aren't working Americans and live on "government handouts." That 47% includes the elderly living on Social Security, which is money they've paid into for decades just to get a fraction back. It also includes people on disability, like disabled veterans and people who've been handicapped by accidents, and a lot more. So Mitt may as well say "fuck you" to everyone.

And Obama is draining Social Security to finance his Obamacare. My Dad's paid into Social Security for his whole life, and taking from that is no better than theft. Obama steals from the elderly. :p

And they are both content to force their policies onto us against our will. So yeah, fuck them both. They're traitors to everything this country is supposed to stand for. True freedom and equality are out of the question for both of them.

Neither of them can fix the economy.

Neither of them can create the jobs we need.

Neither of them can do anything that needs to be done.

In four years, we'll just be worse off than we are now.

Edited by Harbinger
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mittens has been screwing up before he even got elected, and obama idfk

but i don't feel like anyone can really trust mittens from all the dumb statements he's making(something about only caring about 40% of america, I can't remember the whole story, i barely watch tv)



there should be an "i don't know" option o 3o

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Which party is actively trying to ruin the careers of teachers, including my mother? Republicans. Granted, Dems aren't helping but at least they are not implying that our teachers are the cause of every ill in this country. -__-; It's not my mom's fault if your "perfect little child" turns otu to be a hellraiser that torments other children because the parent doesn't understand the term "Discipline."


Which party calls most of the people in my field of science liars? Republicans.

It's a pretty dang personal reason why I'm voting for the Democrats. I don't like my mother being spat on and I don't like being called a liar.

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I recently read that unemployment is higher now than ever, primarily due to the Stimulus Package.

More nonworking ppl dipping into the dry Social Security pool...it doesn't make any practical sense.

Edited by Elieson
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I would prefer it if someone whose heart and mind were in the right places were among the presidential candidates. The closest I probably would have picked would have been Ron Paul. But no. The Republicans had to screw up as usual, and choose a candidate whose intellectual verisimilitude is less than Paul's to say the least. I seriously hope Romney loses. I also don't have high hopes for a Libertarian candidate winning because, well, when do they ever win?

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There is no good candidate. We're pretty much fucked no matter which of the two we choose. Ron Paul is most preferable; at least he's honest. I don't see anyone else winning so I'm voting Obama. At least Obama isn't making the rich get richer, he's just kinda stupid about the economy. It really comes down to which is the lesser of two evils...

A man who seems to know nothing about the economy and constantly fucks up decisions that affect everyone horribly?

Or a man who intentionally wants to slant the economy in favor of the 1% and will intentionally ruin it for the little guy?

Stupidity or evil, pick your poison.

Personally, I'm voting Obama because he also supports schools, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Like, I'd hang out with him on a weekend at the park or something. Even if he acts kinda dumb about certain things, like the economy, he seems like he's genuinely trying to fix the country, for whatever that's worth.

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Considering how political debates go, this should be in FFtF....

I personally would vote for Romney if I could, but my understanding of politics is semi-limited. Although, his whole "47% suck" thing was not smart to say in the first place... However, Obama's probably said some stupid stuff at some private event that he didn't expect to be videotaped, and it wasn't.

Socially, Obama might be right, he might be wrong, but Obama's economic plan hasn't really done much of anything positive. (to my understanding)

To tenkiforecast, I had no idea about the teacher issues. It sounded to me like Romney was attacking Democrats for the whole Experienced teachers>Teachers with results issues. Things like this may change my opinion, and I got time, because the next election is a long way off.

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Obama's done his best to try to fix the economy, stop bandwaggoning you cunts.

Oh and Romney created the lead that Obama has over him, ha.

Hahahahah yeah. IMO, Obama needs a second term to get out of the mass of shit he inherited. Economy issues do not evaporate overnight. Plus we need to do something about the Senate and Congress for his shit to even get through. Damn Republicans....Blocking everything. Arasgh.

Obama seems down with legalizing gay marriage too. :): My dream candidate is of a centrist mind but since thats like....lol not happening, Obama is my guy.

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Obama steals from the elderly. :p

everyone "steals" from the elderly when in reality the pensions are getting are unaffordable by the younger generations who have to pay for them because simply what now-retirees put in plus interest wasn't going to pay for it by far and everybody knew this for decades. Especially with babyboomers being the largest social and political group I can simply say it's due to their own mismanagement that they ended up fooling themselves into thinking we'd make money grow on trees to pay for their retirement and no be provably wrong.

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well since your candidate selection ranges from "I have to pretend I'm a batshit insane conservative so I can get re-elected" to "I'm a batshit insane conservative pretending to be an even more batshit insane conservative" to "holy shit I'm so batshit insane I literally think our currency should be based on batshit I mean gold", I'll go with Obama.

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To say that I support either of them would a horrid falsity on my part.

However, picking the lesser of two evils, I'd prefer Obama to win. Ultimately, there's one issue that affects me more than most (and whether this applies to 'most people' or 'most issues' is irrelevant), and Obama is by far the less likely of the two to do anything to screw with it.

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Republicans and Democrats are all about catering to their own special interests and alienate everyone who doesn't fit into it.

Yes and no. Obviously parties will cater to their interests, because that's what political parties are made to do, but they'll also obviously aim to gain the moderate vote as well.

And they are both content to force their policies onto us against our will. So yeah, fuck them both. They're traitors to everything this country is supposed to stand for. True freedom and equality are out of the question for both of them.

I'm curious, what's "true freedom and equality," in your mind's eye? How are the actions of either of these President traitorous compared to any of their predecessors?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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a lot of countries would be better than the US as it is now. UK

Haha... Somehow I don't think so. We're just as fucked as the USA right now.

And Obama appeals to me more because he's not as right-wing as Romney. I think.

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I mixed up this thread and the one below it, and thought this was a poll about naming a dog either "Obama" or "Romney" Given Romney's rode with one strapped to a car roof cross-country and Obama's eaten dog meat while in Indonesia IIRC, those might not be the best picks, though I do think calling a dog "Mitt" or "Mitts" sounds cute

IMO Obama has problems, Romney is a problem. The Democratic party actually does have problems with being beholden to a bunch of contradictory special interests, such that it's going to be impossible to please them all and stay funded without somebody getting lip service, but every time I forget why I wasn't so hot on Romney he just opens his mouth and euuughhhh did you noggheads forget you've been sandbagging things like paying other countries the debt we owe for years now

so basically


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